Title: What a new beginning really means

Author: PrettyVchan

.:: Hey guys, this is my second fanfic. I hope you guys enjoy. It's fairly different from the first one since this one is A/U. Please make sure check out my fic "In Joy and Sorrow".

Chapter 6 – Being with you

"Don't worry, Meatball head, I wouldn't dream of going without you. I'll need your support." It amazed him how freely he could admit he needed her support. He wasn't the kind of person who would ask for help. He smiled at her and went back upstairs just to get his stuff. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep in the same bed as other woman now that he fully understood he could not love anyone else. With a sad smile he got fully dressed and left to Andrew's apartment.


Darien went straight back to bed. He had the worst headache and his whole body was tense. He tried his best to go back to sleep but his thoughts were in the girl was with just minutes ago.

He had never felt like this about anyone. He had never felt closeness, never felt like he truly needed anyone. What was wrong with him? He knew now: he loved Serena since the day they reconnected. It couldn't be anything but love since his mind, his body and his heart reacted to her in a way he couldn't explain. The fact that he had never fell in love with anyone was what he needed to make sure it was love.

After a really long time trying hard to fall back asleep he decided to go out for a jog and maybe that would help him not to think about those amazing bright blue eyes that haunted him.

Back from his jog he heard laugh voices and laughter coming from the kitchen and even before he opened the door he could smell something really good coming from inside. He opened the door to meet Andrew in his boxers and Lita cooking, wearing Andrew's shirt and her pants. They seemed to be having a really great time until they noticed Darien. Andrew blushed and Lita just glared at the men.

"Oh, hi Dare…I…hum…thought you didn't sleep here…" Said Andrew

"Good Morning, Drew. You're right, I didn't sleep here, but I got back not too long ago." He smiled gently to his friend, trying to ignore Lita's angry expression.

"So, you spent the night with Raye…we saw you leaving together…how was it?" Andrew smiled and winked.

"It was nice. We went to her apartment and had a few drinks, she's a nice girl." That was Darien's response, not daring to look at Lita.

"Why don't you just move there already?" The girl said, clenching her teeth.

Andrew blinked and looked confused at her.

'Why don't you mind your own business?' Darien thought, but took a deep breath and begun walking to his bedroom.

"Hold on Mister, I am not done talking with you! First you spend the night with Serena then you don't tell Raye about it but spend the night with her as well. They already have their problems, you can't just come here and make things worse for them!" Lita screamed.

Darien took a really deep breath and looked at her. He responded in his most soft and controlled voice.

"I am aware of their problems and I have no intention to make anything worse. And don't worry; I would never break anyone's heart. Now would you excuse me and let me go shower?" He was losing is patience.

"Go ahead." She gritted.


Serena woke up again, hours later, to the sound of music coming from downstairs. Seiya wasn't by her side and looking at the time, she wondered if he went back home. It was already 3 p.m. She showered then changed into went downstairs to meet her roommates, Amy and the Threelights hanging out. Mina was dancing and when she saw Serena she jumped to her friend and pulled her close to herself.

"Hey Sere! Good morning! I mean, afternoon! I'm so excited we're all here like old times, except for Lita and Andy, but that's for a great cause!" She winked. "Come dance!"

Serena smiled to her friend but she didn't feel like dancing or celebrating anything really. Seiya came to her and hugged her tight.

"There you are! I thought about taking you out to dinner, would you be up to it?" He looked at her with puppy eyes and she had do smile.

"I guess I would like to have dinner with you." And then she got serious. "But we have to talk, a long and serious talk. No seducing me and distracting me this time, Mr." Seiya frowned.

"Well I guess I don't have a choice." He smiled nervously. "We'll talk over dinner then. Is that okay?" He held her chin and placed a gentle kiss in her lips.

She nodded, smiling, and walked away, to the kitchen, to make a sandwiche. And then she noticed Raye, who was sitting in a stool at the kitchen, looking tired and upset. Her heart felt like it was shrinking. She hated to see her in pain but they weren't getting along lately, she hesitated in say something.

Their eyes met and they stayed like that for a long time, not really knowing what to say.


"Don't say anything Serena. I am sorry I am being such a bitch to you recently." She stood up.

"Well…I just don't get it. What did I do to make you hate me so much?" Serena asked bluntly.

Raye smiled softly.

"I do not hate you. I would never be able hate you, Serena. I can't tell you anything, because it's too complicated for me and I'm not good with this kind of thing but…I cannot stand the way things are between us now so let's just try our best to make things better. And I promise you, I will try my best not to be rude to you anymore." She placed a hand in Serena's shoulder. "Again, I'm sorry." And she left the kitchen.

Serena fixed her sandwich and ate it all in a minute since she was starving. When she went back to the living room, her friends were talking but she missed Seiya and Raye. She figured her friend would be upstairs in her room and her boyfriend would be napping or showering.

She went straight to Amy and hugged her friend affectionately.

"Hey Sere! I guessed you didn't really talked to us because you were too hungry." Amy smiled softly.

"You guessed right" Serena smiled back and then said "hi" to Taiki and Yaten.

"Hey Serena! Did you enjoy the party last night?" Asked the always-polite Taiki.

"Most likely she enjoyed the after-party!" Yaten smirked.

Serena blushed. "How about you? I could hear you and Mina from my room all the way across the hall." Mina slapped Serena's shoulder, embarrassed. Yaten rolled his eyes. He didn't even slept with Mina last night since he was too tired. She was more of a friend than anything else.

"You're terrible!" Mina said. "Anyway, did you hear from Lita this morning? I wonder if she's still at Andrew's."

Serena's mind immediately went to Darien. She wondered if he would come back tonight to take Raye for another date, after spending the night with her friend. She felt sad with this idea.

"About that… what the hell happened? I thought he liked you, Mina." Amy whispered the last part so Yaten wouldn't hear it. He and Andrew didn't get along all that well even though they respected each other. Plus, all the girls always thought that Mina and Yaten were an item, since their blonde friend never denied it.

"Well, we've been hanging out a lot and I convinced him to give Lita a chance. I guessed he was moved by the fact that she threw him a party and the fact that I rejected him…" Again, the last part was whispered.

They spent the rest of the afternoon talking and hanging out, while Serena tried her best not to think about Darien. Around 5 p.m. Lita showed up, a huge grin in her lips. She simply looked at her friends and made a "V" sign with her fingers.

All the girls gathered around Lita, eager to her what happened while the boys were talking to each other. Raye was back already.

"So? Tell us! EVERY SINGLE DETAIL!" Asked Mina.

"Gross, Mina! I don't want to know all the details." Said Amy.

"Just the highlights, then!" Raye smiled, mischievously.

And Lita told the girls all about how she and Andrew had a long talk about their feelings for each other and his feelings about Mina, that he admitted he thought Lita was cute but felt intimidated by her strong personality, and they decided to try to see where things would go. Serena's heart felt fuzzy and warm to realize it had been a long time since they all hung out without either her or Raye storming out, yelling at each other.

"And that's it. He and Darien went out to dinner and I came her to tell you guys everything."

Lita couldn't help but notice that both Raye and Serena frowned to the sound of his name.


"So, aren't you going to tell me how did things go with Raye last night?" Asked Andrew having a sip of his drink.

"I don't see how that's a relevant information." Asked Darien, coolly.

"C'mon Dare…are you dating exclusively now? I mean you obviously had sex last night, right? I guess everyone did. Wow, Lita really knows how to throw a party."

"You know that I don't talk about my sexual life. Besides, what to you mean by 'we all had sex'?"

"You know…me and Lita" he smiled "Amy and Taiki – they think they can deceive anyone with the 'we're just talking about books and art' talk… - Mina and that asshole, Yaten…oh yeah, Serena and Seiya."

Suddenly the idea of Serena and Seiya having sex popped in his mind and he felt like he was about to throw up. He felt anger burning inside of him.

"What's up with that face?" Asked Andrew, casually.

"What…? Oh…nothing. I just dislike that Seiya guy. He's clearly hurting Serena."

"A piece of advice: don't go there. It's fat too complicated to being to understand. Seiya liked Serena for a while, but I have the impression that he's just holding on to her because of what he felt in the past. I think that he's conflicted so he ends up hurting her. He's very emotionally immature. I don't think he's a bad guy. I just feel like he's kind of lost."

That was Andrew. He had this annoying way of trying to analyze everyone and trying to figure people out. Maybe that was why he was a friend of Darien; because he could see beneath he's cold exterior. No wonder he and Serena were such great friends.


Seiya and Serena went out for food. He made sure to take her to a small, private place so they wouldn't be disturbed. The place was reserved for the couple. Serena was still getting used to his new lifestyle even though he had been a star for a few months now.

The food was served by a really elegant waiter who left as soon as Seiya indicated him to.

"Okay, now we can talk." He sounded nervous. Serena was also very nervous; she didn't know how to start the conversation or what she really wanted to say.

"Seiya, I… I don't get you, honestly. How can you treat me like shit when your away and just come back and treat me like a princess, as if nothing had happened." She said, the words going faster than her thoughts.

"I'm sorry Serena, I thought I should make up to you. I know I acted a little weird and…"

"A little weird? You didn't call, you only talked about you when you did, you got drunk… yes, I know you got drunk, I know because Yaten kept Mina informed and Taiki also told Amy a few things. And you acted so cold towards me. It hurts so badly. Now you're back and you act like nothing happened…like we had a minor problem. I don't get it."

Seiya took a deep breath.

"I know. I apologize for my behavior. I get lonely during tour and I feel like drinking and… I don't know what happens to me. But when I'm with you I feel like it's the right thing. I promise I'll try to be a better boyfriend to you…"

"It's like Raye have been right all this time and I just couldn't see it…" Serena said it mostly to herself.

"Raye is a fucking bitch!" He snapped, pissed. She looked at him surprised. "The girl is crazy, okay? Don't take what she says in consideration. She doesn't want me to be happy. She is driving me insane!"

"Hold on a second, aren't you and Raye supposed to be really close? Why are you talking like that about her?" Serena asked, really confused.

"Nothing…she's just… too annoying for her own good, and she thinks she knows me better then I know myself. She just wants to tell me what to do and I am not going to put up with this anymore." He was feeling bitter.

"Seiya… sometimes I feel like I don't know you. I thought we had shared everything but I realized that…we're not in the same page. I don't feel like we really know each other that well…"

"Come on Serena, you're just overreacting now. Of course I know you well. And you know me too."

"No, I don't. I have no idea of what your life is like when I'm not around, I don't get your relationship with Raye, I don't get why she changed so much since we started to date and I don't get why YOU changed so much when we started to date. We used to be really close, you've been attentive since I was what? Fourteen? And now you have me and it's like…the only thing you wanted was to make sure I was yours, but now you don't make an effort to keep me. It's like I was good as a conquer."

"What a bunch of nonsense! You shouldn't live with Raye, you're sounding just like her." He snapped again.

"I don't want to finish this dinner with you, Seiya. In fact, I need a break. I need to figure out if I want to be in a relationship with you. Actually, I want to find out how much you really love me." She said, angrily.

"Fine! Don't expect me to beg for your love again, Serena! I waited too fucking long to have you. If that isn't enough of a proof that I love you…"

"No, it isn't. I'm going to go now, Seiya, you do as you please." Serena left before he could register her last words. She was enraged, hurt, and worse: she felt like she was right. He wasn't in love with her anymore. The Seiya she knew in the past would do anything to be with her.


Monday was a really busy day. Darien spent hours working at the hospital where he ran into Amy, briefly. The girl seemed more excited than usual and he thought about what Andrew told her about she having a relationship with Taiki but he thought it could be a little indiscrete to ask about it. He felt good for Amy, though. Soon his mind was too busy with adjusting with his new job to have time to think about it.

He felt good that, for once, his mind wasn't obsessing about Serena all day but he still missed her very much. He kept thinking about the moments they've shared… it felt so intense without even doing anything. He couldn't help but wonder if it would feel wonderful to be with her. He knew it would.

As he got home, he saw something he didn't expect to see. Raye was sitting in Andrew's couch, looking serious. He felt immediately bad. He felt so guilty about sleeping with her that he didn't even know what to do. They didn't contact each other the day before and that made him feel like a jerk. He wondered if she would yell at him.

"I'm sorry" She broke the silence "Andy let me in, he went out, but he told me I could wait for you here. I hope you're not mad at me."

"Not at all." He didn't know what else to do but to sit in the chair by her.

"I just came here because…I think we made things worse by having sex." She blushed to that. "I also wanted to tell you that… we should stop seeing each other. We're basically lying to ourselves and that's not good to anyone. It's unfair to us. I thought that maybe we should try a little bit more but now I see it's a stupid idea." She smiled lightly but her eyes are sad.

Darien listened to every word she said carefully, a little relieved that she didn't seem to blame him for anything.

"Look…I like you a lot… I like spending time with you. I don't want us to stop being friends." He said frankly.

She smiled. "I know… I like you too. I thought that it could become love or something similar, but I guess I simply like you as my friend. I think I was drawn to your melancholy. I thought that maybe we could understand each other and that it would develop into something deeper but that would be wrong. We can't deny our true feelings." She was really serious.

"Thank you for talking to me Raye."

"No problem." She smiled lightly but then frowned again. "Before I leave…you must know that…Serena is not doing really well, she may need you. You seem to be the closest person to her lately. If you could stop by our school tomorrow… I doubt she's going to have lunch at Andy's…" She sighted. "I must go now."

She left quickly and Darien stood there, puzzled, wondered what could have happened to Serena.


Serena was feeling extremely depressed. It was hard to drag herself out of the bed and go to school. She had spent the rest of the evening on Sunday and the whole day on Monday avoiding everyone. The girls knew that when she'd get this way it was something about Seiya so they tried not to interfere. They would most likely end up getting back together.

The worst part was that she felt worse because she didn't miss Seiya that much. No. She missed Darien. For some reason since Seiya got back she felt unsure of whether she should contact him, hang out with him, and she didn't know exactly why she was feeling this way. She also thought that if she spent time alone with Darien she would do something she could regret. She would break Raye's heart and her own heart. She thought that Darien wouldn't be able to like someone like her.

You can imagine that for her it was a huge surprise to see that man standing outside her school's door. He was wearing a black long sleeve shirt, dark pants and looked breath taking. She suddenly forgot all about being depressed and couldn't help but smile.


Darien saw that smile and couldn't help but to smile himself. She looked amazing when she smiled. He felt tempted to hold her but controlled himself. He wondered if he would ever be able to just hold her whenever he felt like doing it.

"Hey, Meatball Head."

"Hey, Darien. Good to see you." She said shyly, but honestly. "Did you come her to pick Raye up?" She asked trying to hide some sadness.

"Nope. I came here because I heard you're not doing well. I wanted to take you out for lunch but I have to be at work really soon, so I will just drive you wherever you want to go." He hesitated to continue "We had plans to go to my parents house tonight, did you forget about that?" She nodded 'no'. "But if you're not doing well, I don't want to bug you with my problems."

She smiled feeling like she would melt. He didn't come here to see Raye; he'd come here to see her because she wasn't doing well. She would bet that Amy told him about it.

He had come here even if it meant that he could get late for work.

"So, are you coming with me Meatball?" He asked apprehensively.

"Ok, I will. I still owe you so I am going to your parent's house with you, don't you worry." She smiled. "Plus, it would be cool to spend time together." She blushed.

His heart was filled with happiness by her response. He didn't want to go to his parent's house before but now he looked forward to it. 'Oh boy, it's going to be a loooong day.'

He opened his car door to her and let her in. He then got in the car and looked at her.

"So, where to, Meatball Head?"

"My apartment! I'm tired and I have homework."

He frowned a little bit because her apartment was close to the school. He would love to hear her saying "to the moon" or somewhere really far just so he could have her with him longer.

"Ok then." He smiled and started driving. "What's wrong Serena? People are worried about you…I thought…" Again hesitation "I thought you were doing well since Seiya got back."

"Well, you know how things are…relationships are complicated…but we're not together, at least for now." She didn't want to ruin their moment talking about Seiya.

"I guess." He responded, still driving, heart jumping to the idea she wasn't with Seiya anymore.

They rode in silence for a while.

"I appreciate you coming with me. I am really nervous." He looked at her.

"No problem. I wouldn't let you go by yourself." She smiled softly.

"Thank you… well, we're here."

She looked disappointed.

"Thanks for the drive. Should I meet you at your parents?"

"No, I will pick you up. Be ready by 6:30. Is that okay?"


She couldn't decide what to wear. It felt like she was going out on a date. She tried a whole bunch of clothes before settling for a white cotton shirt with laced sleeves and a delicate light pink skirt hitting her mid tight. He hair was up in a ponytail and she wondered if Darien liked it better when it was down.

At 6:30 she heard the doorbell and there he was, wearing different clothes and smelling really well. She blushed with the idea that he had got home and got dressed just for her but then she realized it must've been because he wanted to feel fresh.

She was right; he did dressed up just to see her. And she looked really good too. She looked innocent and seductive all at the same time.

They spoke trivialities but both of them were too nervous to really talk to each other. They had a weird tension between them.

As they approached the mansion, Serena couldn't believe her eyes. No wonder it was the biggest mansion in the whole state. It was huge. Enormous. The mansion had giant garden with thousands of beautiful roses, statues, even a small lake and a bridge. It was an amazing view.

The mansion was very well guarded, but no one really asked Darien who he was or what he was doing here. Obviously, everyone knew who he was. It was just like it was the most normal thing to have him there.

She noticed that Darien looked nervous. He looked really tense.

Darien opened the door to let her out and walked her through the garden. He could see her eyes shining to each new and wonderful thing she was seeing. He was surprised, since he hadn't been home in so long, he didn't remember all the details of that mansion. He was sure he didn't know most of the security people and yet no one questioned what he was doing there.

He walked her to the door and took a deep breath. He opened the door.

A really old man, wearing impeccable clothes, greeted them. He was a bit surprised to see that someone was there.

"Mr. Shields, it is an honor to see you." The man was really moved.

That man used to work in that mansion since god-knows-when. He was like a grandfather to Darien. He was a good man, a good housekeeper, and a good friend to his dad. The only person who would put up with his dad's nonsense. Darien was moved himself to know that he'd recognized him.

"Oh please, Allan, no need to call me Mr. Shields." He hugged the old man. "It is great to see you again." He said honestly. "This is my friend Serena." He introduced the girl.

Allan took the girl's hand and kissed it, gently. "It is an honor to meet you, Ms. Serena."

"I thought I told you on the phone that you didn't need to be here, you could go home." Darien said, confused of why the old men would still be there. "You don't have to work here anymore, there's no one living here anyway."

"How can I go home? This is my home. I've been living here for years serving your family. And until you decide what you should do with this place, I shall not live. It is my job to keep the house spotless, sir." He smiled gently. "Also, as you told me you would come, I took the liberty to made sure you would have dinner, and breakfast if you decide to stay longer. I didn't know you had company but I know have enough food. Would you like to eat something, sir?"

"No, thank you. I appreciate your effort. We're not staying too long, Allan. I just want to see what I still have here and make some decisions it shall not take long. Thank you, anyway."

"You do as you please, sir. Now excuse me. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you." He said goodbye and left.

He noticed that Serena was still impressed with how big the house was, since she was looking around, curiously.

"Should I take you for a tour?" He smiled and held her hand, making her blush.

"Sure, sir." She smiled, showing her tongue. "Sometimes I forget you're powerful and stuff."

He smirked "You better be good to me then, Meatball Head." His voice sounded deep.

She felt as if that commented had ignited something inside of her but she didn't say anything, she just blushed again.

He took her to the whole first floor, showing her the huge kitchen, the dinning room, the tea room, and some other useless rooms he didn't even understood why they had them.

Moving to the second floor, he showed her the beautiful library. She did like to read beautiful novels, especially the romantic ones, but thought that Amy would really like coming over since they seemed to own every book on the planet.

Darien agreed and asked her not to let him forget to bring Amy over sometime.

He showed his father's room, which was dark and seemed to belong to someone really unhappy, and then showed the guest rooms – they had several. Only two rooms to see. One he new it could only be Darien's. The next one she wasn't sure what was.

He hesitated before going to his old room. It would be painful to get in.

"You can do it." He heard her soft voice saying and that filled his body with courage. He opened the door and saw it exactly the way he had left when he went to Europe.

He felt a lot of emotions at the same time. He felt guilt, sadness, and loneliness. He walked in to his study desk, across his bed. There a picture of a woman and a little boy rested. His mom and him. He hadn't seen any of his mom's portraits in a really long time. He felt lost looking at that beautiful woman smiling largely days before she passed away. He looked so happy in that picture. So full of love.

"Is that your mom?" A timid voice asked by his side. He looked at Serena; her eyes were full of tears.

"Yes. Yes, that's my mom." He smiled softly. "Why are you crying?" He touched her face softly, and caressed it gently.

"Because it's beautiful. The way you look at her is just beautiful. And because you're crying." She replied. He then realized that he had tears in his eyes. They were rolling down his face. Serena's fingers touched him, brushing away his tears. They looked at each other in the eyes.

"I couldn't do it without you." He whispered. "Thank you."

She looked at him, his hands still in her face, and her hands still in his. Without even thinking of what she was doing she placed a kiss in his cheek, gently, to soothe him.

He couldn't take it any longer. The second her lips touched his face, he brought her close to him by his waist with one hand and the other hand went to her neck. He pressed his lips against hers gently. It was supposed to be gentle at least. As soon as their lips touched he felt his whole body trembling and deepened the kiss turning it into a passionate one.

His heart was full of emotions. In a short period of time he was taken by all different emotions and memories. He knew he would never have shared a tear in front of someone he could fully trust and he knew he couldn't share such an intimate moment with anyone else but her.

The kiss was explosive. It was that kiss he had waited for. He could not/didn't want to breathe. He didn't want any space between them, any space between their lips.

He pulled her even closer to him and as she responded by stroking her fingers through his hair he, thoughtlessly, started caressing the side of her body, already feeling like he belonged there.

After a few minutes spent like this, Darien broke the kiss, slowly. She looked at him, confused.

"Did I do anything wrong, Darien?" She asked.

"No you most certainly didn't" He responded, softly. "Come here." He said, guiding her to his bed, where she sat. He sat by her side and looked at her, caressing her beautiful face.

"I am sorry, Serena. I just don't want you to think I brought you here to do that and…" She interrupted him with a soft kiss.

"I am not thinking anything." She said in a low and – he wasn't sure if she realized it – seductively voice.

"Serena, I just want to tell you that I couldn't share this moment with anyone. Ever. Which means that you are…really important to me." He felt unsure of how to continue, but her frowning made him almost panic.

"Darien…what are we doing…you have Raye…" She said as if she'd just realized it.

"No Serena." He held her hand. "I am not with Raye. We are no longer seeing each other… and it is because of you."

"Oh God…I feel terrible…Darien, I have Seiya – I mean, we're not together but all the history and all the complications and… - Raye must be pissed at me." Serena pulled the Serena and kept talking and talking. It was Darien's time to interrupt her with a kiss.

"She broke up with me, because she knew, even before I did, that I want you. Please, trust me, she's not mad at you. She was the one who opened my eyes." He pulled Serena closer. "I want you to please allow me the chance to enjoy this moment with you."

He brought her to look at him. "Serena, this is a really important time in my life. I would never share this with anyone. I would never bring anyone else here to be with me in such an important moment for me. I don't care about anyone else right now or any history. I just want to be here, with you. Please don't go now."

The way he said that was just so intense and honest that Serena could not just leave. She didn't want to, she knew that.

Gently, his lips took possession of her own and she didn't care about anything other than kissing him.

He pulled her body closer to his, and kissed her intensely. She responded the same way, which encouraged him to place warm, kisses on her neck. His lips touched her ear lobe and he whispered, huskily. "I can't get enough of you."

That took her breath away and she melted under his wonderful kisses. His hand caressed her tights, gently but still possessively. The other hand slowly begun to move her shirt up. She didn't protest it; he then just took her shirt off and placed his hands on her breasts, over her bra. It felt soft and good but he wanted to get rid of it. He gently did and stopped kissing her to admire her beauty making her blush. Her breasts were round and beautiful. He touched them to feel the softness and warmth of them and couldn't resist but to taste them. She moaned to the touch of his lips on her nips and smiled. She never felt so good with anyone playing with them like that before.

He took his time playing with her beautiful breasts. They were too soft and wonderful to forget. Serena lied down on his bed and looked at him, she was too sexy for her own good. She smiled, fiery.

"Won't you finish undressing me?" Her voice sounded too damn seductive. He groaned and took her skirt out, leaving her in her underwear.

He got rid of his own shirt then his pants and positioned himself between her legs. Her hands dancing though his body, feeling his muscular chest.

His groan rubbing against her softness. This contact alone made him feel like exploding.

She held himself closer to her and instinctively crossed her legs on his back, starting to rub herself against his hardness. She felt hot when he moaned.

Darien didn't think twice and got rid of his underwear. He smiled to notice her eyes impressed by his size. Slowly he begun to get rid of her panties, looked at her, eyes darkened with desire. 'She was a beautiful vision' he thought, before placing herself in between her legs again. He slid himself inside of her, a slow, warm rhythm, trying to be gentle and romantic, although he was burning with desire. They enjoyed it for a while gradually fastening the pace. His eyes were locked in hers; he tried to enjoy every single reacting of her body. Without much warning she rolled them both, placing herself on top of him. The vision was really erotic to him, her breasts bouncing up and down, as she was going fast. He couldn't take it anymore and when she reached her release, he did it too, feeling like he had just conquered the world. Serena merely fell over him, and they stayed like that, holding each other for a while, before he delicately rolled her back to bed, lying by his side, but still holding her tight.

Their eyes were fixed in each other's and even if they wanted to say something, they didn't have words to express what had just happened. All they wanted to do was to hold each other and never let go of that embrace.

He felt like he was born to be in that woman's arms.

.::A/N: Long, loooong chapter. I was planning to update the other fanfic but somehow I decided to update this one. I hope you guys like it. Any ideas about what could happen with Raye and Seiya?

Love your reviews, they make me really happy and give me motivation to write.

Pretty V Chan::.