This story was going to go up after my other story "Ultimate Love story". Which if most dont know theres two sections for the TMNT on fanfiction, The COMICS, and CARTOON . Just incase some of you didn't know. Also giving me time to start on "Ultimate Family Story" to the fans and reviewers of Ultimate Love Story to whom I've promised. One of my reviewers for ultimate love story is in this, and we both put our own minds into it. KellyEliz*

Every body wishes there was someone out there who understood them. Who would be a friend and love them too. Everyone deserves that chance at something. So this story is dedicated to not only to the reviewers of Ultimate Love story, but to those who want someone out there that may not exist in our universe

Well . . .Here it goes~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Tally Ho

He was walking around, scared nervous eyes everywhere, watching everything. He saw shadows out of the street corners and Alley ways creep out at him. This was the first time he was up topside at night without his father or brothers and now he was lost. He went too far, and lost his way back.

"aww, Splinters going to be so mad" He said to himself. He turned into a familiar looking alley, towards a manhole, hoping it would lead him home.

The tunnel was dark, and the sewer water splashed with his steps which were slow at first but became faster with anxiety.

"Man oh man am I in trouble" He repeated shaking his head.

Then he saw it, the way home. Excited he started running towards it. Footsteps pounding lightly because of his size, small puddles underneith him splashing against his legs.

"I made it" He said smiling. Just as he reached to open the door to the small haven, A hand grabbed his, and he screamed.



The familiar , stern and direct voice said making him stop screaming.

"Oh . . .Hey Sensei" Mikey smiled relieved it was him and not some monster from the movie he watched the other night.

"Where have you been my son, Your brothers and I have been worried" Master Splinter said lecturing him.

"I . . .I saw some kids playin' and watched them for a bit, but then I got lost, so I tried to find my way back but . . ."

The old rat sighed. "We shall speak more of this in the morning, it is late and far past your bed time" He ushered the young orange clad turtle in.

Little Mikey went to his room that he shared with his brothers. Four small cotts to fit each of them, that they all found in a junkyard a few months ago.

Each of his brothers seemed to be asleep.

Leonardo, sleeping with himself facing the ceiling. Donatello off on his side an arm supporting his pillow. Raphael who had one leg off the side and one arm out, snorring lightly, his blanket askew. Michelangelo crawled into his bed pulling the covers over his head.

'I just wanted to play with them'. Mikey thought, knowing that he wasn't allowed to be seen. He, his father, and brothers were different, Master Splinter said 'You cannot simply walk amongst the humans, they would not understand who and what we are'.

Eight year old Michelangelo knew that he couldn't play with those boys, so he watched instead. They were on skateboards doing tricks, stuff he wanted to learn how to do.

He pulled his teddy bear 'Ted' in close to him. He knew when he wanted to play, he had his brothers. Even though all Leo wanted to do was train and practice, he would stop to take the time to play with him. Donny liked playing by himself with his small toys that he would make himself, or microchips that he got out of broken toys. Raphie always played too rough, and whenever Mikey wasn't on his guard, he'd end up in a wrestling match, Or Raph would break something of his. Except Ted, Ted was off limits.

'Its gotta be nice, to have friends to play with ya' Mikey thought of those two older looking boys. One with spikey hair, the other with long blonde. He'd heard the words they used and liked them. 'Dude' , 'totally' and a few bad words that Master Splinter says not to say.

'Those kids looked like they were havin' fun, I just wanted to play too' Mikey thought sadly hugging ted to his chest.

'Maybe someday I'll find a friend who'd wanna play skateboard with me' He thought before drifting into a sleep that only a young ones imagination could dream of.

'and games, and hide and seek, and tag, and coloring, and ninja, and superhero and. . .'

(Years later)

An Elvis Presley alarm clock went off, blinking the time 8:00 AM. A green three fingered hand hit it sending it onto the floor. Groans resounded from under the covers where the arm protruded.

"Dude. . . who invented Mondays!" He groaned hitting the alarmclock as it fell to the floor, silencing it.

He rolled over pulling the blankett above his head ready to fall back asleep.

The sound of his door opening didn't surprise him.

"Michelangelo" The sound of his more serious responsible brother waking him up, just after the alarm went off, without fail. The routine was so continuous Michelangelo could count exactly when Leo would walk in. On the occasion of an off day where Raph would walk in and pull the covers off. the one time Michelangelo refused and Raphael came in, Raph flipped the bed. But Leonardo, after 17 years of being his brother, still wouldn't let him sleep in the mornings they had training.

'Dude routine sucks'. He thought rolling over. The blanket was pulled off of him and He fell off the bed.

"I'm awake!" Mikey said looking around. Leonardo shook his head with a smirk and a sigh. "We have training, come on" His brother walked out.

Leonardo started walking to the main room they trained in. Master Splinter already waiting.

It was another typical morning in the sewer home. The old substation forgotten and abandoned that they lived in for the last few years since they had to leave the old sewer Den.

Michelangelo sighed ready to get training over with so he could go mellow out somewhere. Leo looked awake and ready . . .As usual. Donatello had just had a morning cup of coffee, and was seemingly awake enough. Raph cracked his neck muscles and knuckles . . .Pff show off. Michelangelo heard the first attack to be practiced and followed suit with his brothers. Ready to feel the sweat on his face and neck.

It was the same most days, when something wasn't going on. He'd have to get his butt out of bed at a not very favored hour, train with his brothers until they were sweating like melting popsicles, and their limbs felt like they were gonna fall off or go numb.

"Upper rising Block" His father said directly.

They each followed suit.

"Front snap kick"

Sounds of forced effort, and sweat.


They did it again.


All brothers bowed before collapsing. "Uggghhhhhhh Wake me when its dinner time" Mikey said getting up.

"I can't move" Donatello said shaking his head grimacing.

"Who WANTS to move" Raphael retorted feeling his muscles ache

"Note to self . . .Ask April to pick up Mikey some new deoderant" Leonardo said blowing away the air in front of his face with his hand.

"Hey I dont smell THAT bad" Mikey said defiantly before sniffing himself and shrugging. He stood up shakily towards the t.v room to collapse on the couch.

After training everything usually went into a regular routine. Leo meditated or trained somemore, 'over achiever' Mikey thought with a pfft' as he started up the Xbox with the zombie rage game April had gotten him for Christmas last year.

Raph either went to sleep, do a few rounds with the punching bag, or go sulk in his room until it was time to leave for patrol.

Donny went to his workstation area, which he deemed 'the Lab'. Working on the toaster which Raph broke again this morning.

'Hey a' Donny . . .'

'What now' A working and concentrated Donatello sighed putting a hand to his forehead.

'I uhhh . . .' Raphael started.

'What did you break this time?' Don sighed turning around.

'It was a uuhhhh . . .Accident' Raphael handed Donny what was LEFT of the toaster.

'Yeah Raphie and the toaster had a 'disagreement' again this morning' Mikey emphasized with a chuckle and mischievous smirk.

'Again . . .Raph just because it burns the toast doesnt make it the toasters fault, watch the bread next time' Don said berating him.

'Can ya fix it or not?' Raphael asked impatiently.

'I'll see what I can do' Donatello shook his head muttering under his breath.

'and I play video games until I fall asleep, or re-beat my highscore' Mikey thought to himself with a sigh. The real fun came when the day was over, and they went out at night.

Two hours went by, he was almost to a new level. No one else on the internet was playing this game on his level. He had to take out a group of zombies guarding the last remaining human beings in virtual las vegas.

Just another typical day in the underground home

(Practice makes perfect, so perfect your practice)

Leonardo was perfecting his defensive moves, moving his swords in such a way that he could visualize blocking an actual opponent. He breathed in and out evenly only emphasizing if he felt the need to. He felt slightly pent up, he felt like this all morning.

'I can't help but feel like something is going to happen soon'. He thought to himself. He wasn't sure if it was a premonition of things to come, but it felt real enough. Real enough to train longer than he normally would only taking a small break before they would head out for some excersize, and their usual watch of the city.

He did a back flip and two metal slashes in the air cutting a dummy in half now lying on the floor. He took a deep breath trying to de-rail the small bit of anxiety building up inside himself.

(Not as mad as a scientist would be)

Donatello was fixing the toaster Raphael had broken. . . Again.

Usually it was Mikey who tended to break things but sometimes it would deviate from one brother to another. He sighed putting it down realizing this toaster was dropped and thrown, or the handle broken off, so many times . . .It was beyond repair. They would have to get a new one, he'd call April and see if she could pick up a second hand store toaster. He pushed the broken toaster away infront of him. Before hearing a beep on the line of his IT technical support headset.

"Hello This is Donny from tech support, how can I help you?"

(Muttering on the line)

"Is it turned on? . . ."


"Is it plugged in?" He asked tone lowered.


"Yeah that would help" He replied. Another customer served, another paycheck to arrive. He and Michelangelo were the only ones with part time day jobs. While he would sit at his computer desk working on other projects he would answer phone calls for the tech support assistant line. Mikey occasionally would get called in to do a kids birthday party. He would wear a giant green mascot head of a turtle, put on a fake zipper on his plastron ridge, and use the newly painted van that April gave to them, after upgrading to a prius, for Michelangelos 'Cowabunga Carl' service. While He stayed home and dealt with the usually weirdos over the phone, Mikey got beat up by little kids 10 and under, the occasional 12 year olds birthday came and gone last week.

"Their just kids Mikey . . .Can't be worse than a brawl with the foot"

"Yeah, but Shredder never hit me where those kids did"

Raph would occasionally change his sleeping pattern. Out all night, sleep all day. You'd think after 17 soon to be 18 years that things would change or deviate from their own norm. It all became the norm after the shredder was killed off five years ago. The foot still operate and exist but now they're reduced to regular hired guns, petty thievery, and other such common criminal types. The purple dragons didn't start making a scene until about two years ago. Once the shredder was gone, his associates . . .his underlings, like Hun branched off to start his own business. Hun started his own 'business' but nothing he and his brothers couldn't handle when they had to. They didn't purposefully go looking for trouble, or so he'd like to think some of the time. But if they witnessed a robbery going on and they happened to be nearby . . .Why not-

"Hello this is Donny from IT tech support how can I assist you?"


"Did you press Control, Alt, delete, then exit out of your tabs?" He asked.


"Press control and Alt at the same time, then Delete seperately, do not let go of Control and Alt" He instructed.


"Yes you too mam, have a nice day"

Donatello sighed leaning back in his chair. . . .They've had some level of peace that last few years without huge escalations of crime to have to combat, he had to admit he wasn't sure if this was peacefull? Or slightly . . .boring.

(Pushing for what?)



Left left Right

Right , upper cut, left




Raphael hit the bag again and again, he felt the need to burn that extra energy, before crashing. There was the usual thoughts that were plauging him. They hadn't changed over the last few years. He knew that ever year he got older, and that nothing was changing.

'The shredders gone, dats a break in tha wind' . He thought hitting it again.

'They would go out t' night again like usual, say out till late in the early mornin'. They hadn't come across anythin' bigger than a thug, or dirt bag mugger, or the occasional guy chasin' a skirt down tha street'.

It was the most normal they'd been in awhile. . .

He breathed out leaning against the bag with his elbow up, hand resting ontop while he used the other to wipe his forehead.

Sometimes he almost wished for somethin' ta happen. He shook his head with a chuckle realizin' this should be considered a blessin' to most. Sure he got the buzz from an unplanned run in with the foot, or the purple dragons. Master splinter said he was just restless, and that 'after awhile my son you will take in stride what peace has to offer'.

'Peace' . . .He thought.

It was somethin' they'd all wanted when the shredder was still around. People dyin', innocent people were scared, his family threatened, his very existance threatened, and a home caved in and taken out . . .All compliments of the foot.

'So why did he feel like they werent doin' enough'

He sighed taking lazy strides up to his room. If he slept then the day would go by faster . . .Anotha' day down.

(Quality Time)

"Pepperoni and sausage, and one cheeseburger delux Pizza ready to devour in exactly 50 minutes and Pizza dudes got thirteen minutes to deliver". Michelangelo announcedclapping his hands together as if dusting them off.

"Or its three dollars off" Don said pointing out as the countdown would start 50 minutes. Michelangelo always counted down to the last few seconds. The delivery guy who did their route, and they changed frequently, would always find himself late because Michelangelo wouldn't always be in the same place as before. Milken st. 22 and 1/8. Michelangelo counted down 30 seconds, and the pizza guy was late figuring out where 22 and 1/8th was . . ."Just slip it down here dude" Michelangelo pushed up a 10 and got three dollars off. Lately He would be hiding behind the dumpsters or have Raph pick it up in his trench and hat. On occasion going over to April's for dinner, late.

"No way Mikey I aint watchin' anotha' sci fi marathon" Raphael flipped the channel on the remote.

"But its Ancient Aliens, and then X-Men originals" Michelangelo said as he stole the remote and changing it back.

"Yeah well ultimate fighter' is on t'night and I aint watchin' no more' of ur' alien shows" Raphael said getting aggitated.

"But its the last season" Mikey said awwing at the t.v.

"They'll make a new season Mikey" Don said sitting down with a sigh watching his brothers have at it about the remote again.

"Give it back Mikey or I'll be flippin' you instead of the channels" Raphael pointed warningly.

Michelangelo smirked deviously before holding the remote in a taunting way infront of his more aggressive brother with the coffee table as a small seperation.

"Delivery" Leonardo said bringing in two boxes of pizza. Just as Michelangelo was distracted for an instant, Raphael grabbed his brothers arm holding it to grab the remote before jumping onto his spot on the couch, changing the channel.

"Fine you can keep your Ultimate fighter, because now I have ultimate pepperoni sausage three cheeses goodness! . . .Mmmmmm" He picked up the first slice the cheese stringing and stretching, just the way he liked it.

They had their pick of whatever on t.v at night, mostly the news. During the day Master Splinter would be watching his stories, 'Days of our Lives', or 'Gilmore Girls'.

Michelangelo killed his third pizza before belching with a hand up in a musical gesture.

In a half an hour or so they'd head topside . . .to get some . . .fresh air.

He watched the t.v slightly, seeing everyone sit in the same spots they usually took up. 'Man what I'd give for a- . . .'

"So whose ready for some nightly training excersizes?" Leonardo suggested.

It only took a second for Michelangelo to switch his mode of thinking.

(Nightly Runs)

The air was cool, the city smelled like pollution, food, some garbage, but to Michelangelo this smell was home. He'd smelled fresh air before, and you were closer to it on the roof then you were ground level. Out in the country at Casey Jones's Grandma's house, there was the old musty farm and fresh air smell. They were running along the tops, each one in a race with the other. People below unrealizing what was above them.

"We can go by the park today" Leonardo suggested when everyone had stopped for a moment.

"What about china town?" Raph suggested arms crossed.

Michelangelo hung back leaning against the wall . . .There was a scream.

"Hey dudes I think thats our Que" Mikey turned looking down. His brothers leaned over and Raph jumped onto the side looking over, intent on finding the source of the scream.

It echoed again.

"Back alley"

"Behind the building"

"Basic D.I.D call" Donatello said twirling his Bo Staff.

"D.I.D, Donny?" Leo asked.

"Damsel in Distress" Donatello said as all four settled on a corner of the roof together.

There was a woman, young, blonde in a skirt and heels. A dirtbag in a dusty jacket and grey beanie was pushed up against her a knife to the side of her cheek.

"I'll take the other side and Raph you can-" Leonardo stopped when Michelangelo jumped down to the nearest fire escape lowest of them.

"Michelangelo?" Leonardo looked down at his, 'eager to approach the situation', brother.

"Isn't he the eager one" Donatello said turning to glance at Leo.

"(Sighs) That works too" They all jumped down.

"Just gimme the purse lady"



The girl kicked him, he stumbled back only a moment before grabbing her hair and yanking it upward against the wall. He unzipped her purse reaching in for whatever he could feel that would be worth anything.

"You know, I heard you could tell what kind of a person a woman is by the contents of her purse"

"But I'm guessing thats not what 'Your' looking for"

Two voices echoed in the alley. He turned, not letting go of the womans hair.

"Whose there!" He threatened knife pushed slightly more against the womans face.

There was a whistle in one direction, and then an echo of another to his right.

"Hey dude"

He turned around face to face with . . .A frog?

"What the fuck-" The giant green creature was crouched spinning nunchucks at each side.

The girl pushed herself up against the wall. This thing was giant, green, like an alien. It leapt up into the air doing a flip before crashing a wooden nunchuck over her attackers head sending him flying back against the dumpster nearby. She clutched her purse trying to stand still hanging on to the wall. The creature smirked before turning to her . . .

"Hey , You okay?" It asked reaching a hand out.

"Keep away from me" She slapped his hand away, crawling back on the ground, getting up to run out of the alley. The creatures arm seem to fall to its side slowly watching her run away.

'What the hell was that thing?' She asked herself running down the street to find the nearest Taxi.


Michelangelo let his arm fall to his side, as he watched the girl sprint down the alley and turn the corner calling for a taxi pleadingly. She couldn't wait to get away from him.

'Keep away from me!'

She slapped his hand away crawling back on the ground, getting up and sprinting out of the alley.

"Yep dats gratitude for ya" Raphaels voice said behind him as he heard his land in a jump beside him. Michelangelo gave a small sigh he knew they could see, lowering his head slightly.

A hand touched his shoulder.

"Come on . . ." Leonardo waited for Michelangelo to follow suit as they made their way back to the rooftops. Leonardo watched his brother take one last look at the direction the girl went before he shook his head and jumped up the fire escape after Raph and Don. Leonardo sighed, knowing what his brother was feeling.

(Theres no place like home)

"How was nightly excersize my sons" Master splinter asked as he was making tea in the kitchen.

"(Stretch) The usual, I have projects to work on if anyone needs me" Don said walking to his room/lab area.

"Imma (Yawn) Head ta bed . . ." Raph pointed with his thumb up the stairs.

Leonardo stood next to his father a moment as Michelangelo passed by.

"Good night Michelangelo" Master splinter said in his usual way.

"Huh? . . .Yeah" Mikey walked slowly to his room.

"My son (Sigh)" Master splinter said watching Michelangelo walk to his room as if a great weight was placed on his shoulders.

"We had a run in, a woman was being mugged and Michelangelo took care of it . . ."

Master splinter looked up at Leonardo to finish.

" . . . She didn't exactly say , Thank you" Leonardo left it at that.

"I see" Master splinter lowered his eyes slightly saddened.

"Good night sensei" Leonardo said leaving to go to his own room to sleep.

"Goodnight my son"

Before going back to his own room with tea, he glanced at Michelangelo's door which music was coming from. He often played music as he was going to sleep. The old fatherly rat walked past, feeling the slight pain his son was feeling.

Being different than the humans was both a blessing and a curse. He wanted to compensate for the curse by teaching them the art of ninjutsu, invisibility. They would be capable of protecting themselves physically against an opponent . . .But sparing his sons from the pain of being isolated from the world, and of being called 'A monster' or the like, was something they had yet to overcome. 17 years . . . Their teenaged minds were still machuring, and the pent up feelings could only by set back by training, and individual activities. Occasionally visiting friends, April O Neil, and Mr. Casey Jones. These blessings gave his family the sense of normalcy they had not been genetically reborn with. He could only hope that Michelangelo would soon recover from tonights endeavors, and return to his natural emotional state.

(I'm Just a Kid: Simple Plan)

Michelangelo was laying on his bed staring up the ceiling. A comic book laying on his chest that he stopped reading.

I woke up it was seven

I waited till Eleven

to figure out that

no one would call

These brick walls that used to be part of a substation office, now converted to a bedroom. His alarmclock was still on the floor from knocking it over this morning. It blinked the time 12:57

I think I got alot of friends


I dont hear from them

What's another night all alone?

That girls voice echoing in his head

When your spending everyday

on Your own

'Keep away from me'

And here it goes

I'm just a kid

and life is a nightmare

I'm just a kid

I know that its not fair

He turned over to face the other side. A stack of unkempt comic books falling over on a chair. He turned the Hawaiian girl lamp off looking up at a super model poster watching it go black.

No body cares

cuz i'm alone and the world is

having more fun

than me


He knew he should be used to it, people freaking out when they see him. That girl he helped out tonight wasn't the first to scream at him, or run away in terror.

And maybe when the night is


I'll crawl into my bed

staring at these four walls again

There was maybe one time where someone didn't have a total caniption fit over him. . . It was a little boy around 7 or 8 who thought he was a super hero. Mikey was 14 and watched as these older kids were roughing the little guy up for money on his way home.

I'll try to think about the

last time

I had a good time

Everyones got somewhere to go

"Hey little dude, what are you doing out this late, little guys like you should be at home" Michelangelo said after having scared the three older boys off.

The kid just stared up at him like he was some great marvel or something.

"Are-are you a -a Super Hero?" The kid asked pointed up at the fourteen year old Michelangelo

And theyre gonna leave me here

on my own

Michelangelo remembered sending the little dude on his way, feeling great as the kid waved and shouted "THANKS SUPER DUDE!" before rushing to get home. But lately . . .Its been nothing but screams.

and here it goes

I'm just a kid

and Life is a nightmare



'keep away'

'Oh no'


Nothing but screams

I'm just a kid

I know that it's not fair

nobody cares cuz I'm alone

and the world is

having more fun than me

Every movie he watched now was usually about some guy who'd be different, but he'd end up becoming a hero usually getting the girl in the end. 'Heh still waiting on that' Michelangelo thought rolling over again.

What the hell is wrong with me

Dont fit in with anybody

how did this happen

to me?

His brothers all knew the same feeling, they just dealt with it in a different way. The first time someone screamed in Raphs face, he just let them go with the usual-

'Dats gratitude for ya' , or , '(Heh) Figures'.

Leonardo stayed calm about it, and never showed if he was hurt by it or not. 'They dont understand Mikey . . .thats all', he would say. Donatello would brush it off with logic talking about how 'they probably couldn't comprehend it or even wrap their minds around it if they tried' kind of stuff.

Wide awake

I'm bored

and I can't fall asleep

He turned over again feeling tired but restless

and every night is

the worst night ever

'Keep away from me!'

I'm just a kid

He knew if someone stopped to take a moment to get to know him, he'd make more friends than Tony Hawk had fans. Plus his chef skills and skateboarder moves would be enough to go pro, and win.

I'm just a kid

He imagined what life would be like . . .If someone stopped . . .to really stop and not just scream or run away.

I'm just a Kid

Yeah I'm just a kid

'You cannot just simply walk amongst the humans, they will not understand who and what you are' His father has said over a million times in his life.

I'm just a kid

Michelangelo flopped a pillow over his face

I'm just a kid

and Life is a nightmare

He lifted the pillow closing his eyes.

I'm just a kid

I know that it's not fair

No body cares

Cuz I'm alone and the world is-

Nobody wants

to be alone in the world!

I'm just a kid and Life is a night mare

I'm just a kid

I know that its not fair

'Tomorrow would the same as today'

Nobody cares

cuz I'm alone in the world is-

Nobody wants to be alone in the world!

Nobody cares cuz I'm alone and the world is

having more fun than me


He let the pillow and his comic book fall to the floor

I'm all alone tonight

Nobody cares


Cuz I'm just a Kid


He turned over onto his front . . .closing his eyes demanding his body to sleep, as hard as if felt to.