AN: Sorry for the long pause between updates! This chapter is a bit shorter than normal, but I think it ends in a good spot. Feedback is what keeps me going; reviews are greatly appreciated.

"I can't let you do that."

Gohan regarded the Black Demon. He decided to give up on blurring and simply kept his head still. The vigilante before him was small, tiny even, but the strength behind its arm was no joke. Obviously versed in the basics of ki useage, the Demon would easily outclass any regular criminal in terms of power and speed; in fact, firearms may not even have had an effect on it.

"He's already down, he's going to the police," Gohan explained, clearly disliking the blatant use of excessive force.

The remaining able-bodied criminals clamoured to respond.

"We surrender!"

"We give up dude!"

"Yeah! What he said!"

The Black Demon turned and focused its attention on Gohan, ignoring the cries of the remaining criminals. With a very directed gesture, the Demon flexed its captured arm, its eyes hidden behind reflective lenses.

The half-Saiyan stood firm, "Not until you promise that you're done here." He watched as the Demon refocused its attention on the few scattered thugs before it took a menacing half-step forward, ignoring the hold Gohan had on it. The criminals screamed in response. After several long seconds, the Demon turned its attention back to the golden warrior.

Very slowly, the Black Demon nodded its head with obvious reluctance.

A cheer rose up among the four conscious crooks, only to be quickly silenced by another glare from the Demon. Gohan wasn't sure if the Demon could be held to its word. As a precaution, he flared his Ki to even greater heights, hoping to intimidate the dark vigilante. Either the Black Demon was unable to sense his power level, or he didn't care. One was obviously more worrisome than the other.

"I'm going to let you go now," was met with a blank look, "I need you to promise, you are done here," the Demon continued to stare. "Look, I need you agree that you will not hurt these people anymore."

Gohan's last phrase seemed to register with the other vigilante and he got a small nod in agreement. With a sigh, he released the Black Demon's arm hoping he was not misplacing his trust. Stiffly, the Black Demon flexed its arm and fingers to check for any damage, but there wouldn't be since Gohan had been careful. Obviously satisfied that nothing was wrong, the Demon turned to face the remaining gang members as they cowered in fear. Slightly annoyed, the demi-saiyan flared his Ki and directed its intent at the other vigilante.

The Black Demon half-turned and smirked slightly at him, as though to say - I get it, I get it - before taking off, straight up into the night sky.

Gohan was momentarily surprised by this and tried to track the Demon's Ki, but found himself unable to locate it. His attention was quickly called back to the ground as one of the gang members began blubbering his thanks.

"Thank you so much bro!" He leapt forward and gave the golden man a hug, "I thought I was going to die!"

With his arms pinned to his side in an awkward position, Gohan tried his best to pat the man on the back and comfort him, "It's ok now. You all are going to be fine."

"You're so fucking cool," commented another gang member, "That Black Demon almost pissed itself running away!"

"Well..," Gohan drew out, not wanting all this attention, "It wasn't a big deal."

"Wasn't a big deal he says!" another member chipped in, "You whooped his ass without even whooping his ass!"

A moan brought Gohan's attention to the ground. Over half a dozen of the gang members were in varying states of consciousness and splayed all over the floor.

"We should get them some help," Gohan stated, taking control of the situation.

"Oh shit, I totally forgot! Benny! Dude, get up!" One of the delinquents reached down and began shaking his gangmate.

"Stop that!" Gohan yelled, his concern clear, "He might have serious spinal damage."

The man jumped back, spreading his hands wide, "Well shit, that's something that needs to be treated at a hospital. We don't do hospitals."

Gohan glared at the conscious members, letting them know that compliance was mandatory, "You can and you will. There's already been an anonymous call to the police and EMT's-" he cut off one of the gang members about to speak with a hand motion, "You are going to cooperate with the police and you are going to make sure your friends get the help they need."

There were varying responses of enthusiasm, but they clearly had no say in the matter. The Golden Blur had no intention of leaving until the very last moment. And when the police arrived on scene, Sergeant Cent took over the moment the vigilante took off.

Despite his outward scowl, the investigator was privately pleased. The incident gave his task force four witnesses who were fully conscious and functioning with information about both the Black Demon and the Golden Blur. Who knows, his political-martyr-force may actually get to do something.


"... and in line with our new after-school initiative, Golden Industries will be providing legal aid and covering all health care costs for the troubled youth victimized yesterday by the Black Demon's brutal attacks. "

Xel Rohtul turned off the TV with a remote, a shadow of a smirk flitting across his face. Things were looking up.

"In a pleasant mood, I see," Reltub commented, his face an ever polite mask.

"Quite, my dear Reltub," the billionaire explained as he walked behind his seat. Grasping the back of his chair and squeezing it excitedly he continued, "It appears that our publicity department is performing its role admirably. The past 12 hours have been a refreshing reprieve of positive news."

"Sir, our legal team is currently talking with the teens as we speak," Reltub informed him, intent on continuing the trend, "We should be receiving a preliminary report within the next hour or two."

Turning around, the multi-billionaire took a comfortable seat at his desk. Clasping his hands together, he didn't even try to mask his pleasure, "Very good Reltub. Yesterday's incident has given us a golden opportunity, which I fully intend to capitalize on. With more information on this Black Demon, it is simply a matter of time before this vigilante is brought to justice."

"And the Golden Blur?" Reltub asked. It was obvious his master had wanted the question asked; it was simply a matter to oblige him.

"Ah, the Blur..." Xel Rohtul grinned, "Our new arrival, according to the general populace, is a bonafide hero. Not only is he openly revealing himself, but his existence is still being tied back to our company, rightfully or wrongfully so."

His personal butler quirked an eyebrow, an amazing display of emotion for him, "Rightfully or wrongfully sir?"

"Why yes, now if he continues to reveal his face to those he saves, it is only matter of time before we can deduce his true identity," the handsome billionaire explained. Standing up, he passionately continued, "So long as we establish a link with him before the media or general populace can, the opportunities this situation presents are quite exciting. I know Dr. Septavius is more than excited at an opportunity to work with such an extraordinary individual."

"Indeed sir," Reltub bowed slightly, but continued to express his concerns, "And if this new 'hero' interferes with your other projects? How do we ensure his future compliance?"

Xel Rothul frowned slightly, obviously giving the point some thought, "Don't think I haven't already considered these potential outcomes, dear Reltub, but again I must thank you for being a voice of reason and grounding for my excitement." He ignored his manservant's polite nod of acknowledgement and explained his thought process, "But remember, anyone can be bought, it is a simply matter of price. Whether it is money, power, or the continued existence of a loved one, anyone can be bought."

"Very good sir," Reltub bowed slightly. About to dismiss himself, the manservant suddenly brought his hand up to his ear, listening to his earpiece.

Xel Rothul watched with mild interest as his personal servant finished listening to the update. "Yes? Something I should be made aware of?"

To his credit, the butler's face didn't even twitch. He simply replied, "I believe I have more good news for you sir."

Placing his hand over his chest, the billionaire exclaimed, "Why, Reltub, if I wasn't in peak physical condition, I might be worried about my cardiovascular health!"

It took all of his servant's willpower to not comment.

"Too much?" Xel Rothul asked, grimacing.

"Perhaps," came the polite reply.

With a grandiose sigh, the billionaire placed his arms on his desk, "What delightful news do we have?"

"Soil Laen has confirmed your dinner reservations, sir."

Xel Rothul's perfect smile illuminated his office. "It seems everything is progressing according to plan."

"Very good, sir."


Elsewhere, the previous evening's events were also being discussed. This time, the discussion was being held by four high school students in the minutes before class.

"Did you guys hear about yesterday?" Erasa squealed excitedly.

Sharpener crossed his arms contemplatively, "Yeah it was all over the news this morning. Seems like the Blur and the Demon finally ran into each other."

"Wait it's already all over the news?" Gohan exclaimed.

Videl, arched an eyebrow at his surprise, "Really Gohan? Are you that surprised that the city's newest superhero wouldn't be all over the news?"

"Uh…" the half-saiyan sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, "Maybe?"

"Both a nerd and a country boy," Sharpener bemoaned. He raised his hands in mock despair, "What are we ever going to do with you?"

"Shut up Sharpener," Videl punctuated her statement with a blow to his shoulder. It was likely going to bruise later.

"Ow, Videl!"

Erasa pouted a bit before refocusing the discussion, "The Golden Blur isn't the Golden Blur anymore!" she exclaimed before hearts formed in her eyes, "He's apparently really really dreamy."

Sharpener rolled his eyes, "Of course that's what you'd remember from the newscast," Then he saw Videl's raised fist, "Not-t-t that there's anything wrong with that of course."

"Of course! Even the famous reporter Soil Laen says he's good looking for his age! And he's apparently our age."

During this byplay Gohan looked down at his desk, trying desperately not to blush. Don't let it show. Don't let it show.

"I don't see what the big deal is," Videl commented, "So he's the Gold Fighter now, he's still the same guy."

Erasa replied, "But he's dreamy."

Her reply prompted a snort from the fighter and a thoughtful look from Sharpener.

"Actually it is a big deal."

Everyone, including Gohan, turned to look at Sharpener.

A bit surprised by the sudden intensity of everyone's focus, the blonde took a moment to regain his thoughts, "Well… the way I see it. Before, he was a myth. Something that wasn't necessarily real. But now everyone knows he's real, that makes a big difference."

Videl frowned in thought, "But what about the Black Demon? Isn't that the same thing? Everyone knows the Demon is real since a few days back."

"I know where Sharpener is going with this," Gohan cut-in suddenly very passionate, "It's about giving people a face to see. He's not just some mask-less spectre that terrorizes criminals. He's someone that victims and criminals alike can see—it allows for people to establish personal connection."

"See and connect with?" Videl demanded, suddenly angry, "Ok, I understand maybe why it'd be comforting for the victims of a crime. But, why are we trying to connect with criminals? I'd much rather they get punished for their crimes and thrown in jail."

Sharpener was about to comment but was cut off by Gohan, "But people deserve a second chance. Jail is at best a semi-effective deterrent. People still reoffend after their sentence. Instead we need to be offering better options for people and help eliminate the conditions that turn them to crime, not take the easy way and lock everyone up."

"What about murderers, rapists, and other sadistic offenders? Do monsters deserve a second chance?" Videl's passion coloured her words. She shook her head at Gohan's ignorant idealism, "It's people like you that let violent offenders recommit crimes because we let them out giving them 'second chances' to redeem themselves—"

"Excuse me, people like me?" the half-saiyan cut in, obviously insulted.

"Yeah, people who are too weak to do what's necessary. Unwilling to do what's necessary to keep the public safe," Videl continued, oblivious to his hurt. She shook her head in disappointment, "I thought you'd understand better because of what happened with Cell and your dad—"

"I don't see what my father has to do with anything," Gohan interrupted, angry. His friends looked at him in surprise; it was the first time they'd seen him genuinely angry, "You have no idea what you're even talking about."

Trying to calm down the situation, Sharpener attempted to mollify him, "I'm sure Videl didn't mean it like that Gohan."

Before anymore could be said, Mr. Alpha began to call the class to attention. Looking at both his friends, the blonde decided it may best to let them both cool off a little. Videl had a bad habit of getting personal when she argued and unfortunately, Gohan likely didn't know her well enough to know that. It'd be easier to diffuse the situation later.

Erasa on the other hand, was completely bewildered. A conversation stemming from her crush on the Golden Fighter had someone devolved into a philosophical debate. And to make matters worse, now two of her friends were angry at one another!

As class wore on, things didn't get much better. There was a tense silence between Videl and Gohan, one that neither blonde was willing to break. The atmosphere was so intense that everyone sitting in the back section of the room felt it pressing down on them. By the second half of the period, even the front of the class felt the very air dampen down upon them. It made for one of the quietest classes Mr. Alpha had ever taught, much to his enjoyment.

For everyone else it was going to be a problem; the argument wasn't likely to be resolved soon and the air was thick with emotion. In hindsight, Videl realized she may have gotten a little personal, but her pride prevented her from apologizing immediately. It was also disheartening to realize the extent of Gohan's naiveté. To be fair, his views weren't that surprising, but for some reason finding out how he disagreed with one of her fundamental values irked her. Rationally, she was likely overreacting but irrationally, she was still annoyed. And it didn't help that he had dismissed her views.

However, in Gohan's mind, Videl was in the wrong. Yes, both their fathers were victims of the Cell Games, but how had that even been relevant? Where he learned his personal morals and values shouldn't be called into question and attacked. Admittedly, his father may have been naïve and idealistic at times, but he liked to believe the best in people would pay off more often than not. If Goku hadn't believed in others, where would the earth be? Vegeta and Bulma would never have conceived Trunks and without a significant portion of its defenders, the world would be victim to the Androids if not Cell. Not only that, but Videl challenged his spirit and conviction to do what was necessary.

When the periods transitioned, the class remained where they were, waiting for Mr. Beta. No one said a thing. And it was this disturbing silence which greeted 's entrance. Unlike their earlier instructor, was a more interactive teacher and preferred active participation from his students. The teacher was understandably puzzled; every question felt like pulling his students' proverbial teeth. The atmosphere was so disturbing that he decided to end class 10 minutes early for lunch.

Gohan left the room in a hurry, eager to put some distance between Videl and himself. He only slowed slightly when he heard Sharpener calling for him.

"Hey Gohan! Wait up!"

Letting out a sigh, the half-saiyan obliged his friend. He's probably going to try to get me to apologize…

"I'm really sorry about Videl dude." Huh?

The blonde continued to explain, "She gets very passionate sometimes and doesn't really think things through. She kinda rushes into everything, balls to the wall you know?"

"I'm not really sure what you mean actually," Gohan gave a sheepish confession, "What does balls to the wall mean?"

Sharpener let out a bark of laughter, "Man, you're really something else nerd boy."

"Huh?" He still didn't explain anything…

"Basically, what I'm trying to say is that Videl didn't mean to upset you like that, you know?" the jock explained, "She just really got worked up because she actually cares about what you think."

"She sure has a way of showing it," Gohan replied, still surly.

"Trust me," the blonde put a hand on his chest, "The only people who can get Videl that worked up are people she cares about or assholes. And since you're nerd boy, I'm going with the former."

Gohan quirked an eyebrow jokingly, "Who's to say nerds can't be assholes?"

The two of them shared a good natured laugh as they continued down the hall. They carried on in an amicable silence, with both friends feeling a little better.

As they exited the school, Sharpener couldn't help but ask, "You ok though dude? I know Videl didn't mean to upset you, but it doesn't mean she didn't. Sometimes she's just too good at spotting people's weaknesses. Physical or otherwise."

Gohan shook his head and gave his friend a warm smile, "I'll be ok. I don't think I'm really upset with her anymore. I've just always been really sensitive about the topic of my dad."

"You really cared about him, huh?" Sharpener asked, glad to see this more passionate side of his friend.

"Yeah, he was the best person I've ever known," the half-saiyan explained wistfully, "He was my hero."

"I'm sure he was," the blonde replied before commenting, "You know, this was the first time I've seen you worked up over anything."

Gohan awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, "I normally don't get so worked up over things. I don't know, somehow Videl just seems stir up my emotions."

His statement confused his friend, "I thought you two got along."

"Normally we do," Gohan confirmed. He then continued to explain, "What I mean is that spending time with Videl this weekend was amazing. But apparently she can get me worked up too."

Sharpener narrowed his eyes, "What exactly happened after your date with Erasa?"

"We just talked," the half-saiyan replied, "We had a great meal and talked some more. I haven't enjoyed someone else's company like that in a long while."

The blonde's eyes shot wide at that response. He doesn't even realize he's falling for her. Clearing his throat, Sharpener tried to act normal, "Sounds like the two of you had a great time."

"I know I did," Gohan agreed, "Actually I'm pretty sure Videl did too, because she wanted to hang out later this week after school." He then frowned, "I hope she's still up for it after earlier."

"Don't worry about it bud," Sharpener consoled, ignoring the internal twinge of jealousy, "We'll just give her a bit of time. Don't worry, Erasa's got it."


"What was that all about?" demanded Erasa, hands on her hips.

Pretending to be oblivious, Videl asked, "What was what all about?"

"Don't you try to even pretend missy," her blonde friend scolded, wagging her finger, "I'm talking about you going and upsetting Gohan!"

Videl turned, unable to meet her eyes, "You're just overreacting. So I got a little personal, it's nothing new."

"Gohan doesn't know that!" Erasa exclaimed with a wave of her arms, "He doesn't know that you didn't mean it! He looked pretty upset after your litle fight."

The fighter frowned in response, "He's a big boy Erasa. He doesn't need me to coddle him."

The blonde pretended to look confused, "I thought you said he was weak?"

Videl let out a reluctant sigh, "You know I don't actually think that about him. After all he did protect you and everything."

"Then why did you say it?" Erasa asked, curiosity getting the better of her.

"It's just that, I sort of expected that Gohan would've just agreed with me," the fighter explained.

"Why does it matter if he agreed with you or not?" the blonde was beginning to suspect, but it was now a matter of confirming it.

"I don't know," Videl shook her head. Taking a breath, she tried to organize her thoughts, "I don't know. Just after this weekend and spending some time getting to know him, I just thought that...'

"Hm?..." Erasa quirked an eyebrow.

"I just thought he and I just clicked really well, you know?" Videl finished lamely.

I thought so! Erasa tried to suppress her inner glee. She continued to play the reprimanding friend, "And that means you two should agree on everything, all the time?"

"No, I don't expect that," Videl pressed a fist against her forehead in frustration, "I know it doesn't make sense, but I just... I don't even know what I was thinking. Look I know I got personal and overreacted ok? I'll apologize later."

"Good!" exclaimed Erasa, happily clapping her hands together, "Now about you and Gohan..."

Exasperated, Videl threw her hands in the air, "What about me and Gohan? Wasn't that just what we were talking about."

"I'm talking about how you're totally crushing on him, silly," the blonde explained as though to a slow child.

"I'm not crushing on Gohan!" the fighter exclaimed, blushing slightly.

"Well?" Erasa continued, ignoring the outburst, "When are you going to ask him out?"

Videl scowled, "I'm not going to ask him out."

"Why not?" the blonde demanded, "You're a strong woman who doesn't take crap from anybody. What's wrong with you asking to hang out with Gohan sometime?"

About to respond, the brunette closed her mouth and blushed.

Erasa noticed this and squealed, "Oh my god! You already asked him out!"

"We're just hanging out!" Videl defended, "We are not going on a date!" She suddenly deflated, "I don't even know if we're still going to after how I upset him earlier..."

"Don't be silly, Gohan's a sweetheart. He'll forgive you for sure," Erasa consoled, before squealing once again, "We need to figure out what you're going to wear for your date!"

"It's not a date," Videl scowled.

"So when did you two agree to hang out?" Erasa asked cheekily.

"Tomorrow after school," Videl murmured petulantly.

"This is so exciting! Screw the Blur and the Demon! That's yesterday's news!" Erasa exclaimed as they exited the building, "Videl Satan is going on a date!"

"It's not a date!"


Yesterday's news...

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe God Damnit! Breathe!

The Black Demon was hunched over, trying to regain her senses on a roof a few blocks away from the Golden Blur. It was taking all of her concentration to suppress her Ki, leaving her with no energy to stop her body from shaking. She was pathetic. And weak. Weakness felt foreign to her, something from her past. It was entirely his fault.

What overwhelming power! The Golden Blur was untouchable and it had taken every single bit of her resolve to stand strong in his presence. Her first instinct when he appeared had been to run. When she challenged him by further threatening the gang members, her survival instinct had screamed at her to run, but the fighter in her refused. The mission came first.

Thankfully the Golden Blur had stayed with the criminals; perhaps he was aware of their robbery just previous. Whatever his reasons, it seemed that he wouldn't be following. As a precaution, she continued to suppress her Ki and she took off quickly across the building tops, intent on getting home as soon as possible. Not only would she be safer there, but her experience with the Golden Blur had left her outfit drenched in a nervous sweat. Things were going squish in her armpits.

She sighed as she jumped down to a nearby fire escape. At least she had the peace of mind now to complain and possibly joke about her situation. The presence of the city's newest 'superhero' had left her shaken to her core. It was a simple matter to work her bedroom window open before slipping inside.

Her clothes on the other hand, were actually proving more difficult to remove. Though the underlay material of her suit was designed to wick away sweat and moisture, it was not designed to handle torrential rain or its sweaty equivalent. It was a tremendous struggle to remove the final layer as it stuck like glue. Fortunately, the less delicate outer body armour was durable enough to be removed without much finesse. After several minutes of rolling around on her floor, the Demon was able to jump into the shower.

In all likelihood, her mother would continue to sleep on, oblivious, just like every other night. Her nightly patrols coincided with her sudden interest in doing her own laundry. As much as her mother would like to believe, it was not an acceptance of greater household responsibility, but rather a greater one. As the water continued to rinse away her sweat, the vigilante mused, I doubt mom would approve of my actions and views on civic duty…

But it didn't matter. She had a mission. She'd trained for years to make it possible and it was all in memory of her father.

"Bwuhahaha! Don't worry honey bun, nobody can stand against the champ!" her father exclaimed uproaringly.

"But daddy! He's a monster!" she replied, her worry triggering tears, "Look at everybody he's killed."

"He's a trickster, who can't really fight! Those lights and explosion—" the man bent over to hug his daughter as she started to cry full-out, "What's wrong sweetie?"

"You've been trying to do those tricks since you've watched the old martial arts tournaments!" she countered, seeing right through his masquerade, "I saw you do it once! And then you fainted!" her argument was followed by a wail of despair.

The recent WMAT winner's demeanour suddenly turned somber, "The people need someone to believe in honey. Even if it's just for another day. I have to try."

"But, why do you have to fight him?" she demanded, stomping her foot.

Her dad adopted his trademark goofball grin as he patted her head, "Someone has to fight the monsters. For now, that someone will be me."

"But why?" she asked, her tears beginning to drench her top.

He reached down and hugged her for the last time.

"It's because I love you Videl."

And because she loved him in return, she would also fight the monsters.