
This is my first story so reviews are welcome and appreciated.


That's really all anyone can say about it.


This world, even with some of the longest-living beings in the universe, was no longer exciting to me.

We spend our time either sleeping, lazing around, or gambling with bones and sticks over the amount of years we have left, as if a few hundred years gained or lost would make a difference.

Occasionally, there will be a fit of laughter at those who do take the time to actually write a person's name down in their Death Notes. However, it only lasts a few minutes before it becomes quiet again in this slowly rotting wasteland.

What is a Death Note, some of you may ask? Well, to humans, it is possibly the biggest weapon of mass genocide in the world. But to us shinigami, it's really nothing more than life insurance. I only use mine when I actually need it.

Now why would I need to use it? Well, let's say you have a human that's doomed to live toward the age of 100 years. Now let's say I choose to write their name when they are at the age of 20. In 40 seconds, that person will die by how I choose they will die. Otherwise, they will simply die of a heart attack. 100 minus 20 equals 80. So now those 80 years are added to my life-span.

Believe me, it's true. I've done it.

Some of you might say that's immoral and wrong, but let me ask you this: Would you care about the life of a fish or sheep when it is the only source of food around you if you were on a stranded island?

I didn't think so…although now that I think about it, you might just be caring a little more about how to get off said island. Or if you were stranded there in the first place, you probably have a good reason to be. But that's beside the point. Ah, forget it.

Just so you know, I do not find enjoyment in the killings of humans. Honestly, there really is nothing for me to get upset about a human gripping his chest in sheer pain that only lasts a moment before they fall to the floor with a look of shock on their face, wondering what the heck is happening. Neither do any of the other shinigimi. We just don't care enough to remember little details like that.


In fact, there really is nothing for us to do. We have no purpose, and if we did have one, it must have been forgotten long ago. I personally believe we have no purpose anymore, but we just continue to exist because we're afraid of dying. The only thing we can watch other than ourselves is the humans that go on with their lives.

Their short sad lives.

For a while, things were at least little exciting for me. The other shinigimi didn't really seem to care at all about the dragon raids that occurred on the island known as Berk. I for one find it fascinating that 700 years of war would go by and all it took was the weakest Viking of all to befriend a dragon known as a Night Fury.

Who knew?

This boy, named Hiccup, fascinated me just because of his determination to gain acceptance from his tribe. Now I'm no human, but even I can say that I found it disgusting to see his tribe mentally and physically degrade him just because he was different.

I've never seen that before.

Sometimes, when this boy went to bed with tears in his eyes, I would consider writing down his name just to end his misery. But I eventually came to the conclusion that having a laughable name like "Hiccup" would be embarrassing to have in my notebook. Besides, the tribe would have probably not cared about the boy at all even if he did die.

The other kids seemed like a noteworthy option at first, but I eventually scrapped this idea because I wanted to see how he would try to gain their friendship, even if it involved a couple of bruises on his shoulder from a girl named Astrid.

Anyways, every once in a while, the dragons would attack the humans and try to steal their supply of sheep so they could feed their queen. I swear, I've never seen such a selfish individual that eats its own kind just because it doesn't get enough from its clan that loses several dragons each month. It would be like the shinigimi king going around and punishing us for not writing down names. It's absolutely ludicrous! Although it would make life more exciting if there was really any pressure to do anything.

Now some of you might ask why I don't just write down the name of the queen instead of watching this war all the time. Well, the thing is, unlike humans who are named at birth, dragons are capable of telling each other apart just by scent and sight. So unless I have a name, the Death Note becomes useless.

As I watched, the boy slowly grew up to be creator of various knick-knacks that he hoped would help his tribe. One by one they failed (oh, how they did) until he created something that actually managed to shoot down the dragon known as a Night Fury.

The boy, after receiving a humiliating brush-off from the village, went to go find the Night Fury in the forest. After finding the downed dragon, I was surprised to see the boy hesitate killing something that could potentially raise his social status. I was even more surprised by the fact that he started to cut the ropes instead of leaving it for dead.

Things were getting interesting, although I will admit that at the time I had thought the human had been trying to commit suicide. I had never seen a suicide in person…or rather, in shinigami.

This almost completely backfired for the boy as the dragon immediately leapt on top of him and roared in his face before jumping off and running into the forest. I noticed that the dragon seemed to have trouble getting into the air as it ran off.

After Hiccup went home, I noticed that he seemed intent on risking his life to find the dragon that had nearly killed him. Being a shinigimi, I found this foolish, even for a human. I will never understand why a human works so hard. As a general rule, all humans will die at one time or another. Unless of course we shinigami write their names down. Whichever comes first.

After a while, the boy and the dragon eventually met one another, and surprisingly, they became really good friends. However, I actually laughed for the first time in several hundred years after I heard the boy call the dreaded Night Fury "Toothless." Aren't humans fun?

The boy and dragon both began to hang out with each other more often until the girl named Astrid discovered the secret cove they hung out in. At first, I considered writing down her name, but erupted into even more laughter after I heard her begging to be let down from a potentially deadly drop. She changed her mind after having what humans call "a romantic flight among the clouds." Seriously, what is it with humans and the emotion called "Love?"

However, everything went downhill after the boy's father ruined the boy's plan to convince the village that dragons aren't what they thought they were. After the boy was disowned by the father (Stoick was his name?) the tribe attempted to use the Night Fury to find the nest.

To make a long story short, they did find the nest… only to be attacked by a dragon that they were incapable of killing for once. (Before we go any further, here's a side note: Humans cannot kill shinigami, even if they were to stab us in the heart. I doubt we shinigami even have hearts. I'm not so sure about dragons though…)

Luckily, Hiccup had managed to get the rest of the young Vikings to help him by freeing the dragons the humans had locked up in the arena. After freeing the dragon called Toothless *giggle* they managed to defeat the queen and save everyone. Of course, after this, the dragons and humans got along and they all lived happily ever after. (Well, minus a leg, of course.)

Give me a break.

The reason I say this is because now that the war is over, everything on the island is boring.


Now I'm stuck here with nothing to do, but watch the humans get on with their lives. Hiccup was really interesting at first, but now there's nothing to see other than his occasional flight with that Night Fury of his. He's so happy compared to three months ago.

I guess I'll have to just sit here and wait for something…interesting to happen, huh?


I seemed to have dropped my Death Note. *giggle*

I guess I'll have to look for it.

In the Human World.