Author's Note: Sorry about the wait. None of the historical characters are mine except Isabel, who replaces the daughter that Anne of Brittany had in 1498 that died. This is sort of a filler chapter.

Time moved on from that February 1494, King Charles traveled to castle Lyon and prepared to leave for Italy to make himself King of Naples. Queen Anne arrived on March 15 and attended all the ceremonies not realizing that she was pregnant and miscarried a girl.

Even with the loss Charles and Anne made the final arrangements for Château d'Amboise to be their son's residence as well as their daughters when they were older.

While Charles was gone Queen Anne spent most of her time with her son and daughters and administering to her kingdom of Brittany as her husbands sister Anne de Beaujeu held the regency powers of France.

She quickly discovered that her Anne was quite inquisitive and smart even as just a 5 months old baby and just as she thought her little Anne was indeed a stubborn baby she only ate when she felt like it and would throw a massive fuse over what she was wearing if she did not like it and even at only a few months old she had color preferences as she threw a fit if she wore anything pink.

Her sister Margaret on the other hand was a laid back baby hardly made any fuss and according to the nurses was a alert and bright baby like her sister.

By early October 1495 Charles returned from the campaign in the in Italy failing in the task to keep the crown of Naples and stayed at the castle in Lyon and the Queen joined him but was forced to bring Anne as she refused to be left and fearing that her daughter would make herself sick brought her with her.

This turned out to be a good thing as a measles epidemic was breaking out in the county of Touraine where Château d'Amboise was. The King and Queen ordered the children to be further cloistered but in mid November the attempts to protect the children failed as first Princess Margaret caught the measels and then their beloved son Charles Orlando the Dauphin. The docors and monks attempted to do everything they could and had some succes as Margaret recovered but the Dauphin wasn't recovering and on December 16th the dauphin died.

Charles managed to hide his sorrow while Anne became almost incosable and was only managing it barely thanks to little Anne who's fussyness and strong will in her opinion may have saved her life. She planned from that point on to encourage her daughter's strong will and to make sure that both she and her heir, as her daughter Margaret was now her heir to Brittany but due to salic law was not the heir to France. She would make shure both of her daughters would be well educated and taught in the running of Brittany should they never have a brother but if they did then they would help him.

By February of the next year Queen Anne was pregnant again and she had discovered that her husbands time in italy had inspired his renewel in the arts but he also continued to make plans for italy. On September 7 Queen Anne delivered a son also named Charles but unfortunatly he died a month later and Queen Anne took her little Anne who was already shaping up to be a handful and full of questions and demanding on things like why couldn't do certain things just because it was a boys thing, and Anne encouraged her daughter even though her husband Charles was not thrilled but he was enchanted by Anne and Margaret and as they were his only living children he doted on both of them. While Margaret was the opposite she was quiet and non-demanding, but both of her daughters were sweet and kind.

In July 1497 she had a son named Francis but he died shortly after birth, but on March 20 1498 she had a daughter she named Isabel. But on April 7 she received a shock when her husband suddenly died after he had hit his head on a lintel and died hours later. She mourned but was secretly thrilled as she was free and could ensure that Brittany would remain separate from France, even though according to the treaty drawn up she was supposed to marry the new King who was formerly the Duke of Orleans now Louis XII but luckly enough he was already married to her husbands sister. She thought of a way around and she told Louis that if he got an annulment within a year she would marry him, little Anne was delighted at how smart her mother was and Anne used the time to govern her duchy and teach her daughters.

Unfortunatly the annulment was granted and Anne married Louis January 8 1499 but as she was now a former Queen and an adult she demanded things that had not been granted before like her title as Duchess of Brittany and that she would oversee her daughters teachings and she took on her husband Louis' daughter Claude with his former wife Joan.

Then in early April 1503 word came from England that Arthur Tudor Prince of Wales had died. Anne quickly realized this meant that Margaret Beaufords plan for the Duke of York Henry were now curtailed and she started writing a condolance letter.