Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Beta and Pre-read by October Skies

D is for Dad

Every Memorial Day Billy Black and his family traveled the exact distance of one block down the street to attend his good friend Harry Clearwater's celebratory fish fry. Harry's wife, Sue, would decorate her backyard in traditional Quileute ways mixed with red, white and blue, honoring the past history of the Quileute warriors along with the soldiers of the America of the present. There would be lots of food, games, friends, family and fun. Later in the evening, Billy would sit around a pit fire, re-telling the legends of the tribe's origins as he did every year. The only difference would be the number of bodies around the fire.

Rebecca and Rachel Black would be conspicuously absent from this year's festivities. The girls had moved out after graduating last year, Rebecca moving to Hawaii and Rachel going to college. Rachel didn't even come home for the summer, preferring to stay at college and earn more credit hours during the summer semester.

Jacob knew his father missed his sisters this year. As he wheeled Billy towards the Clearwater's, a pan of baked beans sat in the older man's lap and a box of beers was set down between the foot pedals, balancing precariously; Billy kept commenting on how the day wouldn't be the same without them.

"I know Rachel really regrets not being able to be here. She loves my stories."

Keep telling yourself that old man. Jacob snorted. Rachel had blown out of town like a hurricane through a beach when she got her scholarship to go to Seattle. She called once a week, talking for barely five minutes before something would happen to drag her away from the phone. Jacob sometimes thought Billy's entire week was about those five minutes, and it made him angry that his sister could be so thoughtless about keeping in touch with her family..

He never expressed that anger out loud because his Dad would lecture him for speaking out against his sisters' behavior. So he bit his tongue, instead choosing to reply, "Seth loves your stories too Dad. He'll be there to listen."

"True." Billy seemed tickled about that fact and Jacob didn't bring it up anymore. They reached the Clearwater house and he wheeled Billy around back, familiar with the yard's spots that were easier to navigate.

"Hey Billy! Jacob!" Sue greeted seeing them enter from the side. Sue was standing back supervising as Seth twirled streamers across the yard. Jacob could see she had already set out the wolf skin head dress that had been passed down in Harry's family. Wooden wolf masks and red and white balls made of crepe paper, hung side by side along the back porch eaves. Short spirit totems stood proudly around the fire pit, Seth currently stringing blue crepe between each pole.

"You guys are just in time," Harry called out from behind his tool shed. "We'll have the fish ready in a moment!" Jacob could pick up the faint sounds of bubbling oil and grease and the smell of breaded, fried fish permeated the air around them. Harry had an extension cord running from the house to his shed, his deep fryer hooked up outside. Sue absolutely forbade him from stinking up the house.

"Smells great Harry! We're hungry," Billy called back, speaking for both himself and Jake. "I got the beans here!"

"I'll take that," Sue removed the foil covered pan from Billy's lap heading into the house. "Jake did you make this?" she called over her shoulder after having peeked under the tin foil.

"Yeah," Jacob muttered, his cheeks reddening. The beans were a little blackened on top from overcooking. All he had to do was follow the recipe which had turned out fine but a phone call from Bella Swan had distracted him into forgetting his cooking. She had called to wish him a Happy Memorial Day which had literally made his day. She was so hot.

"Mom! Have you seen my flip flops?" Leah's voice carried from inside the house, just past the closed screen door. The inside door was propped open to let the late May breeze air out the house. Sue opened the screen door and asked, "Which ones?" Jacob didn't hear the rest of the conversation once the door shut and the two women eased down to inaudible levels.

Speaking of hot, so was Leah Clearwater. Jake could think back to the crush he'd had on her in grade school right up until she entered the higher education building in junior high. He looked at the door, hoping to see her but she never appeared. Not that he had a snowball chance in hell to date her. She was already taken.

"Hey Jake! Want to play some basketball?" Jake was immediately distracted by Seth's offer. "Sure." They headed back around the front of the house, a basket hitched to the side of the house above the garage door.

In the midst of one-on-one (Jake was pulling his baskets to keep things even with Seth), a tall, semi-undressed, solitary figure walked up towards them in the driveway. "Hey Sam!" Seth called out cheerfully, ignoring Jake who scored in his momentary negligence.

"Hi Seth."

"Jake," Sam nodded at him. Jake returned the gesture with a, "Sam," in the same gruff manner. Sam held Jacob's gaze, the younger boy shifting uncomfortably under the scrutiny of the other. Sam was the same age as his sisters and had recently been undergoing some changes. The whole tribe had noticed and Jacob was pretty sure his Dad knew something, but whatever it was, the old man wasn't talking.

There had been rumors of drugs and other illicit gossip passing around the entire Reservation. Jacob wasn't sure if he believed it, but lately Sam had taken to staring at him in a manner he wasn't comfortable with. It was like he was expecting something from Jacob but didn't ask out loud.

"You want to join us?" Seth offered, bouncing the basketball he had recovered after Jake's last basket. He held it out toward Sam.

"No, but thanks," Sam smiled at Seth. "Is your sister around? She invited me to the fish fry."

"Yeah she's inside," Seth gestured towards the door, without offering to lead Sam in. Sam, as Leah's long-time boyfriend, was pretty much part of the family so he came and went as he pleased. So did Jake and Billy. Most of the families who had members on the tribal council were close knit to the point of an open door policy when it came to their homes.

"See you out back," Sam gave a little wave before heading inside.

Jake turned to look at Seth and ask, "Where's his shirt?"

Seth snorted. "Tell me about it! I don't think he even owns any shirts anymore! He's always showing up here half naked and Dad just lets him parade around here like that!"

Jake snickered. As they resumed their game, the younger boy kept making complaints about his sister's boyfriend's state of dress (or lack thereof). Soon enough they heard Sue yell, "It's ready! Come eat or don't eat at all!"

"Mo-om!" That would be Leah who sounded embarrassed by her mom's frank words. Sue meant every bit of it. The Black and Clearwater men could tuck away several plates of food without stopping to burp. It was Sam's first time there and Jacob snickered as he learned to fill his plate quickly or lose a hand to all the forks flying between dishes.

They all sat down at the picnic table to eat. Jacob was filling Seth in on the mechanics of installing a car stereo. He had just recently replaced the busted radio in the VW Rabbit with a better CD system. Harry and Billy were talking excitedly about a White Sturgeon fishing trip they had planned with Charlie for the following weekend. Leah, Sam, and Sue were at the other end of the table chatting about future plans, Sue interrupting them occasionally to remind her husband not to eat so much in one sitting. Jacob noticed more than once during supper, Sam's gaze would land on Harry and Billy and he would fidget slightly, looking as if he wanted to say something to the tribal council members.

When everyone had helped themselves to a second (some of them a third) serving of food, Sam finally decided to speak when a lull broke in Billy and Harry's conversation. He cleared his throat gaining the attention of everyone at the table.

"Sir," Sam's eyes landed upon Harry Clearwater and his formal tone immediately notified everyone that something was up. "Ah, that is Harry," Sam sensed the alertness in the air and Jake could see he was perspiring lightly. Was Sam Uley nervous?

"What is it Sam?" Harry's gray, bushy eyebrows lifted with his question. Jacob wondered if Seth would inherit those same brows when he was older.

"Well with all this talk about futures," Sam ignored the plate of half eaten burger in front of him, leaning towards Harry, his arm on the table. "I'd like to speak to you about my future." He paused and then glanced at Harry's daughter, "With Leah."

Leah's face broke into a smile. Sue leaned back in her chair, a hint of a smile playing about her lips. Harry's face was stoic, giving nothing away at this admission. Billy Black was frowning severely and Jake felt that he could care less about Sam's future. It sounded like Sam was about to propose or something. If he did, the gossip would be widespread on the reservation by the next day.

In the continued silence Sam said, "I'd like to ask permission for your daughter's hand in marriage." By now, Leah was grinning, no doubt in anyone's mind what her answer would be if Sam was given permission to ask. "We'd wait for her to get out of high school of course, before getting married." Sam was quick to assure Harry.

Harry leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over the portly belly he had accumulated from many years of fish fries and junk food snuck past his ever watchful wife's eyes. He looked at Sam for a moment and said, "Well that's something to think about isn't it?"

At his words, Billy Black suddenly exploded, gesturing wildly with his hands. "No! This can't be Harry! Leah can't marry Sam. Have you forgotten?"

Jacob lifted his head from his bite of food. Why should his Dad care if Leah and Sam got married?

"Forgotten?" Harry rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he glanced at Billy who was now giving Harry a very expectant look. When Harry continued to look stumped by his question, Billy let out a snort of disgust.

"Nearly 11 years ago this very day," Billy's voice was cajoling, trying to coerce Harry into remembering something. "We were sitting on the back porch," he gestured up towards the set of rocking chairs up by the house. He said something in Quileute to Harry and Jacob recognized one word – drunk.

Harry's fingers left his chin, pointing up into the sky as he looked up into the clouds, searching his memory banks for whatever Billy was reminding him of. Eventually he agreed, "You're right Billy. I had forgotten." Turning his gaze to Sam, the patriarch of the Clearwater family said, "I'm sorry Sam. I cannot allow you to marry my daughter as she has been promised as Jacob's bride."

"WHAT?!" Leah's cry of disbelief matched the loud spew of baked beans that left Jacob's mouth as he choked. He had just taken a bite on the spoon, when the words left Harry's mouth, causing him to inhale sharply, beans going down the wrong tube in the process. Jacob began coughing violently.

"Jake!" Seth hopped up next to him, pounding his back with equal force in an attempt to help. Jake tried to wave him off.

"Dad, what the hell?!" Leah jumped to her feet, staring at her dad like a crazy person.

"Leah language!" Sue admonished her daughter before turning her dark, steely gaze to her husband and asking, "Harry what the hell is going on?" The same language rules apparently didn't apply to herself.

Sam was frowning thunderously in Jacob and Billy's direction, his frame shaking. "Sam!" Billy called sharply to the teenage boy. He threw himself back away from the picnic table, his chair rolling across the lawn from the force of his push. Sam took off running towards the side of the house.

"Sam!" Leah chased after him but it was like a bicycle chasing a freight train. He was gone within seconds. "Sam! Where are you going?"

Jake finally got his breath back, taking a long draw on his soda to help. Seth was still beating his back and so he croaked out, "Seth I'm good!"

Harry and Billy were staring at each other. "I am sorry I had forgotten Billy," Harry apologized.

"Forgot what?" Sue's voice was loud and clearly annoyed as she stood up, planting her hands on her hips. "Harry Clearwater what have you done?"

"What's going on?" Seth asked, clearly as confused as his mother.

"Dad?" Jacob was looking at Billy for an explanation, coughing lightly into his fisted hand as he continued to recover from his choking.

"He's gone!" Leah came around the side of the house, her dark eyes snapping with fury. "Sam's disappeared again!" She marched towards the picnic table and yelled, "Are you happy? You never liked Sam did you Dad? And now he's gone!"

"Leah calm down," Sue reached for her daughter but Leah just shrugged her off. "Your dad has an explanation for this." Sue's hazel brown eyes pierced her husband's face as she asked, "Right?"

Harry cleared his throat, his eyes never leaving Sue's as he said, "Yes. A few years ago-"

"Ten or eleven this very day," Billy interjected.

"Right," Harry cleared his throat again, "This was back when Sarah was still alive. You and she were in the kitchen getting the cakes ready-"

"Sarah's carrot cake was the best," Billy leaned back in his chair, tilting his head up towards the skies, a tiny smile gracing his lips. "I miss them."

"Me too," Harry agreed. He let out a wistful sigh and then shook his head. "So Billy and I were on the back porch, just having a few beers-"

"It was the Shneider Weiss?" Billy interrupted Harry to ask that question.

Harry shook his head, "You brought over Flensburger. You told me you kept the Schneider at home that night."

"Oh yeah," Billy nodded his head.

"Billy was telling me about Schneider. He'd given me a bottle before and it's really good beer. His old buddy stationed in Germany had shipped him a few cases." Harry continued nonchalantly, chatting as if this was not a life altering event that he was speaking of.

"The German do know how to brew," Billy praised and Harry nodded at him. The eldest Clearwater looked back to his wife and daughter who wore identical frowns on their faces.

Jacob glanced at Leah who was clearly as unimpressed as he was by their fathers' joint rumination of this story.

Harry spoke again. "I told Billy I wanted to get my hands on a case of that Schneider myself and he asked me what I could offer him and that it had better be good." Harry's eyes landed on Jacob and then back to Leah. "Just about that time Leah ran past followed by Jacob and Seth. What was he four?" Harry looked to Billy.

"Yep," Billy nodded. "Jake was holding something and chasing Leah. Seth was still in diapers and followed Jake like a puppy dog."

"He still does," Harry and Billy both laughed while their sons glowered at them.

"He was chasing me with worms." Leah scowled at Jacob, remembering she had found Seth and Jacob digging in the muddy garden patch that belonged to her mother. When she had threatened to tattle-tale on the two of them he had threatened to drop worms down her dress and chased her around the yard.

Jacob shrugged his shoulders at Leah. "I was four," he said in his own defense.

Billy and Harry seemed to find that funny and Harry said, "First I offered Billy some money but he said the beer was worth more than that. The kids ran past us again. Leah honey, you were chasing Jacob at that point, yelling at him that you were going to make him eat something.."

"The worms," Jacob vaguely recalled the memory. He had ended up dumping them down her dress and when they finally fell out she had surprised him by picking them back up and then yelling she was going to make him eat those worms.

"So that's what Seth was trying to tell us," Billy started chuckling. "He ran by a minute after you two did, chasing you guys and all we heard was "Warmf."

Sue's mouth was quirking up and down at the story. Seth was grinning at hearing past stories that he couldn't remember. Harry and Billy were laughing together in shared memory.

"So get to the point where you two signed a betrothal contract," Leah crossed her arms, glaring at the two old coots at the picnic bench.

"Well I had a few beers by that point," Harry explained, "And Billy told me to make him a good offer on that case of beer, so I made him an offer he couldn't refuse." Billy laughed at the strained Marlon Brando impression Harry had effected.

Leah's arms uncrossed, her hands going to her hips as she stomped her foot. "Dad! You traded me for a case of beer?!"

"Leah, it was really good beer!"

She stared at him appalled. Jake stared at his Dad. Had he really accepted that offer?

"Dad, did you really accept that offer?" Jake ventured his thoughts out loud.

"Yep," Billy nodded his head looking between Leah and Jake. "You two used to play together ever since you were in diapers Jake. When you were three years old you told me you were going to run away to live with Leah because she had all the cool toys."

Jake blushed. "Dad, how could you believe me? I was three!"

"Age is not a defense Jake."

Jake rolled his eyes. "You better be joking old man."

"I want to know why this is the first I am hearing of this." Sue was looking directly at Harry as she spoke. Her voice was quiet and Harry felt himself pale at her tone. Quiet and Sue were not a good combination. "How could you make this kind of arrangement without discussing this with me Harry Clearwater?"

"Discuss it?" Leah's fury was loud and she shouted, "What is this the eighteenth century?! You can't just give me away like that without my consent! I wouldn't marry Jacob Black if you paid me! There is no betrothal!"

"Oh yes there is, I gave Harry my case of Schneider."

"Shut up Dad!" Jake pushed himself away from the table with less force than Sam, but just as much anger. "I can't believe you two would do something like this!" He was upset by this revelation from both men, but he was equally stung by Leah's immediate rejection and insult. It's not like he wanted her that way either; he preferred a paler girl with soft brown hair, and chocolate eyes, but she was acting disgusted by him and Jake knew he was anything but disgusting.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time," Harry said, his voice quiet with defeat. He was going to be sleeping on the couch tonight for sure.

"Dad you better undo this," Leah let out a snort of derision. "I gotta go find Sam and explain this stupid thing." She whirled around, running towards the front of the house.

"She won't find him right now," Billy said cryptically. Once again, Jake had the feeling his Dad knew something that the rest of them didn't about Sam Uley.

"I don't like that boy around my daughter," Harry grumbled. "He's too much like his father. I'd rather have a son-in-law like-" Harry's words cut off but Jacob caught the glance the eldest Clearwater threw his way.

Jacob shook his head. "No way!" He looked down at Billy and said, "Have Seth take you home. I can't even look at you right now."

"I'm not breaking this betrothal Jake!" Billy called out to his son as he ran off, following the same trail as Leah and Sam had gone.

Seth, who had remained silent during the fuss, looked at his mother asking, "Am I going to be Jake's brother–in-law or not?"

"No," Sue said at the same time both Dads declared "YES!"

Kat's Note: This story was inspired by the time I was 18 years old and my own father in the middle of a crowded Mexican restaurant tells me he once betrothed me to our landlord's son for a case of German beer. Just like Harry – his only response to my laughing outrage that this could happen was "It was really good beer". So yeah apparently I have a fiancé somewhere out there in the world. Anyone want to help me track him down?