A/N: Well here is chapter eleven. Quicker than the earlier chapters. There is a poll on my page, need people to take. Also if anyone has any ideas as to how they want Voldemort to come back let me know. Either through a review or sending me a message. Chapter 12 will be up in a few weeks time. Thanks R&R-Cherokee

Chapter 11: Meetings and arguments

Harry went about his day as if nothing was wrong. All through out the day everyone had told him that there was nothing Dumbledore could do.

"If Madame Bones is right, come tommorow he and Fudge will be out of all offices. Then he wont be a threat." Ron went as far as saying.

"Just because they wont be in office doesnt mean they cant cause any harm. They just cant cause as much harm as they can right now." Hermione countered.

"Mrs. Granger is right. We need to keep an eye on Dumbledore and Fudge at least till they are out of office. Then just keep tabs on them from there on out till we find out that they are no longer a threat to you Harry." Sirius said.

"Thats the thing. They arent just a threat to me. They are also a threat to both of you. Along with that toad lady, Umbridge. You heard what they said. They want Sirius back in Azkaban, Remus with no job and me out of the wizarding world if I am not under Dumbledore's thumb." Harry said ranting. Once he was done ranting he sat down and looked at his friends. They knew that he needed to rant and not have anyone yell back at him.

That night at the Ministry of Magic, down in court room ten there was an emergency session of the Wizengmot being held. There were twenty chairs for the entire Wizengmot, though not all of them were used. As Harry was not old enough he could not sit in his, Sirius had yet to claim the Black Family chair. And as the meeting was about Minister Fudge and Albus Dumbledore they were not here to sit in theirs. As fudge was not an old house he did not have a normal chair, just the one that went with being minister.

"Madame Bones, you are the one that called this meeting why dont you start." Augusta Longbottom said from her own seat.

"Thank you Madame Longbottom. As you all very well know, Albus Dumbledore has been causing a rucas. Between the article that he had published this morning to everything that he has done to Mr. Potter, and Sirius Black. If this was anyone else he would have already been ousted from office as Head Warlock. Though we can not take the Dumbledore seat from him we can make it so he doesnt have as much power. Also Fudge has been corupt for to many years now. He has been in Dumbledore's pocket along with a few other people. It is time we had a new Minister of Magic. He is to comfortable in his spot. If we dont do something soon one of them is going to try and take over the government." Ameila stated.

"I agree, something has got to be done about the two of them. They have controlled the government for far to long." Jacob Johnson said.

"I agree we should take Head Warlock from Mr. Dumbledore. But Fudge has done nothing to warrent being taken from office." Lucius Malfoy stated. Madame Bones eyed him for a moment before she spoke.

"At this very moment, he is conspiring with Dumbledore to get Harry Potter kicked out of the Wizarding world. For no reason but he isn't going to listen to Dumbledore any more." Bones said looking at Malfoy then around the room.

"The only reason that you want Fudge to stay on is you have him on your payroll too, Malfoy." Madame Longbottom said eyeing the younger man. Malfoy did not deny it nor did he accept it. He just sat quietly.

"All those in favor of removing Albus Dumbledore from Head Warlock raise your hand please." Madame Bones said looking around the room. Every hand in the room was up.

"Now all of those in favor of removing Fudge from office please raise your hand." She said. Only two hands in the room did not go up. That of Lucius Malfoy and Alan Patil.

"The yes' have it. A letter will be sent out imediatley to both parties. We need some one to take over the spot of Minister until we can have an election to get a new one." Madame Longbottom said as she looked around the room.

"My assistant will write the letters out for me and I will sign them." Ameila said. Her assistant was sitting right next to her and nodded.

"We also need to vote on who is going to be the next head warlock." Jacob Johnson added to the mix.

"That is something that can not be done until Albus is here. As he still has a seat on this bench. Also I would like to contact Sirius Black about his spot in the Wizengmot before we go and elect anyone new. I know he will not be the new Head Warlock, but he has a say in the vote." Ameila said.

"Very well, the vote for Head Warlock will happen in one week. Now who should we put in for minister till we can have an election?" Augusta asked getting impatiant. She was an old lady and like to get some sleep. The meeting went on for another two hour until they finally decided Ameila Bones would be acting minister until the elections that would be two weeks away.

Dear Mr. Fudge,

As of this moment you are no longer Minister of Magic. You are to remove all of your belongings before 8am tomorrow morning or all of them will be removed for you.


Ameila Bones

Head of DMLE & Acting Minister of Magic

Dear Mr. Dumbledore,

As of this moment you are no longer Head Warlock. You still retain your house seat though. You may vote on all laws to be past but you do not have any more power than any one else.


Ameila Bones

Head of DMLE & Acting Minister of Magic

Dear Mr. Black,

It has come to the attention on the Wizengmot that you have yet to accept you seat among our group. Though we do acknowlege you will be very busy with teaching, we hope that you will come join us in one weeks time, we will also be choicing the new Head Warlock, at this time.


Ameila Bones

Head of DMLE & Acting Minister of Magic.

The letters were delivered with the morning post. The entire Wizarding world in England was in uproar. Most where happy for what they read in the paper that morning. There was a few though that where on Albus' and Fudge's side.

New Minister of Magic

Fudge Ousted as Minister of Magic

By: Dale Othridge

With a late meeting last night the Wizengmot chose to remove Fudge from office on reasons yet unknown. Ameila Bones the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, shall take over as Minister of Magic until such time as the elections can be held to detirmine a new minister. After the meeting was done with this reporter was able to speak with a few of the members of the Wizengmot.

"It was brought to our attention last night that Fudge was no longer doing what was right for our community, but what was right for his pockets." Madame Longbottom told us as she exited the room.

"Fudge has gotten out of controll. He no longer can serve the Wizarding World as he once did." Jacob Johnson said as he left the room right behind Madame Longbottom. Not everyone is happy with the sacking of Minister Fudge though.

"Minister Fudge has done is utmost for this community. There will be many who are upset with this dismissal of his. It will only go down hill from here." Dolores Umbridge said when asked her opion. Not many people knew that there was to be an emergency meeting last night or the night before. It was a close kept secret for those that were there last night.

Albus Dumbledore Ousted Once More

By: Olivia Wright

It seems as of late that Albus Dumbledore can not keep his place in the world. Ever since he was accused of helping send an innocent man to Azkaban with out a trial and controling one Harry J. Potter, Dumbledore has been pulled from almost all of his posts. As he is no longer, headmaster of Hogwarts, Head Warlock of Wizengmot. The only thing he holds left is Head of the House of Dumbledore and the seat on the Wizengmot that comes with it. There has been speculation as of late weather he should be able to keep it of if it should be past down to his brother of another realitive.

We believe that Albus can no longer serve us as Head Warlock." Lucius Malfoy said to us as he left the late night meeting last night.

"Finally we are going to get some one who doesn't have it out for me!" Harry said with a laugh. All of his friends around him laughed with him. That day there was much talk about who was going to run for Minister of Magic. And who was going to get the newly opened spot of Head Warlock.

"I think that either Ameila Bones should be the new minister of magic for good or your father should run Ron." Harry said that night at dinner. He knew that at least one person would let it leak to the press that he had said that. At least he was hoping. As there was no Hogmead trips coming up before the election there was no way that Harry could meet with Mrs. Wright that he knew of any way.

"I dont know if dad would want to be minister of magic. That is supposed to be a very demanding job. I think he likes his muggle stuff more any way. I think it should be Madame Bones. But if dad does want the job I say go for it." Ron said thoughtfully.

"Why dont you write him and tell him what you think?" Hermione asked. Harry nodded his head at this.

"While you do that I think I am going to hang out with Sirius and Remus." Harry said as he stood up and left the hall. He met the two older men out in the corridor.

"So how are your classes going so far?" Remus asked. Always the responsible one.

"They are going good. I have had potions, divination, and care of magical creatures so far." Harry told them. He would have both Transiguration and DADA the next day.

"That is good. Just dont forget to do good in our class also." Remus said with a laugh.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Take the poll and let me know what you all think. -Cherokee