"You mean it? I don't want to just be another random whore you shag. You know how I feel about you James." I spoke finally my voice cracking with emotion.

"Yes of course I do. You mean more than anything in the world to me Rory Hastings!" he whispered, slowly closing the gap between us. "I just ran out into a snow storm looking for you Ror, if that doesn't show how much you mean to me I don't know what will. I sat completely still.

"Rory, listen to me when I say this because I mean it." James demanded softly which caused me to look up.

"I love you." he spoke gently reaching forward slowly stroking my cheek with his thumb.

I still didnt move. I was frozen, not by the cold but by my emotions. I was so overwhelmed that James had just admitted that, especially after I thought he had never loved me at all. My eyes searched his for any sign that he could be lying but I found none in his golden brown orbs.

My mouth pulled up into a small smile and I suddenly threw myself into his arms.

"I love you too James."

I felt him tense as I whispered that in his ear. His arms tightened around me and I felt him kiss my head. Everything I had been upset and worried about melted away. I did mean something to him; in fact I meant everything to him. At that moment I knew what I wanted in life and that was James. His familiar comforting smell, the way my body fit so perfectly into him. How he always knew what to do. Even his cheeky smirk and bloody annoying sarcasm. I loved all of it and I knew I always would.

"Good now that's cleared up, fancy heading back so we don't loose our limbs to frostbite or get hypothermia?" he joked pulling me away so he could look at my face and wipe away any tears. I smiled and nodded before leaning in and kissing him on the mouth.

"What was that for?" he asked chuckling.

"For saving me." I shrugged.

"Ror, I would do anything to save you. Make sure you always remember that." He told me seriously before standing up and holding out a hand for me. I took it and he pulled me up and grabbed my waist so I was pulled close.

"I'm never letting you go again." He whispered in my ear. "Now if I could just remember the way home.

Half an hour later we finally found our way back to Ari's house. Luckily the snow has lightened so James footprints were still visible and we used them to navigate our way. I shook with cold as we trudged through the knee high snow. At one point the snow was half way up my thighs making it impossible for me to walk without falling. Without me even asking James noticed me struggling and picked me up. He held me closed snuggled against his chest, our combined body heats stopping my shivering slightly. He walked with me like that until we saw the lights in the distance. Then he started running and didn't stop until we reached the door and fell through.

Mr and Mrs Wood wrapped us both up in blankets and poured us some hot coco. They then left us with Ari and went into the kitchen to owl James's parents.

Arianna sat in silence on the opposite sofa and watched us. When we finished our drinks and had set the mugs down she stood up walked over and bashed me round the head with a rolled up magazine. A thick one at that!

"Ow! What was that for?" I demanded hiding behind James so I couldn't be assaulted again.

"That was for running out into a blizzard! You could have died Rory!" She shouted. "And although it was very brave and noble this is for following her you din!" She shouted again before smacking James as well. He just laughed.

"Well we are both fine as you can see. No harm no foul and all of that shit." James joked wrapping his arms around me and poking his tongue out at a scowling Ari.

Ari continued to give us a lecture about the dangers of snow, frostbite and other cold related things until James's Parents Floo'd into the room.

"Aurora Hastings and James Sirius Potter! What in Merlin's name were you thinking risking your lives like that!" James and I both cringed as Ginny Potter opened her mouth and started shouting. Harry stood in the background looking slightly amused by his wife's outburst.

When Ginny had finally finished and had gone in search of Ari's mum to thank, Harry stepped forwards.

"I'm glad you're okay Rory." He told me smiling before turning to James. "Don't worry son, I would have done the same thing. I seem to remember risking my life more than a few times to save the ones I love back in the day." I told us before winking and leaving the room as well.

We sat and chatted with Ari and her brother for a while whilst Harry and Ginny did the same with Ari's parents. When they remerged back into the room we stood and thanked Mr and Mrs Wood for the drink. We then said a brief goodbye to Arianna before silently following Harry and Ginny back through the fireplace.

Arriving back at the Burrow was frantic. As soon as they spotted us we were bombarded with questions. We tried to answer them but there were too many people so instead decided to tell everyone the story once.

We all sat in the front room, the adults spread across the many sofas and chairs, the children sprawled on the floor by the burning fireplace. Once everyone was sitting comfortably with snacks and drinks James dove right into it. He told them how he turned up at Ari's in total despair, how he had ran straight out into the blizzard intent on finding me. I sat between his legs leaning back on his chest comforted by his steady heartbeat. He explained that seeing me in the state I was in had forced him to realize something. He loved me and had done for a while; he was just scared to admit it. All the females in the room awed and cooed and all the men grumbled about how sappy he was.

When the story was over other people started telling stories and we all sat and listened. Halfway through Uncle Charlie's story about a dragon he was trying to tame I leaned up and whispered in James's ear.

"What do we do now?" he looked down at me and smiled.

"Well we just carry on with life. I love you Aurora Hastings." He whispered back careful not to distract anyone. I grinned.

"I love you too James Potter. Till the day I die."


I slowly opened my eyes taking in my surroundings. I instantly knew where I was, the comforting smell was everywhere and the familiar arms were wrapped tight around me. I turned my head slightly to see the black hair of my husband James Potter. It stuck up where it had been rubbing against the pillow. He moaned in his sleep and snuggled even closer towards me, he was so cute still. Everything was silent and the moment was perfect.

"Mum, Dad!" an excited voice sounded from the hall outside. My eyes shot open and James jumped. Yep the moment was ruined. I didn't move hoping that was it and I could go back to sleep but no I was wrong, seconds later the door flew open and seconds after that I felt someone jump up on our bed.

James groaned loosening his grip on me and burying his head in the pillow. I laughed and rolled over so I was facing upwards. The excited face of our youngest son suddenly blocked my view of the ceiling.

"Well good morning Harrison, to what do we owe this pleasure?" I joked. His seven year old face fell.

"It's Christmas Mum, don't you remember!" He told me seriously. I laughed and reached up to pull him in for a hug.

"Of course I didn't forget Harry! Now go get your siblings and come back and wake up your father so we can open presents!" I told him laughing as he literally leapt from the bed and went in search of his brother and sister.

"Mummy, Daddy. Its chwismas!" Came the cute little voice of our 4 year old daughter Regan from the foot of the bed. I looked down at her and smiled, she couldn't get up on the bed herself yet. I watched as she walked round to James side and held her arms up in the air. I nudged my husband who still had his eyes closed. He opened them quickly and looked at me questionably. I pointed past him at our daughter whose hands were just visible. He chuckled, rolled over, reached down and hefted her up.

"Good morning baby girl. Where are your presents?" James asked referring to her stocking after placing her down between us.

"Harry got them, they were too heavy." She replied cutely and we both smiled.

"Where is your other brother Regan?" I asked her as she played with her daddy's messy hair.

"He's just coming, he had to pee-pee." She told me matter-of-factly.

"Boys, hurry up! Time for presents!" I shouted out the open door. My shout was almost instantaneously responded with the sound of two pairs of feet running as fast as they could.

"Here we are!" Harrison announced jumping up on the bed carrying three large stockings. He was followed by our six year old son Evan.

I grinned and leaned closer to James as our three gorgeous children went about ripping open their presents. Harry's dark hair was messed up exactly like his fathers. His green eyes gleamed with glee. His hair and eyes reminded us so much of his namesake. Little Evan took after me with bright blue eyes and dark auburn hair. He was such a sweet and sensitive boy, my heart squeezed as I watched him help his sister open her presents before he opened his. Regan had long flowing hair the same shade as Harrison's, her eyes were a mix of James's brown and my blue. Her tongue stuck out in concentration as she tried hard to copy her brother's method of opening her presents.

"I love our family." I whispered into James's ear.

"I love you Aurora Potter." He whispered back and I knew he was smiling.

"I love you too James Potter. Till the day I die"

"Good bye my babies, I love you sooo much!" I cried hugging Harrison, Evan and Regan as hard as I could before they set foot on the train.

"Merlin Mum, this is my fourth year, you should be used to it by now." Murmured Harrison rolling his eyes.

"I know I should, but you won't understand it until you have kid's boys." I said looking at my sons whilst wiping away two more tears. "Now have a wonderful time and I will see you at Christmas!" I told them with one more kiss before I passed them to James who was stood on my right with our 6 year old Son Kyle. Kyle had light brown hair and brown eyes. Apart from the lighter hair he was identical to his dad. I turned my attention to Regan who was heading off for the first time.

"Now sweetie, don't be scared. Hogwarts is my favourite place in the world!" I told Regan who was looking slightly nervous.

"But Mum, what if I'm sorted into Hufflepuff!" she asked me. I frowned.

"That will be fine; don't listen to anything your father tells you. There is nothing wrong with HufflePuffs or any of the other houses." I explained to her, raising my voice on the last bit so James could hear. I heard him and the boys laugh. "I'm pretty sure you will be with the boys in Gryffindor anyway so don't fret." I kissed her once more before letting James say goodbye.

Once we had finished saying goodbye all three of them stepped on the train together. Harrison instantly ran off in search of his friends but Evan stayed with Regan and they both stood in the window and waved to us until the train left the station.

Tears rolled silently down my face as I hugged James and Kyle. I turned my head and kissed James quickly.

"I love you James Potter."

"I love you too Aurora Potter. Till the day I die."

So that's it! I've finally finished Damn Hormones, my first story! :D

Sorry it took so long to update but now that I've finished I can concentrate on my two new stories 'Every Rose has its thorn' and 'Devoted Lovers or is that Liars?'

Hope you enjoyed this!