English isn't my language so

Beta by Malallory, Thank you so much.

Merlin scrambled forward.

Step by step, his pace slowed as he fled deeper into the forest.

When he arrived at the clearing, his strength ran out and he collapsed against a cold stone.

Merlin felt the wound bleeding, but he couldn't manage to do anything about it- he had used his powers too much that horrible day.

Merlin vaguely eyed the clearing, which looked familiar. He turned his gaze and smiled sadly, realizing where he was and what the stone was behind his back.

Once, that rock held the sword that now threatened his life.

And the man who was holding the sword, he called a friend. But Merlin knew that Arthur no longer thought of him as a friend.

All was at an end.

Merlin had failed, but he didn't feel sadness or guilt. He had done his best, he had done everything possible and now he could rest. Now the weight of everything was off of his shoulders and out of his heart.

Merlin was free. Perhaps Freya would be there, on the other side of life, and they could finally be together.

Shadows lengthened. The sun was setting.

Merlin coughed blood. He felt his life slowly fading. The time had come. But then he heard the cracking sounds from the quiet forest and stiffened.

Had Arthur already found him?

But no.

Someone was moving in the shadows, approaching him with caution.

Barely conscious anymore, Merlin lifted his gaze up.

He grinned when the person stepped out of the woods and pulled the hood aside, revealing her face.
