Famous Best Friend

SUMMARY: Percy Jackson is a soon to be famous actor after his best friend Annabeth Chase persuaded him profoundly. When Percy's fame is rocketing Annabeth is by his side the whole time. Annabeth has to deal with a whole lot with Percy Jackson as her best friend. Especially the Percabeth fan club. I mean they're just friends... right?

I thought of this story in a dream and decided to turn it into a story but using Percy and Annabeth. Enjoy and review. Pretty please? ;)On with the story! BTW (Annabeth and Percy are both 17 years old)

Chapter 1

Annabeth's POV

Today is the day I made my Seaweed Brain try out for the movie The Lottery's Curse. He wanted to become an actor and believe me he had the skill and the talent to become one. His looks didn't hurt either. He was auditioning for the part of a 17 year old boy named Nate Johnson who had nothing and was living on the streets until one day he comes across a lottery ticket and won the lottery.

He didn't want to but believe me I made him and I wouldn't take no for an answer.


The Friday before his audition he was very nervous. We sat at our usual two person table. Percy was the jock who loved swimming and I was the nerd who wanted to become an architect a "God" (Well that's how Rachel Dare put it) as a best friend. As I sat down I received some glares from some very UGLY make up plastered faces. I ignored them and talked to Percy about the audition.

"You ready for tomorrow?" I said to Percy with actual excitement

"No I don't want to do it Wise Girl!" Percy said very enthusiastically

"Well to bad Kelp Head," I said to Percy as I watched him pick at the unappetizing cafeteria food. "Acting is your dream and YOU know it!"

"Yea it is..," Percy said uncertainly "But what if I don't get the part?"

"You will!" I said. I really did think he would get the part. "Just put on a white cheerful smile, state your name, take the script, breath, and act. When Percy acts you would think he was the son of some famous actor. But nope his mom, Sally, is a novelist and his step dad Paul is an English teacher at our school.


Percy and I were in the room with about 50 other guys. But I knew Seaweed Brain would get the part. Everyone's name was called except for Percy's. Some came out with blue card but most of them came out with black. I wonder if black was good or bad.

"Percy Jackson." A lady with a no nonsense personality and a blouse with a pencil skirt came out calling Percy's name. I give him a giant hug.

"I would wish you luck but you won't need it." I said as Percy smiled at me and walked to the door as Mrs. Pencil Skirt led him down the hall way.

Percy's POV

There were 3 men sitting at a table while I was standing.

"Hi I am the director Nick Elodeon," Pointing to the two men beside him "These are the co-authors of the best-selling book The Lottery's Curse."

"Cool," was my only reply

The woman with the skirt handed me a script with the cover The Lottery's Curse in big BLOCK style lettering.

"Start on page 34 when Nate Johnson actually finds the ticket," Nick Elodeon said.

I started reading.

The Lottery's Curse page 34

I was walking down the street when I saw a crumbled piece of paper that changed my life.

I thought it was money so being the hungry homeless person I am picked it up. But no it wasn't money it was the winning lottery ticket.

I knew it was the winning one because I overheard it on one of those big TV screens New York has on certain buildings.

I ran as fast as I could to the nearby Quick Trip gas station almost losing my balance many of times.

I walked into Q.T and the man looked surprised at the numbers he was looking at.

I heard the music that clarified something I already knew.

I Nate Johnson have won the lottery.

But winning the lottery isn't everything people think it is. It curses you.

This is the story of how the N.Y Lottery changed my life

Three pairs of eyes stared back at me with wide eyes. I sighed I did horrible. I got a red ticket then walked out. I sat back down with Annabeth without a word and ignored her frantic "What did they say! What did they say?" I just told her a simple you'll see.

Nick Elodeon came out and said "Black tickets your out of here sorry." Grumbling people with black tickets walked out. "Blue tickets you will either have a very small part or be extras." I waited for him to say red tickets you did SO bad you are banned from acting forever. But no he didn't. Instead he said this:

"Red tickets!" joy twinkling in Nick's eyes. "You got the part"

Annabeth's POV

He did it I told him he would. He got the part! The Nick guy went over and talked to Percy about meeting the cast and crew, filming, table reads, and dates and time.

I have been friends... excuse me BEST FRIENDS with Percy Jackson before he became famous. This is the story of how I, Annabeth Chase have a famous best friend.

Should I continue?

Review Please! At least 5 reviews before I update again. I have faith that I will get at least 5. I was trying to make this chapter 1,000 words long. I know it's dumb to have 3 stories going at once but couldn't help it I needed to type this story out before I lose the idea. So any idea on what I should do next?

Check out my other stories! Please review. It will take only like 10 seconds of your time.