Author's Note: Yay! Final chapter! Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to read this fanfiction. This is the first fanfiction that I've made that lasted so long, so I'm really happy that I was able to finish it. :) I hope that you all enjoy the ending.

Disclaimer: I still don't own like anything.


Chapter Forty-Five.


After eating in Italy, everyone made their way back to Japan. Once in Japan, Yuzuha's funeral happened. It was an extremely emotional time for the Hitacchin family. A few days after the funeral, Hikaru's father spoke to him, "Hikaru, next month there's going to be a press conference for your acceptance of the company..." Hikaru nodded, "Of course, I'm prepared to accept."

After hearing that news, Hikaru called up the entire host club, excluding Haruhi. They all met at his apartment, "Everyone... you're probably wondering why I'm calling you here... well, the reasoning is that I need your help in an important feat that will happen next month."

Kyoya smirked all-knowingly, while Hunny smiled, "What can we help you with Hika-chan?"

A month later...

Hikaru took a deep breath as he placed on his newly designed suit. He looked directly at his brother. Kaoru smiled, "Are you ready for this?" Hikaru nodded and Kaoru patted the back of his back, "Alright, let's do this!"

Tamaki entered the room that Haruhi was waiting in. "Haruhi..." Haruhi glanced over to see her ex standing there, "Eh? Tamaki-sempai... what are you doing here?" Tamaki handed over a box, "These are the clothes that the twins want you to wear today." Haruhi sighed, "I don't get why they need me to wear one of their newly designed dresses for this..." Tamaki smiled, "Well Haruhi! One, you'll look incredibly adorable! Two, not only is Hikaru accepting the position of CEO for the company, but he's also showing off the designs for the company's new line." Haruhi nodded, "I guess."

At this point in time, Mei entered, "Ah! Haruhi! So you are modeling as well!" Haruhi sighed, "Unfortunately..." Mei hugged her, "You'll do great! Just be yourself!" Tamaki nodded, "Exactly! What Mei-chan said!" Haruhi rolled her eyes, "So, why exactly are you here?" Tamaki posed like a price, "I've been asked to model as well!" Haruhi sighed, "You'd think that with a fashion company as powerful as theirs that they would get professional models..." Kasanoda entered the room, "I've been asked as well... Hikaru told me that he wanted to show the world that clothing is made for everyone, not just models are fashionable." Haruhi thought for a moment, "I guess I can see that..."


Hunny and Mori walked into the room. Hunny smiled, "Ah! Haru-chan! Hika-chan said that your outfit is the most important, so he has a specific role for you to play for this small fashion show." Haruhi cocked her head, "This is a fashion show now?" Mori shook his head, "It's not a fashion show. It's just an acceptance speech that happens to want to show off a new line of clothing." Haruhi sighed, "It's very formal clothing..." Hunny smiled, "Because Hika-chan said that several formal balls are held around this season!" Haruhi thought for a moment, "Oh..."


Before the press conference began, Ranka left Hikaru's room in tears, "I'm... so incredibly happy for you!" Hikaru smiled towards Ranka, "Don't be happy for me until the press conference is over." Ranka shook his head and wrapped Hikaru into a hug, "I'm very proud of you." He then let go, "Now, go get 'em!" Hikaru laughed and nodded, "I'll do my best."

With that said, Hikaru met Kaoru. Kaoru smirked, "So... how do I look?" Hikaru laughed, "Perfect." Kaoru nodded, "Let's get this over with." Hikaru nodded and ran off. Kaoru smiled and walked to his destination.


When the twin arrived on stage, there was a large audience, as well as a huge amount of press recording everything. He approached the microphone and observed the scenery. As a spot light appeared over him, he took a deep breath, "Everyone, thank you for coming today. My name is Hitacchin Hikaru and as of today, I will be the CEO of this huge corporation." He took a small breath and went into a large speech about what the company represents and what not. It wasn't anything interesting; however, it was one of those neccessary talks. Once he was done with the specifics, he took a small breath, "And to show the evolution of this company, I would like to showcase the new Versailles Line that we're releasing. The Versailles Line is a line of formal wear that is made to make any man feel like a prince and any lady feel like a princess. Please enjoy this new line, which will be on sale starting tomorrow."

With that said, the lighting on the stage dimmed and Haruhi walked onto the stage. She immediately looked at the twin at the podium and shook her head. She mouthed towards the twin, 'Where is Hikaru?' Kaoru smirked and began to speak in the microphone, "This first dress featured is made of silk and features a slender frame. It's perfect for any lady that's trying to look elegant. The small flower details and beading are to give off personality." Haruhi spun around. On the stage, there were seven large boxes. Kaoru smiled towards the audience, "Underneath each box features a new outfit from the Versailles Line." Haruhi then walked over to the first box and flipped it over, to reveal Mori. Mori posed for the crowds as Kaoru spoke, "This simple black suit can be dressed up or down. It's perfect for a date, get-togethers, work, and several other occations."

Haruhi then went to the next box. She flipped it over to reveal Hunny, who was cross-dressing as a lolita woman. Haruhi blinked a few times with surprise. Hunny posed as cutely as possible, as he showed off the dress and his beautiful golden wig. Kaoru spoke, "For those precious ladies who love classy, yet poofy outfits, this dress the perfect match..."

After Hunny, Haruhi flipped the next box, which featured Kyoya in a dark blue suit. Then after that box, Tamaki cross-dressed in a simple little, black dress. It took every ounce of willpower for Haruhi to not laugh at that site. After Tamaki, she flipped the next box, which revealed Kasanoda in a very classy white suit. Then, Mei was in the next box wearing a one-sleeved golden slimming dress.

Haruhi then approached the last box. She flipped it over, only to see Hikaru wearing the exact same suit as Kaoru; however, the difference between Hikaru are the rest of the so-called models was that he was down on one knee and holding a beautiful diamond ring. He smiled as he looked at Haruhi, "Fujioka Haruhi... will you make me the happiest man by marrying me?" Haruhi gasped as she was taken by complete surprise by the entire scene. The audience were extremely entranced by the scene. Kaoru spoke up in the microphone, "I must apologize to everyone here... but, I lied earlier. I'm not Hitacchin Hikaru... I'm Hitacchin Kaoru... I disguised myself as Hikaru solely for this moment."

Hikaru continuously looked into Haruhi's eyes, waiting anxiously for a response. He was beginning to get nervous, since she wasn't answering. Yet, once she took a step forward, Hikaru noticed her eyes getting watery. He gulped and was prepared for a refusal to his proposal. Cold sweat started to appear on his neck and he glanced over towards his friends on-stage. Haruhi got down on both knees to his level and looked him straight in the eyes, "To be honest Hikaru... I knew something strange was going on when I saw Kaoru on-stage instead of you..." Hikaru let out a small chuckle. Haruhi continued, "But, I was prepared for a huge prank... not a proposal."

Hikaru shrugged, "Sorry to disappoint you for not pranking you but... Will you marry me?" Haruhi nodded her head, "Of course I'll marry you." Hikaru immediately placed the ring on her finger and pulled her into a hug.

Everyone began to clap. Kaoru smirked and snapped his fingers. At that point in time, dozens of rose petals began to fall from the ceiling. Hikaru pulled Haruhi into a kiss and once it was broken Haruhi looked into his eyes, "You did ask dad for permission, right?" Hikaru nodded, "He was jumping for joy earlier when I spoke to him before this whole spectacle... though, I must admit, I would marry you even if he didn't give me his blessing." Haruhi laughed, "How's that possible if I was to say no?" Hikaru frowned, "Are you saying that you had second thoughts?" Haruhi laughed. Hikaru sighed, "This is dumb... we just got engaged... I should be kissing you." With that said he kissed her again.

The End.