So my other story is drawing to a close and I've decided to start a different story before starting the sequel to TLRTS. Now I recently started watching General Hospital, sometime over the summer, so if I don't have the history correct, please kindly inform me. I've watched Liason scenes on YouTube, all the way back to when they first met in 1998 up to the present. I'm not exactly an expert with soap operas because I'm a newcomer, but I'm fairly certain that Jason and Elizabeth had, and still have, the best chemistry on GH. It's a shame that the writers botched them up; they could have been the greatest couple on TV. Oh and all of the chapters are inspired by the band Red. Anyways sorry with that long rant, here is the greatest love story never told!

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, just the storyline. If I did, the show wouldn't be on the chopping block right now ;)

Things to know:

Jason and Sam are together and she's pregnant

Lucky is gone for good

Jake is dead

Robin diddie in the hospital explosion (lame exit though)

All other storylines are basically the same, though I'm not going to include the new characters from OLTL because I don't watch that show and don't know the characters.

"Love that we can not have is the one that lasts the longest, hurts the deepest and feels the strongest."

Chapter 1

Already Over

Flashback to December 2008…

"I don't need to hear about the danger Cameron and Jake were in. I have lived it over and over in my head."

You never go, you're always here
Suffocating me

He watched as she walked away from him, back facing him as if she was too disgusted to face him. She should be, he almost killed her son, their son. He bowed his head, but when she turned to face him, there wasn't disgust, just love. The kind of love that made this so much harder.

Under my skin, I cannot run away
Fading slowly

"I'm sorry I let it go as far as I did."

I give it all to you, letting go of me
Reaching as I fall

He wanted to reach out and gather her in his arms, protecting her from all the dangers of his life, but he couldn't. The stabs of pain that went through his heart were numbing and calming at the same time. He tried to lift his head to look into her eyes, but he couldn't. The shame and powerless feelings left him vulnerable.

"No Jason, you warned me. You made it clear you wanted the relationship to end because of the danger. And I'm the one who rationalized and justified and I came up with this ridiculous notion that if we just- just loved each other enough, that would protect us."

I know it's already over now
Nothing left to lose, loving you again
I know it's already over, already over now

She was rationalizing again, making it seem like it was all her fault. It was his fault, he should have never agreed to a secret affair. His life is too dangerous for any woman or child.

"I should have said no."

She looked at him with sadness that mirrored his own. Tears in both of their eyes, they didn't want to continue, but somehow they did.

My best defense, running from you
I can't resist, take all you want from me
Breaking slowly

"You did, you did. I'm the one who ignored your warnings and I ignored reality. I put my children's lives at risk because I just wanted to be with you."

God, this woman that he had loved for so long was walking away. She was always the woman that was too good for him, a dream that reality had to invade.

"I promise I'll give those boys a good life, a safe life. I promise not to call you or see you. I'm sorry it took me so long to see the truth. And I'm really sorry I hurt my boys and I hurt you out of my own selfishness."

I give it all to you, letting go of me
Reaching as I fall
I know it's already over now

They were both at fault for wanting something they couldn't have. He went to lift his hand to wipe away the hot tears on her face, and then realized that it wasn't his right anymore. She watched as his hand fell back down to his side.

Nothing left to lose, loving you again
I know it's already over, already over now

"We're both responsible and now we know what we need to do. There will be no contact with me... you... and Jake again."

His mouth was working on its own accord, as if he was a robot. He had no idea how he found the words or strength to say what needs to be said.

"I will never see my son again. Jake wont have my name and I can't be a in any way that matters, so please, let me provide for his future."

She turned down his money, add that wound to his already bleeding heart. She wanted nothing to do with him and he couldn't blame her. He had no idea how wrong he was.

You're all I'm reaching for
It's already over

"I promise I'll give those boys a good life, a safe life. I promise not to call you or see you. I'm sorry it took me so long to see the truth. And I'm really sorry I hurt my boys and I hurt you out of my own selfishness."

All I'm reaching for
It's already over now

Tears were falling down his face, but at the moment he didn't notice. He just stared into the blue eyes that were currently breaking his heart. She was making all the wrong promises. She should be promising to spend the rest of her life with him, promising that she'll love him forever.

Give it all to you, letting go of me
Reaching as I fall

"I was selfish too."

I know it's already over now
Nothing left to lose, loving you again

She looked at him in surprise. She didn't realize how much he really loved her, even if he didn't say it enough. He held her gaze as she started to move. He wanted one last kiss, one that he could commit to memory and remember for the rest of his life. He moved towards her, but she shook her head slightly. She smiled weakly at him, wiping away at her own tears. She gathered her black coat around her, bracing herself for the harsh winds that were beyond the court's doors. The silence between them was foreboding, but their eyes spoke volumes. At that moment, they both knew that it was already over.

I know it's already over now
It's already over now
I know it's already over, already over

A/N: I know this is a very short chapter, but I want to see what you guys think. This was indeed the flashback of their final break up. Dialogue between them was taken directly from the show. Next chapter is in the present. Lyrics were 'Already Over' by Red. Let me know what you think in a review, criticism welcome and anything you would like to see happen. Until next time!