A/N: Before anyone say's anything I just want to say I did not forget about this story. But I am in a bind, my life has very much turned to shit I mean I am pretty much typing out this chapter in my car (which I am currently living in) after a long day of looking for a job. So rejoice I am actually not depressed enough to not put up a new chapter, so read it…..NOW!

P.S.: The site didnt load this chaper the way i typed it so i had to fix a few things let me know if anything seems off.

Chapter 3: I never touched her!

In this world there is an unspoken rule and understanding between men about women. Sure we may poke fun at each other and have a good laugh at the expense of the poor bastard who has to follow this rule. But all men hold the understanding that this rule no matter how much we may not want to must be followed, for one simple reason "that women are nuts, crazy, and vengeful to a deadly and mind numbing degree" no matter how timid, or outspoken the woman, be she a lover of men or her fellow women. We men must always remember that they are still women, and should they be so inclined to do so they will ruin your life and not bat an eye. And that rule that must always be followed is.

Unspoken man rule #404: If you should so anger any member of the female gender to the point that the fallout of that anger will endanger the lives of you and your fellow man…..take one for the team and give her your ball's on a silver platter!

The unspoken rules of man defiantly did not have Haruhi in mind when they were created. Because I am more than certain that sacrificing my boys alone would not be nearly enough to appease the angry god that is Haruhi. After miss Asakura's bold declaration to all of the SOS Brigade, Haruhi just picked up her bag told us we were done for the day and left. Koizumi whose phone had not stopped ringing, he had to go to his "part time job", apparently there was an emergency, that was probably one of the few times I had seen him distressed. Nagato just went back to reading one of her books, while Mikuru looked torn between what to do the club activity's had ended earlier than usual so she was having an internal crisis at the moment. This is what lead me to where I am now on the roof of the school….alone….with Asakura….looking at the huge dome that had engulfed nearly half the city that no one but weirdoes like myself seemed to see. Asakura never dropped her smile as she watched the dome, as for myself….I am sure I looked like I usually do when I was presented with the usual world ending crisis.

"This is all your fault you know, if you hadn't made up that story about us having some kind of secret relationship this wouldn't be happening right now."

Asakura tilts her head to the side. "Oh? I thought it was a great idea Ms. Suzumiya's reaction was just what I hoped it would be. And something truly amazing happened."

It took Kyon a moment but her words hit him hard when he realized what she said.

"Hold on! I thought that you were fixed, that your program or data or whatever was debugged?!"

Asakura gave Kyon a bright smile. "It was, but only the parts about killing you Kyon. I never said that I had given up on my desire to see Ms. Suzumiya cause an incident with her ability now did I?"

Kyon gave her a long hard look before he face palmed himself for not seeing that sooner. She had pulled a fast one on him and she was loving it.

"You….do you have any idea how much hell Haruhi is going to put me thru because of this!"

Asakura gives Kyon a bewildered look as if she didn't know what he was talking about.

"No I don't could you explain?"

She can't be serious there is no way she can't know….right….please say I'm right.

"To be honest I understand that Ms. Suzumiya would react strongly if another girl showed interest in you, or proved to be close to you in any way. This is what first founded my initial plan to kill you in order to get the strongest possible reaction out of her. The fact that you were no longer in her life promised the greatest results because of her attachment to you…however I don't understand the findings completely because they involve emotions, human emotions, something I don't have or understand. What is their role in the resulted outcome? Why do they so strongly influence the result of the outcome? Are they something I can touch? Something I can control? I have tried to manipulate the data of such things but….there doesn't seem to be any, so tell me Kyon why would Ms. Suzumiya react so strongly to me being close to you? In my original findings on such things I have always found that if a combination of strong emotions in subjects always yields interesting results but that is generally the case when emotions are involved. I can define and describe every one of those emotions….but I myself have never felt them so I don't understand how they factor in."

Kyon fixes Asakura with his trademark dead pan stare trying to determine whether or not she was pulling his leg again.

She's not lying….she seems so hopeful and expectant but….I can't tell if this is something she has fabricated or planed as well I don't know what to do….is she…really the opportunity that I was told about….or am I her opportunity? You can never make it easy can you God?

Kyon gives of a sigh and scratches the back of his head.

"Look I just…I just need some time to think alright, I mean you did just drop an atom bomb in a mine field, dealing with that alone will be troublesome. So just give me some time."

Asakura gives Kyon a sympathetic look.

"You don't trust me…that's understandable given what little history we share but I honestly speak the truth."

Yeah and Haruhi doesn't poses god like power…oh wait she does doesn't she? (Insert obvious sarcasm here)

Kyon was well on his way to making a snarky remark but was halted when Asakura brought a finger to his lips to hush him.

"Now Kyon can you honestly say that I have ever lied to you…you now know what I truly am, me, miss Nagato , and miss Kimidori there is no reason for any of us to lie to you…unless our orders stated otherwise of course."

Well…I can't say you have lied to, me remember that time you said you were going to kill me? I really believed you when you came at me with a combat knife. And how do I know you are not being ordered to lie to me right now?

Asakure steps away from Kyon, puts her hands behind her back and speaks with her back to him.

"But that is something you will never be able to know now is it, being a human and all."


Asakura turns and gives Kyon a wink. "Well then I eagerly await your response Kyon"

She starts walking to the roof exit leaving Kyon to stare at her ass while she walks away. He mentally slapped himself for that before turning back to the dome that engulfed the city.

No doubt Koizumi was have a blast in there, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't come to school tomorrow for fear of passing out…However that would mean I would half to face Haruhi alone tomorrow without him as a convenient distraction (I think he might like that) I guess I will half to hope and pray that my bulletproof vest (named Koizumi) is feeling up to the task tomorrow.

Kyon gave a long sigh before looking up in the hopes that god would cut him a break….but much to his surprise.

"….why are those birds not moving?"

The birds above Kyon were frozen mid flight, looking down he could see that what people and students were still on campus were also frozen in place, he then turned around and saw that Asakura was also frozen midstride walking to the exit, now officially freaked out Kyon looked at his watch, it wasn't moving.

"What is going on here?!"

Kyon couldn't take much more insanity today and he was now demanding an answer for this bullshit, which came from a muffled voice from the other side of the roofs exit door.

"Calm down Kyon I would think you would be use to things like this by now."

Completely caught by surprise Kyon turned to the door as it opened reveling a guy wearing the same school uniform as Kyon about a head shorter than him, he had a school bag on his shoulder, and looked to be playing a PSP. One thing was for sure thou; Kyon had never seen this guy before.

"Who are you? And please before you answer don't say anything if you are an alien, esper, or time traveler my sanity or what little I have left couldn't take it."

The new guy just gives Kyon an amused look.

"Kyon it's me….god….I'm just using a different body."

Kyon gives a dejected look.

Are you here to smite me because that would really help right about now?

"No I am not going to smite you so you can get that thought out of your head."

"Stop reading my mind what goes on in there is private."

"Not to me it isn't."

While still playing away on the PSP God made his way to the roof fence.

"When I saw this form over the city I didn't think it would be this big. (sigh) that girl…honestly if she doesn't act, or give you a reason to act does she really think you won't seek out other girls….I knew I should have dove deeper on the sin of vanity when I had the chance. Up in till now she thought that her looks were all she needed but now."

Kyon gave god a sideways look.

"I take it that you know what happened?

"Every single detail Ms. Asakura has some spunk to do something that wreck less so willingly."

Kyon sent his best death glare to Asakura's frozen form.

"Spunk is not the word I would use."

"I know, some of the words you are thinking right now, I wouldn't recommend using…ever…Oh look at that I died."

"You playing a game?...isn't that a cheat code in its self?"

God gives a light chuckle as he turns to Kyon.

"I don't cheat Kyon I am always fair in my dealings whatever they may be."

"So why are you here I thought you said we wouldn't be meeting again."

"I said if you were lucky we wouldn't be meeting again until your time was up…you weren't so lucky today."

God said this with a smirk as his hand motioned to the dome over the city.

"Yeah that's right rub it in this is partly your fault you know, it is your power that is causing all of this."

"I know and I am going to rectify the situation. But first I wanted the chance to see my new Eve with my own eyes up close."

God puts the PSP in his bag while he walks over to Asakura and begins to look her up and down.

Is he checking her out?

"My, my she is quite the work of art is she not?"

Yeah he's checking her out.

"Physically attractive, strong body foundation, somewhat mentally stable but that can be fixed with time, excellent hips….But can one of her kind give birth? Let alone survive it."


Kyon did not like where this was going not at all, and was about to put a stop to it right now.

"Whoa hold on here what's all this talk now, I didn't sign up for anything like that what exactly do you expect me to teach her!"

God just gave Kyon an amused look as he pated Asakura's head.

"Oh don't mind me I was just talking to myself is all, but it sounds like you have already figured out that she is the opportunity I was talking about."

Kyon looked a little uneasy at that statement as he looked at Asakura.

"Well yeah I did but I am still a little divided on what I am supposed to do. I mean part of me is saying do it and take back your free will, but the other parts are screaming prolong your life and stay as far away from her as possible."

God gives a slight nod at Kyon's answer.

"Maybe I can put your worry's at ease, everything she has told you is true she truly no longer means you any harm and she really wants to learn from you, but as I have said before the choice is yours whether you do this or not."

Kyon thought for a moment, he knew that God wasn't lying to him that wasn't possible from what he knew.

"Well I don't want you to be knocked off your throne because of me, but it is kind of hard to forgive someone who ruthlessly tried to kill you."

"Forgiving is hard Kyon, but that is what makes those who do better people…and I can assure you that things between the two of you won't go back to the way they were."

Kyon gives god an are you kidding look.

"You would make such a lose promise?"

"Yes because I know that it will be kept, I wouldn't do so otherwise."

Kyon could do nothing but give a defeated sigh the only thing he could do was give it a shot and hope he didn't die in the process.

"Alright I get it I will give it a shot. But the moment she comes after me with a knife I'm out."

"Ha ha very well that is all I could ask you to-"

God could not finish his sentence his attention was caught by forming dark clouds and the roar of thunder in the distance they didn't seem to be affected by the current time frieze. God just looked up and gave a knowing smile.

"Your impatient as always it would seem…don't worry I am wrapping things up right now."

The clouds began to disperse as the sky returned to normal. Kyon didn't know what just happened but it felt like two great forces were about to clash.

"What was that…or who was that?"

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with Kyon, my presence here is causing some of the gods in charge of this region to become a little…uneasy."

You call what happened just now uneasy that felt more like a genuine threat!

"I thought you and the other Gods of the world have an understanding?"

"We do but like any worried parent they don't like it when the adult next door comes into their back yard to play with their kids."

Yeah…that wasn't a creepy comparison.

"I need to go now but I wish you the best of luck….and Kyon one more thing."

Just as God was about to shut the door behind him he looked back at Kyon with a knowing look on his face.

"Tomorrow you will be faced with two choices, and no matter what anyone tells you…it is in your best interest to take a stand and do what you want to do. For the first step in taking back your free will is to not let others think for you…so just tell her…no."

With that last word the door closed and god was gone, leaving Kyon to his thoughts.

A choice? Just tell her no? her? Again he leaves me with more questions than answers. But that is just how it goes; I guess we mere mortals are not meant to understand the game of the god's

Before Kyon realized it time had started moving again and Asakura was once again moving toward the door.

Well if I am going to do this, there is no time like the present.

"Asakura wait a moment."

Just as she put her hand on the door she to meet Kyon's gaze.

"Yes Kyon what is it?"

"…sigh…just what is it you want to learn exactly?"

Kyon's Room Later That Night

After Kyon got home he finished his homework, and made dinnerfor him and his sister his parents were off on another work related trip and he was in charge of the house…again. But now that he had some free time to himself he was quite surprised to see that Koizumi had called him. So he decided to see what he wanted so he sat down at his desk and dialed his number.

"Hello Koizumi here"

"What took you so long to answer esper boy, are you doodling on my photo in that top secret file you have on me?"


"Liar, but putting that aside you called me some time ago what did you need?"

"Yeah I just got finished with that closed space problem a little while ago; I didn't think we were going to make it there for a moment. The shinjin just kept coming but then…"

"But then?"

"They just disappeared along with the closed space, something like that has never happened before so we checked on Ms. Suzumiya and there was nothing out of the ordinary, I mean she is still plenty angry but for her to be angry and there be no closed space is…unsettling to say the least."

As Koizumi explained what had happened in closed space Kyon's thoughts drifted to the image of an old homeless man and a nameless boy in his school.

Could this have been his doing? Is this what he meant by rectify the situation? To stop it completely…hu the power of God…scary.

"Kyon? Are you still there?"

"Hu… oh yeah I was just thinking about what you said, it sure is strange."

"Very, but that is not why I called you I just wanted to confirm something with you."

Oh boy here we go.

"The answer is no, none of it was true, she just made it up to get a rise out of Haruhi is all. Asakura and I do not have a secret relationship."

"I see…so my assumption was right on the mark."

"Care to share your thoughts with those of us who are not members of the magical Esper boy's group?"

"Oh sorry it's just today was the first time I have actually meet Ms. Asakura. I have heard rumors about her but I never thought I would see both of her personalities in one day, she truly is a terrifying individual it makes you wonder what The D.T.E (data thought entity) was thinking when it created her."

Probably somewhere along the lines of, how do I create the perfect combination of beautiful and crazy in one go.

"Maybe he was having an off day."

"Let's hope that was all but anyway…I know this technically wasn't your fault but you know Ms. Suzumiya thinks it is, so tomorrow let's just try not to make her angrier than she already is I don't think I can take another night like tonight."

"Yeah I got it….but for the record you are going to school tomorrow aren't you?"

"Hu?...yes why do you ask?"

"Um…no reason just wondering."

"….your planning on using me as meat shield tomorrow aren't you?"

Dame he got me, well there is only one thing to do now.


"Now you're lying."

Dame you, you smiling esper bastard.

"Go make a contract with a magical talking animal!"

"You need to stop watching anime you're starting to say strange things."


Kyon hung up he was tired, too tired and the past couple of days were not helping. So he climbed into bed and in the hopes that tomorrow wouldn't be as bad as he thought it was going to be.


Kyon's phone was vibrating, someone sent him a text. So he grabbed his phone and looked.

A text from…Ms. Tsuruya? What does she want?

Kyon opens the text.

OMG OMG OMG is it true are u and Asakura in a

Secret relationship are you both going to runaway and

Get married? Is she pregnant with your child? Do you make

Her call you master? Or do you call her master ROFLOL

This is big news Kyon you dog you not only do you have

Mikuru and little Yuki in your back pocket but now you

Got the most popular girl in school too who's next me?

JK LOL LOL you got your own little harem going now

Don't you mister player but don't you worry ill spread

The word and let the whole school know that Asakura

Is yours (as well as Mikuru and Yuki) if there is any one

Else let me know okay. LOL ROFLOL XOXOXOXO

After reading the text massage Kyon suddenly found that he didn't want to go to school tomorrow.

The next day in front of the school gates

And yet here I am…well what now Kyon you're the one who wanted to man up and come to school.

Kyon looked around at the court yard at all the students conversing with each other.

Well maybe she was joking, I mean even if she wasn't there is no way that she can spread the word of such a crazy rumor that quickly.

With confidence in his theory Kyon stepped on to school grounds…but the moment he did all eyes were on him and all was silent.

Then again…maybe I am underestimating just how fast that girl can talk.

While Kyon did his best to hide his face from any one that he passed on his way to the main building and in the halls while he walked to his classroom he was unaware of the ambush that awaited him there the moment he walked in.


Taniguchi had jumped Kyon the moment he entered the classroom and the two were at the back of the room tearing at each other on the floor.

"Taniguchi what the hell, get off of me!"

"I heard what you did to her you bastard how you defiled my pure and innocent Ryoko. I am going to avenge her honor!"

"What the hell are you going on about you moron!"

"She's a triple A+ you don't deserve a goddess like her, and yet you did all those dirty things to her, all those dirty deviant things, and I also heard you did that to her too you sick bastard!"

"Listen ass hat I don't know what kind of pervert you think I am but I never touched her! And by the way your nose bleeding."

Kunikida who had been watching the whole time looked to the other guys who were watching…they too had nose bleeds some were even crying or on the verge of crying.

While Kyon and Taniguchi had each other in a headlock the door to the class opened revealing an angry Ryoko Asakura and a mob of angry girls behind her.

"Kyon, Taniguchi!"

Both boys stop and look at Ryoko while still maintaining their headlock positions.

"Both of you…assume the position now."

Neither one of them was willing to invoke her wrath so they did as they were told and sat in kneeling positions. Where they both received quite a scolding from her, which consisted of her marching back and forward in front of them while waging her finger in the air to point out the reasons why there was no rough housing in the classroom. Kyon looked like he wanted to be anywhere but where he currently was, Taniguchi however seemed to be enjoying his scolding a little too much hell the goofball was drooling.

"Now I want the both of you to reflect on what you have done understood."

"Yes Asakura"

For about five seconds then I will just look out the window.

"Yes lady Asakura I will work hard to mend my ways!"

I am positive he will jump out the window if you ask him too.

"Very well you both may rise."

Kyon and Taniguchi stood up and begin to fix themselves.

"Oh Kyon let me help you with that."

Before Kyon could protest Asakura had started to fix his blazer and tie then started trying to put his hair back into place. This earned him a death glare from every guy in the room with the exception of Kunikida who just put his hand on Taniguchi's shoulder to try to keep him from jumping Kyon again. The girls in the class just swooned as they saw this gesture as romantic. Kyon found it nerve racking so he tried to ask Asakura why she was doing this under his breath.

"What are you doing are you trying to get me killed?"

Asakura looked really confused.

"What do you mean; when I got to school every one started asking me questions about us. They looked so hopeful so I just decided to play along, that's all."

Play along she says, you really are a robot that doesn't know what to do with the knowledge in your own head. You might as well give a child a pistol and hope nothing bad happens.

"By the way Kyon I have a question?"

"Hu? What is it?"

"Well I was asked a strange question by a female student from another class she had heard a rumor that we… (Whispering)…"

Kyon's face grew bright red at what she just told him.

"What did you tell her?!"

"I told her I didn't know what that was. I mean my knowledge on sexual activities is extensive but I have never heard of that before"

Dame if these perves ask her questions she is not naturally prepared to answer in every day events she becomes a natural air head I need to fix this and quick.

"Listen Asakura if anyone asks you if we have done anything sexual you tell them no especially if they ask you if we did…that."

"But what is it?"

"Ill tell you when you're older…maybe."

Which is code for NEVER!

"Well okay but I think the class may find it hard to believe."

Asakura gestured to the class the girls were all a blush, while the guys had made a giant cuddle puddle on the floor in their own blood they were all giving a thumbs up, Taniguchi was on top, Kunikida was off to the side just shaking his head. Then it dawned on Kyon that had said all of that out loud.

"Well…it could be worse…Haruhi could be here."

Asakura took this time to tap Kyon on the shoulder and point toward the windows where none other than Haruhi was sitting in her desk gazing out the window but with an obvious aura of darkness radiating off of her. Kyon in all his grief face palmed and looked up.

Is it a slow day today or is torturing me becoming a past time up there!

Asakura being the big help that she is just laughed nervously.

Today is proving to be a very educational day for me, as I spent my classes trying to pay attention to the lessons I learned that Haruhi's soul crushing gaze can be felt even with my back turned, I also learned where I stood in desirability to my female classmates apparently I was a 6 on a scale of 1 to 10, 5 being average so I was slightly above. But hearing those girls ask Asakura in between classes why she a girl they described as a perfect 10, was interested in a barely above average guy like me. Was really pissing me off for some reason…I mean we weren't dating but thanks to a certain loudmouth, hyperactive girl, everyone thinks we are. Hell we were all anyone was talking about…we were on the front page of the school paper for crying out loud, how did that happen in one night. The girl every guy wanted, and who every girl wanted to be like. Is dating the guy who is nothing special, and not really much to look at….oh and he is a member of the SOS Brigade, that one was the kicker for some people but then lunch came around and I was once again eating it with Taniguchi and Kunikida.

"Man this is so not fair why did Asakura pick a guy like you…I mean what do you got that I don't got?"

Taniguchi was complaining again it was making it hard for Kyon to enjoy his lunch.

"There are so many things I can say right now but I will just stick with a simple response…I don't reek of desperation."

"Bite me Kyon I am being serious, I mean you and the Ryoko Asakura an item. Dame man it's like a bad dream, what gives did you save her from a burning building or something?

Kyon just rolled his eyes and repeated what he had been telling people all morning.

"For the hundredth time we are not an item, this is all just a huge rumor gone horribly wrong."

Kunikida took this moment to put his two cents in.

"I don't know Kyon, you may deny it but she's not exactly saying it's not true. Are you sure you're not just embarrassed?"

"Not you too I'm telling you both its not true it's just a rumor that's all."

Kunikida just shrugged his shoulders at Taniguchi who then pointed at Kyon with his chopsticks

"Look Kyon I don't think you understand just what kind of miracle just donkey punched you in the back of the head. Even if it is not true Ms. Asakura doesn't seem to mind at all. I say take advantage of it while you can nobody expects you guys to last anyways, we all just see it as one of those high school flings that last for a few months till things go stale and one or both of you call it off. I mean really an angel like her is just way out of your league, she's too good for you."

Boy if you guys only knew, thinks for the vote of confidence by the way you guys are the best friends a guy could ask for.

"I get it already she's royalty and I am commoner trash it could never work. But here's a thought why don't you ask her what she thinks about all this."

Again Kunikida speaks.

"We have but she is not giving anyone a straight answer, it's like she's just stringing every one along in this whole thing. Like she is having a good time keeping everyone in the dark, it's kind of frustrating."

Yep that sounds like her, stringing people along only to let them down so she can see their reactions. That or she really doesn't know how to answer their questions. But I am going to stick with the old she's a Troll response….because in fact she is.

"Take the opportunity Kyon, with as many guys that have confessed to her, all of which by the way were much better suitors than you. And she turned every one of them down with no hesitation ether. In fact the only time she has ever shown an interest in a guy was when she asked you to be her go between for Ms. Suzumiya….Oh my God is that when it happened for you two."

Kyon was getting a little annoyed with Taniguchi now.

"Easy Doctor No love, I just told you several times that it's all a lie….Other guys have confessed to her? I always thought other guys considered her unapproachable or something."

Taniguchi nodded sagely.

"Most do but there have been several brave souls that have tried. Well to do guys, handsome guys, tough rugged guys, all of them way better for her than you and she turned them all down."

"Why do I get the feeling that you are included in that group of guys that are supposedly better than me."

"Please Kyon I never confessed to her, I'm not that stupid."

Kyon Tuned to Kunikida who secretly held up three fingers to Kyon.

I guess the third time didn't prove to be your charm now did it Taniguchi?

Kyon finished off his lunch and continued to chat with his "friends" if you want to call them that. Until Asakura walked up to him, her ever so gentle disposition plastered on her face.

"Kyon, could I borrow you for a moment?"

"Oh um…sure."

Ignoring a grunt from Taniguchi Kyon rose from his seat and followed Asakura out of the class room and into a stairwell for some privacy.

"I'm sorry to call you out like this but there are a few things I wanted to ask concerning the rumors going around school."

"Its fine Ill find a way to put this whole thing to rest later I already know who started all of this."

Asakura paused a moment before speaking again.

"Actually…I think it might be a good idea."

"…think what might be a good idea?"

Please don't let it be what I think it is.

"This rumor about you and me….let's make it reality."

Why do I even bother?

"Wait, hold on just what about this is a good idea?"

"Well the whole school already thinks were an item, and according to my information an item is a couple in a romantic relationship, and couple's spend lots of time together. It's the perfect cover if you are going to teach me about this world we will be spending lots of time together. At some point we would be drawing attention at least this way we won't be so suspicious because people will be expecting us to be together."

Her point….is valid but still!

"Look Asakura I see where you are getting at but there is a certain way a couple is expected to act, and address, and behave around one another. It requires feelings and emotions….you know those things that you don't have.

At Kyon's words Asakura crossed her arms under her bust and puffed up her cheeks in a pout.

"Well that was mean it's not like I am completely unfeeling…stupid Kyon."

"Stop trying to be cute, that doesn't work on me."

Dame that's super cute!

"I am not trying to be cute you really hurt my feelings, you make it sound like I am some heartless monster, humph."

Asakura jerks her head away from Kyon.

Super cute!

"Okay, okay I'm sorry but this could cause problems, Haruhi's already angry enough as it is I don't want to make things worse. And pretending we are a couple will definitely cause problems."

And by problems I mean if she wishes everything to disappear…it more than likely will.

Asakura was looking at Kyon from the corner of her eye, for a moment she didn't move, but then a sly smile came to her lips and she slowly begin to make her way toward Kyon.

"Hay what's with that look? Stop…what are doing?"

Kyon was backing up trying to get his distance but quickly ran out of room when he hit the wall Asakura however continued to advance on him.

Dame I knew it she's going to kill me, she looks like a lioness stalking her pray….but with the way she looks I would be really turned on right now if I weren't scared shitless.

Asakura now pressed herself against Kyon her chest pressed just slightly below his own; she then ran her hands up his chest and locked them behind his neck as she pulled him down closer to her. Her breath was tickling his ear as she teased his earlobe with her lips.

This must be that space between moments where you don't know if you should be happy as hell, or scared shitless….I'm treading a thin line here!

Asakura when whispers in to Kyon's ear with the sweetest honey covered voice she could muster.

"Well…then I guess…we have to do our best…too make sure she doesn't find out…ne Kyon-kun?"

Unsexy thoughts!, Unsexy thoughts!, Unsexy thoughts!, Unsexy thoughts! ….it's not working!

Kyon's face was red as a tomato but just when his mind was beginning to enjoy being in the gutter, Asakura pulled away from him and beamed him with her trademark smile.

"See I can pretend to a lover so will be okay."

(Crash!)…that was the sound of reality crushing my fantasy.

The look on Kyon's face was worth a thousand anti-drug commercials. But then his anger kicked in.

"Okay you and I are going to half to set down a few ground rules!"

"Kyaaaa! Kyon's mad; please don't punish me I'll be a good girl."

"Stop that someone will here you!"

After that the rest of the day went by rather uneventfully I later found out that Ms. Tsuruya had learned about the alleged "secret relationship" from Ms. Asahina who apologized to me for it because she had told her loud mouth friend that little story believing she would keep it a secret. (Honestly what did she think was going to happen?) But other than that nothing special happened….that is until I got to the brigade room. I was evidently the last one to arrive Haruhi had everyone else standing neatly beside her as she sat at her leaders desk looking right at me as I sat opposite her. The atmosphere was heavy and everyone had their heads down…well besides Nagato she just seemed to be looking between me and Haruhi…geez I feel like the kid who got caught stealing from the cookie jar.

"Kyon…Today we are going to talk about your future in the SOS Brigade."

"Are we…I could have swore this was an intervention."

"Don't be stupid Kyon you broke one of the rules now we will determine whether or not you are fit to continue being a brigade member"

And by we I'm sure you mean you.

"We have rules?...when did that happen?"

Haruhi slams her hands down on her desk and stands up.

"There are to be no relationships of any kind within or outside of the club! That is the rule you broke!"

I think I made her mad.

"That was never a rule, what kind of rule is that any way?"

Haruhi crosses her arms and looks down at Kyon.

"It was just made one, relationships only distract from Brigade activity's there for they are forbidden.

"Well that's a rather pointless rule."

"Shut up I'm the brigade leader and as long as I'm in charge you will do what I tell you to do!"

A tantrum…really?

"Okay I get it what do I got to do pay off this terrible crime?"

"Well that's an easy one, you're going to break off the relationship, and never speak to her again."

.what now?

"Break off the relationship? Never talk to her again? Hang on Asakura and I are…um..er…really good friends and were in the same class. I mean how is she going to feel….she did say that she came all the way back from Canada just to see me, it would be like throwing that back in her face."

"That's not my problem If she can't handle rejection then she should have never come back."

Oh yeah like your one to talk miss "if the world doesn't revolve around me I'll blow it up" are you even listening to yourself?

"You can't honestly expect me to do that to her? I mean what if it where you? How would you feel?"

"I would take it like a woman and just except the facts; it's really no big deal."

No you wouldn't you would scream and cry and yell until you got your way.

"Haruhi your not being reasonable your-"

"Shut Up!"

Haruhi's anger was reaching an all time high, her breathing was labored and a bead of sweat was rolling down the side of her face.

"You have a choice to make Kyon. Its ether her, or the brigade, so what's it going to be?"

Kyon was distraught he didn't know what to do, he looked to the other brigade members none of them looked up (besides Yuki) it was as if they already resigned themselves to their fates.

Just play along and give her what she wants hu? The relationship isn't even real but…the fact that she thinks she can tell me who I can speak too as if she has the final say in my life this…this isn't right. She can't do this…but if I don't than the world will…dame it…I like the brigade but this is not how life is suppose to be. If I had known this was going to happen I never would have changed the world back when Nagato recreated it. But now….what choice do I…you will be faced with two choices...hu?...the first step in taking back your free will is to not let others think for you…that's right your watching aren't you? So this is it hu…this is the turning point, this is where it begins…So just tell her…Okay let's do this.

Kyon stood up and looked Haruhi right in the eye.


The other brigade members for the first time scenes he walked in were looking at him with wide eyes, Haruhi herself couldn't believe what she heard she was so dumbfounded she couldn't speak.

"You don't have any right to tell me who I can and cannot talk to you don't control or own me and you never will Haruhi. And if you don't like that then I don't give a dame, and you don't half to worry about kicking me out of the brigade because I quit! I no longer want to be someone you think you can do anything with as you see fit."

With those words Kyon got up and left leaving the dumbfounded brigade members and a motionless Nagato.

"So Kyon…how do you feel?..."

While making his way out of the building Kyon heard a voice in his head knowing full well who it was he looked up and smiled.

I feel great.

A/N: well there you have it the third chapter but quite honestly I am stumped on one thing that you guys could help me on. Just how the teaching sessions going to go for Kyon and Ryoko, any suggestions?

You know besides the obvious, I swear every one of you are perves….and I love all of you for it.