Title: 15 Foods for the Heart – Chips for the Win

Pairing: NaLu (Fairy Tail Fandom)

Summary: The story of our favorite pink-haired dragon slayer and celestial mage told in 15 luscious food and drinks theme.

Rating: T

*15 Foods for the Heart Theme 7: Chocolate Chip Cookie

*Chapters are to be treated as One-Shots, thanks!

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail


Dear Mama,

Today, I was almost burned to a crisp because of our petty mission. It was all NATSU's fault. I loathed the day I made him in charge of our missions together. God, he was such a wreck! Our mission was supposed to be a simple delivery of parchment to Blue Pegasus when all of a sudden he just turned gung-ho and started breathing fire during lunch. I really did not know what in the world prompted him to do it. The diner we were eating at was destroyed and lucky me I had spare clothes or else I would have walked around naked - in my underwear. Gos-

"QUIT IT NATSU!" Lucy shouted towards the fire dragon slayer who was holding up her letter and was grinning widely.

"What's with all the temper Luce? It's just a piece of paper." Natsu was flipping the paper upside down while trying to read its content.

Lucy could not believe that an unfortunate event would befall upon her pretty normal life. She was currently dressed in a skimpy tank top and a makeshift skirt made out of a towel. Her precious hair was a mess and her newly brought knee-high boots were reduced to being the new home of three black mice.

The room they were currently in was dimly lit with only a single lamp, and its interior was designed in an intricate manner of bricks and mostly bricks. There were no beds but at least there were deformed futons on the floor where Lucy was currently sitting at.

Prison has never been so enticing.

Yup, right now, their supposedly happy train ride and relaxing trip back home was reduced to an overnight vigil in the prison ward of some unknown city they happened to passed by and destroyed.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself over there Natsu." Lucy huffed as she adjusted her now falling towel around her waist, sarcasm coating her voice.

Natsu eyed Lucy and was grinning like a cat. Surely they were in prison but at least they didn't have to pay for all the damages he caused. Plus, looking at Lucy like this was making his stomach churn with happiness. He was currently sitting against the windowsill and was holding Lucy's supposed to be secret letter.

Out of the two, Natsu was the luckier one. He only burned his shirt and was able to eat a full meal of fire from the earlier onslaught.

Lucy stared at how Natsu seemed so at ease with their situation. He seemed so content and peaceful while she was in a barrage of emotions bordering from killing one blue cat and strangling a pink-haired dragon slayer.

The moment the authorities arrived to seize the two Fairy Tail members, Happy flew away immediately without looking back. The traitor.

I wonder where Happy is right now? Probably eating fish and sleeping away in a nice comfortable bed.

Lucy's face scrunched up in annoyance, she was hungry, thirsty, and was absolutely filthy to the very core. Her head throbbed in pain and she brought her fingers to rub her temples.

God, this was going to be a long night.

"Hey Luce?" Natsu turned his body towards Lucy, showing her a clear picture of his toned muscles as it rippled with his movements.

Since when did Natsu ever have nice abs?

Lucy crinkled her eye as she dispensed the thought running through her head.

He is not my type. He does not have nice abs. He is just Natsu – a pink haired boy.

"What!" Lucy turned her head in the other direction.

"Your letter is a mess."

"Then don't read it."

"I have to read it, my name's right here -" Natsu shook the paper for emphasis, "– in all capital letters."

"Well, it's supposed to be right there! You're the one to blame for my demise!"

Lucy stood up and walked away in the other direction when Natsu caught her hand from behind.


"I don't want to hear it Natsu."

Natsu turned Lucy's body in his direction and looked directly into her eyes.

"Luce listen to me."

She turned her head away from Natsu's stare. Those eyes might forced her to forgive him and she really wanted to be angry at him damn it!

"I would not really – "

"Not Listening."

" – give such an outburst – "

"La la la."

" – if you were not talking about stupid Loki during lunch – "

"Ohhhhh, the moon is shining brightly."

" – then I would not feel jealous and would not want to show off that I'm stronger than him!"

"La la la – you what?"

Lucy's eyes widened with surprise. Was Natsu actually jealous?

"Darn it Lucy. I've been trying to tell you how I feel for the past few months!"

"What? When? How?"

Natsu groaned in frustration. Was she really this dense?

"Last time, I gave you flowers – "

"I thought it was for my birthday."

"I gave you a bear."

"Did that come from you? I thought it was from Levy."

"I even cooked you food."


Lucy could not believe what's happening, her supposed to be nightmare vigil was turning to become her most wonderful evening.

"Those chocolate chips came from you?"

A nod.

"No wonder I felt sick right after eating it!"

Natsu's face darkened with guilt.

"Just kidding Natsu, it tastes good actually, even better than mine."

"Are you sure?"


She felt Natsu's grip tightened around her waist as he pulled her closer to him.

"Then I promise to bake you more cookies in the future."

Finally, he was now reaping the fruit of his hard work. Natsu lowered his head to her ear and slowly blew a whisper.

"So, can I get a kiss?"


Lucy felt her cheeks redden at Natsu's confession. He surely has some guts to just whisper words in her ears.

He liked her and he just didn't know how to show it the right way.

"I still haven't forgiven you from what happened earlier."


The two of them stared at each other and soon erupted in a laughing fit.

As Lucy clutched her stomach in laughter, she didn't notice Natsu's face coming closer and closer to her own. She felt his hot breath on her lips and slowly closed her eyes.


Both mages were startled and turned in the direction of the voice. Happy was currently sporting heart-shaped eyes at the sight of Natsu and Lucy.

"Ohhhhh, it seemed I disturbed something. Carry on guys!" The exceed whipped out a sunglass and a video camera while he sat lazily at the window. "Don't mind me and just continue the show."

And as Natsu and Lucy both came into their senses, for the first time in the night, they both had the same thoughts.

Happy you're dead!

Thanks for reading and I'm hoping to hear your wonderful feedback/comments/criticisms/thoughts.

hugs and kisses,
