AN: My first Victorious fic. It definitely references the most recent episodes of Victorious. It is Cat-centric, but also Cabbie. It is only a one-shot. I hope you guys like it.

When Cat Cries


When Cat's adorable face fills with tears it makes me want to do anything to change how she is feeling. She is so sweet and so nice and anytime there is not a smile on the girl's face it is like the entire world is ending. She seems so much younger than the rest of us, though she's technically only the baby by a few months. For some reason though, when Cat cries the whole world does too.


When Lil Red has a tear-streaked face I feel my stomach drop. There is nothing worse than seeing the normally hyper and brightly dressed girl in black and sitting quietly, barely moving. That in itself is an entirely different kind of moving. It makes me want to write songs about this girl, and maybe sing them to her so that I can bring a smile back to her face.


When Cat's face falls and the tears begin I feel like hurting the person who made her feel this way. There's something about the redhead being so crestfallen that makes me feel so protective of her. The childish things that she says and her normally endless supply of energy just make her feel more like a little sister to me than anything else. I want to protect her – because she I believe she needs the protection. So when Cat's body shakes with sobs, I get angry. No one should make this sweet girl feel that way. I want to give her a big hug, tell her everything will be okay. I want to make sure that the world is a better place, so Cat never has to cry again.


When Cat cries, even I feel the ice around my heart melt. There's something so… pure… so innocent… so everything opposite of me that affects everyone around her when that girl cries. She's the one girl that I never had to worry about stealing Beck from me (not that that matters anymore and not that I care). Yes, Cat is gorgeous in an overly cute sort of way, but she's also generous and sweet and actually a good friend of mine (she doesn't need to know that). Sometimes the things that come out of her mouth are so ridiculous that I actually feel my smirk turning up into a smile. So when Cat is upset, and especially when Cat cries, I feel like it changes me. I stop being snarky and start encouraging other people to help her. I can never help her directly because when Cat cries I feel like crying too.


The minute Cat begins to cry is the minute that I feel my heart breaking. It is the moment that I wish I had the courage to tell her everything I feel about her. How seeing her tears are the worst thing in the world for me. How I want to brush them away and kiss her over and over again until she smiles. This is all the stuff I want to do when Cat cries, however it isn't what I do. Instead, when the tears start to flow I look at her sadly, wishing that whatever is bothering her would go away. I lift my hand and reach out to touch her… to somehow comfort her… only to let it float awkwardly for a few minutes before dropping back to my side. When Cat cries I want to be the person who makes every okay again.

AN: When Cat cries my heart breaks too. R&R!