
I'm really sorry that this chapter is short but I've been typing up different parts for all of my story's in all of the free time that I have!

I'll try and update quicker but this month is filled with exams so it will take a little longer until I can update!

I don't own Black Cat or Ghost Hunt!

XxxxXXxxXXxx~XXxxXXxxXXxx~Meeting Old Friends~xxXXxxXXxxXX~xxXXxxXXxxXX

Mai's POV

"Yeah,yeah,whatever you say" I replied irritatedly because Train decide to cut me of while I was in the middle of my sentence.

"Mai!If Maya was still around you would of got a kick up the backside." Train quickly retorted.

"Key word is 'was',I may see her in my dreams but that doesn't stop me from doing what I want to do or saying what I want to say." I stated curtly.

I noticed his eyes were starting to gather a lot of emotion in them; Hurt ,Anger ,Despair ,Guilt ,Rage ,Sadness and... Love.

'So much love that will NEVER belong to me' I thought, pushing all the agony that came with that single thought and focusing back into reality

"You will NOT do anything you want to do. Last time I let you do what you wanted to do without anyone looking over you, you suddenly came up with a really 'smart' idea about attempting suicide because you couldn't handle the remorse of your sisters death. When I found you, you had already shot yourself in the bath, luckily you only grazed your heart in the process. If Maya was alive at that time-"

"Maya this,Maya that! If Maya 'was' alive I wouldn't of been in that state of sorrow. I'm glad I'm still alive 'cause that means I can kill that scoundrel who went out of there way to kill May. And for god sake Train, I've learnt to live in the present so why don't you learn to live in the present as well!" I was by now taking big breaths to calm myself down.'I should have known that Train was in love with May,' I continued thinking 'but what does May have that I don't? I'm guessing this is what Na-Oliver felt with all those girls throwing themselves at him but the only difference is, is that Oliver figured out the difference between him and Gene.'

"Mai..." Train decided to stop himself which made me curious.

"Instead of arguing, why don't we catch up on what we've missed?" I said trying to get a conversation going.

"OK. Sven and Eve are at 'Diner Down', it's not that far from here." He said, while dragging me in the direction of the diner.

"Why don't we have a race there instead, since I know where that diner is already BUT first we have to get the money for MY bounty!" I exclaimed on 'MY', but it was mine to start with.

"Fine..." Train grumbled, letting go of my hand and went to pick up the lifeless body of Kojiro Hideaki. Train slung him over his shoulder and started walking to the nearest place to get my money for my bounty. " Hurry up Mai!" Train shouted at me. I shook my head to get rid of any thoughts that I knew were coming and started running towards Train but went back to a walking pace once I caught up with him.

XxTime SkipxX

We finally got to the diner after a 6 mile run, which nearly killed me! And Train said the diner wasn't far from where we were... Damn liar! We both entered at the same time, panting like we were dying. I looked around to try and find Sven and Eve who were in the far corner talking like there was no tomorrow. 'What is it with people being in a hurry these days!' I thought to myself.

"Hurry up, Liar." I said, while walking towards Sven and Eve, who saw me and Train causing them to wave. Train and me walked over and sat down, Train was beside Sven who was facing Eve and I was beside Eve facing Train.

"So what have you guys been doing?" I spoke, breaking the silence...