At first Arthur didn't know what had woken him. Only when he felt for Merlin in the dark, he realised that the other side of his bed was empty and cold. Suddenly he sat up. But before he could panic, he discovered his lover's slender frame crouched on the window sill, facing away from him.

"Merlin?", Arthur whispered, "What's wrong?" At first there was no answer.

"Nothing", Merlin finally replied in a shaky voice. He still had his back turned towards Arthur, "Go back to sleep." The prince sighed.

"Well, it's obviously something. You might as well tell me." But Merlin remained silent. Arthur pulled back the covers and made his way over to the young sorcerer. Merlin first shied away, as Arthur let his hand gently rest on his shoulder, but then he accepted the soothing gesture. Encouraged by this, Arthur crouched next to his lover on the window sill. He softly lay his hand under Merlin's chin, so that he could turn his face towards him. The trail of tears on his face showed he had been crying. Gingerly, Arthur wiped the traces from his cheeks. Merlin closed his eyes as he leaned into the comforting touch.

"Now, why don't you tell me what's going on?", Arthur asked him, "What's upsetting you?" It took Merlin some time to answer. Arthur remained silent, didn't pressure him.

"What if I'll become evil?", he suddenly burst out, "Everyone I know who has magic has sooner or later turned against Camelot. Every single person I met who has magic used it to pursue aims of greed or power or hatred. Even Morgana turned against her own family! What if your father was right? What if magic sooner or later corrupts everybody?"

"No", Arthur shook his head decidedly, "Not you, Merlin. You are the most loyal person I know. You would never turn on Camelot, because you would never turn on me."

Merlin cast his eyes down. "Didn't you think the same about Morgana?"

"Merlin, look at me. Please." The young sorcerer hesitated before he finally looked up into Arthur's clear, blue eyes. They seemed to pierce into his very soul. "You always tell me that you believe in me and that I will be a great king one day. Now it's my turn to tell you: I believe in you. With all my heart. How many times have you saved my life? And risked your own while doing so?"

"That doesn't mean I will never change", Merlin snivelled. Arthur gently put his hand on Merlin's cheek and caressed the tender skin with his thumb.

"Most of all Merlin, I believe in us. As long as we keep each other grounded, nothing bad is going to happen to either of us. I'll watch out for you, alright?" Merlin first hesitated, then took Arthur's hand from his face and interlocked their fingers.

"Alright", he finally whispered, "I believe you." Arthur smiled, before he pressed his lips to that of his lover in a tender kiss. He then leaned his forehead against Merlin's.

"Now come back to bed."