Forbidden Beauty


Me: It has come to my attention that some of you readers are annoyed with my A/n (Author's notes) Well I'm fucking sorry! Yeesh saying that I should stop commenting on MY own FUCKING STORY is like saying to me: 'SHUT THE FUCK UP!' Alright I respect that, that you would have me stop talking like everyone else I know so say goodbye to these little Author's corners and Author's notes. There wasn't even that MANY A/N'S! ALRIGHT I'm just gonna stop talking period! If you want to know what shit is in the story then FUCKING PM ME! Besides I bet no one even reads Author's Corner

Kallasea: No! You can't just go all mute on us!

Me: Yes I fucking can and people want me to shut my bitchy mouth the fuck up so I fucking will.

Yusuke: Whoa easy with the swearing there sailor!

Me: You're one to talk, Yusuke! STFU!

Kallasea: But but...

Me: No buts! I'll still do disclaimer but that's all I'll do now. Alright I own fucking NOTHING except my OC's and the story Forbidden Beauty. Thank you for reading.

Kallasea: Q^Q She is sorry for swearing but is absolutely livid that someone just told her to shut her trap. But this person was wrong Q^Q So see ya guys in different stories since she won't quit there just here. Again sor-

Me: Kalla-chan shut up and let's get on with the story.

Kalla: Can't we just give them one last author's corner? Q^Q*Teary anime eyes and puppy face here*

Me: Grrr fine. Below is the Author's coner I wrote for this chappy before I saw that comment from an anonymous reader. Whose comment I deleted... the fucking muso. That's like one person speaking for the whole fucking audience. Like that one stupid meme

King: 'I am your king.'

Peasant 'I didn't vote for you'


(Kallasea: Unless you guys all want her to continue. Say so in reviews. I will take a vote.)

(Mean joking alert XD)

Me: Welcome to another awesome (Not really I think :(|) installment of FB! Not to be confused with Face Book of course XD Why am I even telling you guys this? You already know this lawls

Kallasea: Cause you know that THERE are some idiots out there who would think it was Face Book... but I bet those kinds can't even read :P

Me: Thanks for such kind words*Sarcastic*

Kallasea: Glad to help*Being sarcastic as well.*

Yukina: Well ladies? Let's get it started! We don't have all day.

Me: Hai hai Yukina. Kags if you would?

Kagome: Of course Demonic. The Authoress, DemonicKitty does not own any right to either of these shows. So lawsuits and idiotic flamers/false reporters stay the hell away!

Me: Oh and please do not remove any of my fucking stories or I swear I'll sue! Besides I've got One Hell of a Lawyer! (Yes I am using that line from Black Butler)

Chapter 5: Kagome Gets Thrown into Hell.

The Others' Adventurous Days Without Her!


Kagome gave a sigh as she cursed softly. She was in fucking hell. Fire, lava, brimstone you name it. Hell from way up where she was she could even see a place that looked as if the ice age had hit it. Creatures she couldn't make out at present were flying around. Why did things like this always have to happen to her?


(With the others:) Sango was ranting so pissed off that no one dared approach her as they all talked quietly.

"Okay Raicho you said Kagome was sent to hell?" Koenma asked. Yusuke had contacted Koenma through his communicator though neither had any idea why or how it worked through time but it did.

"Y-yes the scary half-demon sent her there with some sort of potion. It made a portal that sucked her in and then disappeared after she was sucked in." Raicho said as she comforted her new brother. Shippou was nearly inconsolable because he had once again lost his family but not all of it. For that he was at least grateful.

Shippou kept the hope that Kagome would come back. He knew that she would find a way out she had to. He just hoped she wouldn't meet kikyho.

"I see well I'll try to see if I can find anything out on this end. You guys might want to ask this Totosai fellow if he knows anything. You hear me Yusuke?"

"Yea yea Toddler I hear ya." Yusuke said and before Koenma could reply, Yusuke shut the communicator off, "So let's go ask the old guy." Raicho stood up with Shippou and looked at Yusuke.

"I think Shippou and I need some time alone. We'll take the nekos so don't worry. Shadow, Echo, Silver come on." Raicho said spreading her wings and taking off with the nekos following in their own ways.


(Raicho and Shippou in a hidden grove:) Raicho arrived at one of her special places she had as a sort of home with her brother. Shippou had been silently crying on the way there. "Shippou don't worry I'm sure Okaa-san will return. I mean she wouldn't leave us alone. She'll find a way back I'm sure of it!" Raicho said comforting Shippou.

"R-really? You think so?" Shippou asked.

"I can feel it. She will return. Let's play! It'll help quell the worry til okaa-san comes back."

"Alright Ane-chan." Shippou said and they played as the sun rose into the sky.


(With the group as they go back:) "I can't believe 'Gome's been sent to hell!" Yukina said frowning.

"I know! When I come across that damn half-breed I shall make him wish he were never born" Sango hissed venomously.

"I'm going to help kill him Sango." Yusuke said with a VERY dark look on his face, "No one just sends someone to hell. Especially not someone like Kagome."

The others nodded agreeing with his statement. Then they looked up as they heard screams. Those were Shippou's and Raicho's! Everyone rushed to see a scorpion-like youkai attacking the little ones. Sango suddenly threw her boomerang. It hit the demon and bounced off. Luckily it knocked it back and stunned it. The kids scrambled to get away as the Nekos' continued to fight it glad for the help. Shizuru stood back watching since she did not have a weapon or the training. Genkai was analyzing the demon, searching for any chinks in the armor of its.

Hiei took out his sword and in a flash he was gone. He appeared as he tried to slice through the hard as fucking hell shell of the demon. He got knocked back.

"Dear Kami! That thing has a very tough shell!" Yusuke exclaimed.

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious!" Sango said throwing the boomerang again. This time it knocked it over. She caught her boomerang sliding back a little from the force.


(With a certain evil hanyou:) Naraku laughed maliciously as he watched the events unfold in Kanna's mirror. They wouldn't be able to beat his newest creation so easily now that their down a few powerful warriors. He didn't know, however, that there were still some pretty powerful fighters in the group. He sent Kagura to get the monk. She rolled her eyes and left.

Going to the dungeons she went to a cell that held a certain monk. She looked at all the keys hanging on the ring. -Sheesh there's a lot of stupid keys- She thought looking for the right one making some noise. Said monk looked up.

"Oi! Let me out of here. Normally I would ask a beautiful lady to bear my children but you are the spawn of Naraku" He said insulting her making her sigh. She finally found the right one and unlocked the door. She went inside and grabbed him by the arm. Her claws kind of dug into the Monk's arm.

"Hey watch the claws!" the Monk said.

"Just shut up already monk!" Kagura snapped glaring fiercely at said monk. He gulped shutting up instantly as she dragged him along then said in a more quiet tone, "Look I don't want to do this as much as you don't want to but I have to obey that bastard. He has my heart. Literally. I just want to be as free as the wind to do as I please." The monk blinked a little shocked to find this out about the enemy. She was actually basically a slave to the evil hanyou. The way she spoke and seeing such a pure hatred for Naraku in her eyes shocked him to the core. Now he felt kind of bad.


"I've brought the monk." Kagura said emotionless as she dragged the monk into the room.

"Good leave him hear and go." Naraku ordered and she reluctantly obeyed. The monk gulped as he was left alone with Naraku and the soul-stealing she-demon, Kanna, "Now monk look at the mirror" He hesitantly looked at the mirror and gasped going wide-eyed as he saw the gang fighting with a giant scorpion-like demon. However he was surprised to find Kagome missing and quite a few new faces among the group.

"Suppose it's time to send you out Miroku." Naraku said with an ominous chuckle. Naraku then immobilized the poor monk before placing a spider-like creature on the back of his neck. It sunk it's fangs in holding onto the monk with a tight grip. Miroku went limp for a moment before looking up at Naraku with dead eyes. This made the evil hanyou laugh loudly.

"Now that you're under my control monk. I want you to do something for me. Kill that troublesome Taijiya for me." Naraku said chuckling. Then he let the monk go and made Kagura bring said monk with her to go to the gang.


(Back with the gang:) Yusuke hit it with a spirit blast that seems to do something but the scorpion-like youkai knocked him down and was going to hit him with it's poisonous stinger on it's tail. Before it struck Hiei blocked it somehow with just his sword. Hiei gave Yusuke enough time to get out of the way before getting out of the way himself.

Hiei cursed silently when he noticed his sword was cracked. He looked back at the beast to see it attacking Yukina. His eyes went wide before he growled flames surrounding his clenched fists. Then his headband burned away and his Jagan Eye opened. He then ripped the bandages on his arm off and sent the Dragon of the Darkness Flame to kill the damned Youkai.

As it died two people, well one man and a demoness arrived on a giant white feather. When they got off Sango gasped going wide eyed.

"What is it Sango-san?" Kurama asked as she started trembling. She didn't appear to hear him as she took a shaky step forward.

"Houshi...sama?" She questioned seeing Miroku standing next to Kagura the Wind Sorceress.
