Okay let me introduce you to another one of my stories. I've been thinking about this idea for a while now and I really just want to go ahead and get it out. Now I know that im still in the middle of Ya can't Have Everything, but just going to put that on hold for right now (Sorry for the people who were really feeling that one….im just kind of brain stuck on that one). But fear not because this story will be awesome if you so choose.

Oh and Ulquiorra will be completely out of character im tired of him being all sad, and slitting his wrists every time something bad happens, getting hurt and all that crap, so I kind of made him like Grimmjow so prepare for a lot of cursing and if ya don't like then you can just fuck off :D

Just a one-night stand

"It's party it's a party it's a partay!" Ichigo shouted from the backseat of Grimmjow's car. Said person was in the front seat driving and trying really hard not to punch the berry straight in the face. He knew it would be a bad idea for all of them to take shots before they left the house, because he knew good and well that ichigo would get carried away and as you can see from all the fucking yelling he's doing, he's all carried away.

"Shiro tell your brother to shut the fuck up before I run the car off a fucking bridge," Grimmjow growled as he looked over to the albino who looked amused by the whole situation. Turning around he grabbed the front of his twin's shirt and roughly brought their lips together.

"Ichi calm the fuck down alright," Shiro said smoothly and Ichigo still dazed by the kiss just nodded his head and sat back into his seat.

"That's not what I meant," Grimmjow huffed as he turned a corner. Shiro just snickered as he looked towards his blue-headed friend a smile on his face.

"Well he's quiet now," Shiro replied. Grimmjow just shook his head in disapproval, his eyebrows together in a concentrating manner. "I still don't understand how your parents are so cool about you guys being together," he said.

"Well when you have someone as hot as Ichigo you just can't help but fuck him," Shiro said a sly smile on his face.

Grimmjow didn't know how to reply to that so he just kept his mouth shut. He wondered if his mom would ever marry again, and end up having a sister or a brother or something. He secretly hoped that that would never happen; he like the way his life is, he didn't want a new dad, didn't want any siblings, and he didn't want that to change.

Turning another corner, Renji's house finally came into view. The whole cul-de-sac was filled with cars, some people had to park down the street it was crazy. Pulling onto the dirt road he parked not too far from the mansion that was Renji's house. Getting out of the car Grimmjow couldn't help but smile to himself, this party was the biggest one before school started. And every year something amazing always happens to him and hopefully it will again.

As the three made their way to the front door of Renji's house the first thing they all see is Nnoitra and Telsa making out in front of it. Ichigo made a gagging sound in the back-round making Shiro laugh, Grimmjow who was slightly annoyed at the fact that someone would make out right in front of the door, shoved Nnoitra to the side and walked in; calling get a room as he went with the twins snickering behind them.

The entire house was filled with people, probably from school and the music was loud. Cups littered the floor as well as food; Grimmjow safely maneuvered his way to the kitchen where he saw Renji talking to some guy.

"Renji my man how ya been?" Grimmjow asked a huge smirk on his face as he gave the guy who was standing next to the red-head a once over. Renji who didn't see his friend until a hand clapped on his shoulder making him jump in surprise.

"Slow as ever I see," Grimmjow teased, he laughed when Renji's face got red.

"You know you could have stayed home," Renji retorted. Grimmjow scoffed.

"Now now you can't have a party without the king," Grimmjow said jokingly. Renji just rolled his eyes before flicking Grimmjow in the nose. "Don't you have to go fuck somebody right about now?" he asked with a knowing smirk.

"Hey at least I get some," Grimmjow replied, the guy who Renji was talking to laughed at the comment making the red-head mad. He shoved Grimmjow, "Fuck off," he yelled. Grimmjow who was still stumbling knocked right into somebody.

"Jesus….seriously." Grimmjow turned around to see a raven-haired kid wiping off his shirt. Grimmjow righted himself before standing correctly on his feet.

"Ah shit my bad….didn't mean to," Grimmjow said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head. The guy looked up with an annoyed look.

"Jee thanks but that's still not gonna get the stain out of my shirt," he retorted. Grimmjow's eyebrow twitched in an irritated manner.

"Ya little prick I just said I didn't mean to," he growled. The guy's eyes narrowed into slits, "The least you could do is get me another one," he stated icily.

"Tch the hell I will," Grimmjow said as he started to walk away, but the guy held out his foot and tripped him, sending Grimmjow to the floor.

"Oops didn't mean to," the guy said before walking off.

Grimmjow righted himself again he tried to find that prick who tripped him, but he was long gone. Bastard. Then out of nowhere Renji comes and knocks him on the back of his head. "The hell was that for…the fucks wrong with you?" Grimmjow shouted.

Renji just shook his head in disappointment, "No what fuck is wrong with you, do you even know who you were talking to just now?" Renji asked as they made their way to the kitchen to get some drinks.

"The prick that tripped me?" Grimmjow questioned sourly. Renji chuckled at that "Yes," he answered simply.

"Nope and I don't really give a fuck," Grimmjow said as he sat on the stool. Renji nearly dropped his drink on the floor, "Are fucking kidding me that was Ulquiorra Schiffer, the Ulquiorra Schiffer!" Renji explained.

"Ooo did someone say Ulquiorra Schiffer," Shiro drawled as he walked over to the table with a drunken Ichigo hanging off him. Grimmjow eyebrow scrunched together confusingly, everyone seemed to know this Ulquiorra Schiffer, "What so special about him?" he asked curiously. Everyone seemed to freeze in place; even Ichigo seemed too looked at him like he was a dumbass or something.

"He's like the best fuck ever god your slow," Renji said as he rolled his eyes. "Oh and how would you know?" Grimmjow asked.

"Because he's my cousin," Renji said simply. Shiro started to laugh at Grimmjow expression while the red-head just sipped at his drink nonchalantly.

"Well how come ya didn't tell me sooner," Grimmjow growled, I mean he knew that prick tripped him and all but he was cute.

"Hmm I thought I told you….oh well," he said as he waved his hand dismissively. Grimmjow's eyebrow twitched at this, Renji was such an ass, and he got from his stool to go find this so called Ulquiorra Schiffer. After a while he found the cute raven-haired kid dancing with some guy with a tattoo on his face….actually it was the guy Renji was talking to. Being the sly cat he is, he worked his way into the moving bodies until he was beside Ulquiorra. He took the pale hand and twirled him around so that he was against his chest, Ulquiorra looked up.

"Well looky here, come back to spill more soda on my shirt?" Ulquiorra asked with a smirk, he knew that this guy would come back to find him.

"Hmm not this time just to dance…..and maybe fuck and then dance some more," Grimmjow said smiling. Ulquiorra let out a chuckle he could already tell that this was going to be a good night. The music was getting louder and more people were coming onto the dance floor, with their cups filled with alcohol.

"How about we skip this dance thing and get straight to the fucking?" Ulquiorra asked his face pressed against Grimmjow's chest, as he swayed his body back in forth with the music slowly. Grimmjow instantly felt a hard on starting to come on as Ulquiorra pressed his leg closer to his crotch. With a growl I grabbed his arm and went up the stairs; opening a random door I rushed in with Ulquiorra in tow. Once the door was closed I slammed him against the door, my mouth instantly on his neck.

"I'm guessing….you're the dominant type?" Ulquiorra breathed as he moved his neck to the side where Grimmjow could get more room. Grimmjow trailed his tongue up from the raven's neck to his cheek, and then he hovered his lips.

"Damn right I am…..hope you're not one," Grimmjow whispered huskily. Ulquiorra chuckled at this, "No my good friend," Ulquiorra started his hand undoing the buttons on Grimmjow's pants, then it traveled inside his boxers, grabbing the others hard member; squeezing it not to softly, "But I am an aggressive uke you could say," he whispered. Grimmjow's cock stirred in his pants at the sound of Ulquiorra's voice, it was a definite turn on. He started to walk back towards the bed, Ulquiorra's hand still in his boxers slowly torturing him.

Grimmjow was now on his back and Ulquiorra between his legs. His boxers were long gone now and the raven was now sucking on his head and god was it wonderful, never in his life had a blowjob felt this well before. "Pretty good with your mouth there," I commented as he worked his way up to my face.

"Yah it's one of my specialties," he said with a smirk. Grimmjow was starting to like this guy more and more with each passing second, he was pretty happy that he spilled that drink over his shirt or he wouldn't be here right now. Grimmjow's hand traveled lower and landed on the others hip, and quickly flipped them over.

"Now let me show you one of my specialties," Grimmjow purred into Ulquiorra's ear before holding up two fingers in front of said persons' face. Ulquiorra looked up at him with a confused look on his face, sitting up slightly he gave Grimmjow a disapproving look.

"If we're going to have sex, were gonna do it my way," Ulquiorra told him before he fully sat up and wrapped his arms around Grimmjow's neck, he climbed up into his lap and positioned himself over Grimmjow's hard erection. He slowly guided himself down a groan falling from his lips. Grimmjow tightened his arms around Ulquiorra's waist pulling him closer, "So you're the type to take it hard and rough?" he questioned as he buried his face in the others neck.

"Fuck yes now move," Ulquiorra hissed and not a moment too soon did Grimmjow started to thrust his hips forward the feeling of Ulquiorra slamming his body back down as he slammed up was an amazing. He pushed Ulquiorra back down onto the bed and held his wrist above his head, as he pushed in harder and harder.

"Jesus fuck…..hit there again!" Ulquiorra cried as he wrapped his legs tightly around Grimmjow's waist. Grimmjow smiled at this he found the others prostate and he loved the reaction he was getting; he was having the time of his life fucking this kid, it was even better that he liked it hard….just his types.

"Ah…..it amazes me at how….fucking big you are," Ulquiorra said breathlessly as he looked at Grimmjow's face. Said person just smirked before his hand traveled down to Ulquiorra's neglected cock and started to stroke it. He loved the sounds Ulquiorra was making, and the facial expression that he made was turning him on even more. He let out a low groan as he came inside of Ulquiorra, with the other following close behind. Grimmjow flopped over onto his back trying to calm his breathing he had to admit that was the best fuck he'd ever had.

"You're pretty fucking good," Ulquiorra commented after a while, Grimmjow merely shook his head in agreement.

"Too bad you're just a one-night stand," he added as he started to put his clothes back on. Grimmjow knew that this was just a quick fuck at a party, but for some reason those words kind of hurt…..just a bit. He looked up to see Ulquiorra completely dressed again, his hand on the doorknob. "Guess I'll I see yah around then," he said before walking out.

Grimmjow ran a hand through his hair, "Yah guess so," he said quietly to himself.

Well here's the first chapter, hope some of you find the story worth sticking around for.

Love U Ulquiorra