A new Durarara story!

This was inspired from an RP. Hope you enjoy it!~

Title: Cold

Summary: Shizuo found Izaya on the floor dying from a sickness he haves. Now Izaya haves to live with Shizuo and his family for a couple months so they can keep an eye on him. But now since they live with each other, they start to find out more about each other. High School. Shizaya. Lemon in later chapters.

Rates: M

Couple: Shizaya (ShizuoxIzaya)


-Izaya's POV-

If you live in this city your whole life, your teenage years will be a living hell. Even for me, Izaya Orihara. No one knows my secret sickness except my family, Shiki, Shinra and Celty. People think I am strong, they think I am invincible, but… I'm only human, a sick one. Some think when I say I am a 'sick human', I am talking about my personality and they are wrong. When I say my sickness, I mean my illness. I am physically sick. I call my sickness, a cold, and this cold makes me alone. Alone since I was born; maybe even the cause of my terrible personality. It also got me to be more alone in high school starting freshmen year. So bad, that I even did the pathetic thing and trying to kill myself, but Shiki, my client, stopped me and now keeps an eye on me. He told Shinra and now he keeps an eye on me too, so I gave up on killing myself…


If they're keeping an eye on me…then why am I on the floor dying? That's right… I live on my own and I couldn't make it to my bathroom to stop my cold. My temperature is rising, and my breathing is slowing. No one is coming to help me. Why would they. People would rather want me dead…

Now I am hearing things. Someone is yelling my name. I can't register the voice, I am too dizzy. Fuck! Someone is moving me, and really fast. I don't like it! This person needs to slow down…

I feel cold water now…

I must be in my shower…

I can finally rest…and sleep…



Ugh! His voice will never shut up!


"What!" I yell and covered myself under the covers.

"Wake up already, it's already the afternoon!"

I groan and sit up, turning to the annoying doctor. I glare at him tired.

He smiles. "Good, you're finally awake. How are you feeling?"

"Tired" I look around at the familiar room. "Why am I at your place?"

"Because someone brought you here, you got sick again."

I ruffle my hair "Who found me? I know it wasn't my family and I know for sure it wasn't Shiki because I am here."

If someone did find me, why'd they save me? Practically the whole city knows me by now. Shouldn't they leave me to do die before I fully grow up? I mean, imagine what could happen if I fully grow to adulthood.

He chuckles. "You won't believe who it was."

I look at him confused, then I turn my head as a familiar blonde walks in with a shy glare.

I laugh in disbelief "Shizu-chan found me? Now that's a laugh!"

I see him glare harder at me "You're lucky I didn't leave you there to die!" he growls.

"And why didn't you?"

He drops the glare and looks unsure "I…don't even know. I came over to beat the shit out of you because you told the teachers I was doing drugs and they bitched at me for hours after school!" he starts to get angry again.

I shrug "I was bored."

"You bastard!"

He goes up to me in anger, but Shinra gets between us and I give him my smug look.

"Stop! Shizuo, I told you to watch him for a little bit earlier so I could get his results!" Shinra says, holding Shizuo back from me.

Shizuo glares and relaxes slowly, which surprised me.

"Now don't fight, I will be back." Shinra warned and walks out.

After he leaves, Shizuo doesn't even look at me. I don't even want to fight with him. I'm in no condition to and not in the mood. My enemy finding me is embarrassing and pathetic. The thing is, me not wanting to fight him, is him helping me. We've only known each other for three years and with our fights it's enough for him to not help me. Just seeing me will make his blood boil and go into rage. So why?

"What… happened to you?" he asked after such a long silence.

"Why should I tell you?"

He stays quiet for a while, knowing that was a dumb question to ask.

"Shinra looked like he knew what was wrong, I'm guessing this has happened before?"

"And what if it has?"

He stays quiet for a while again.

"I could barely get a pulse from you until I put you in the cold shower. You were burning up so bad it hurt to hold you." He says a little scared. I can see that he is thinking of the incident.

"Why did you do that?"

This time he shrugs. "My body moved on its own."

"To help an enemy?" I raise an eyebrow.

"You didn't seem like one when I saw you like that. You looked like you were suffering, dying that is. It sort of… scared me." Shizuo looks away, looking kind of embarrassed by what he said.

I sigh heavily. "I am sick. I call it a cold."

He turns to me a little confused. "A cold? You call that a cold?"

"I only get it some nights. Temperature rises, I get dizzy, I pass out, and my breathing slows down. So I need to take a cold shower right away, but I didn't make it this time. I was on the phone and I didn't realize I was getting sick."

He stares at me surprised, and I stare back at him with a poker face.

"Don't look too surprised. You thought I was like you? I am human, remember?"

"I know…but all the fights we had so far, were pretty bad and no one could survive from those, but what gets you is a, cold?"

I shrug once again "Those wounds heal."

"Where was your family?"

I almost glare but I look at my lap instead, breaking the eye contact. I see in the corner of my eye that Shizuo was about to say something, but Shinra walks back in.

"Doesn't look good."

"What do you mean?" I turn to Shinra.

"Your temperature keeps changing-"

"Get to the point!"

"Your cold will be coming back a lot. More than often"

"So? I will be more careful next time."

"I don't want to take that chance, you almost died."


He sighs. "Someone needs to watch you."

"I don't need a babysitter."

"Someone needs to watch you or it will end badly."

I glare with a frown."And who would watch me? I know you can't for personal reasons. Family is a definite no! Shiki might care, but I would bug him too much."

Shinra hesitates to say something and finally says it. "How about Shizuo?"

"What!" Shizuo and I say in unison.

"Maybe you two can finally get along and Shizuo's family wouldn't mind."

"But I mind!" Shizuo growls.

"Me too!" I also growl.

"See, you two are already agreeing with each other!" He smiles.

"Shinra!" I snap.

He pinches his nose between his eyes "I already called your parents Shizuo. They agree with me. About the part where you two should get along also."

"You what!" Shizuo goes furious.

Shinra snaps "Izaya can die! And that's not going to be on my hands! Now get ready you two because he is staying at your place for at least two months!"


What do you think so far? So far so good? I hope so!

Please Review!