16. "Mistake" him for the commoner boy and have him arrested for stealing medicine.

17. Constantly refer to him as "Samurai Jack Jr."

18. Tell him that Samurai Jack is his real father.

19. Find a way to hack into his (formerly Kurow's) pendant and set it to play "Never gonna give you up" whenever used.

20. Flirt and/or kiss Kagu in front of him. Watch him seethe with jealousy.

21. Tell him that his real parents are dead.

22. Present him with a false birth certificate of himself, which includes info regarding that he's actually Chinese. Watch as all of Nippon chases after him until he crosses the boarder.

23. Present him with a false arrest warrant regarding his pre-Okamiden crimes that he has no memory of, due to his amnesia.

24. Tell him that Susano and Kushi really were his actual parents and that he left home for nothing.

25. Make fun of his massive outie.

26. Tell him that whatever secluded area that he's been camping at will be bulldozed in a few seconds in order to build yet another useless strip-mall AND that his parents were mutilated by bulldozers when he was a baby.

27. Draw "I failz as a warrior" on his imp mask.

28. Put him up for adoption.

29. Tell him that, according to the real world legend of Okuninushi, he will grow up to be the new emperor. Also tell him that, according to the legend, he will have 180 kids, meaning that he will have at least 180 wives too, meaning that he will have to marry EVERY SINGLE relatively female character in the game (including Kagu), regardless of age, looks, species, etc., and still have at least 30 more to go and will probably have to resort to throwing wedding rings off of the balcony in order to meet his quota, and will probably end up becoming a complete shut-in and a neglectful father, due to stress, who eats his pre-chewed meals through a straw.

30. Tell him that he'll have to share the straw.

Thanks for reading! Remeber to review, tell which way is your favorite and why!
