Disclaimer: Tom and Hal and everything else (aside from the slash, though I'm sure it's only a matter of time) belong to the Beeb.

A/N: More fluff...

Antiques Roadshow wasn't on tonight and the documentary he's been stuck with is unbelievably boring. But Annie is not there to help him outvote Hal so the evening's entertainment had been decided by a brief scuffle for the remote. It's not even a good nature program; no stalking lions or helpless zebra. Tom supposed the stock footage of exploding volcanoes was quite entertaining but mostly Hal's taste in TV sent him into fits of despair. Thing is there wasn't much else to occupy himself with. Annie was settling Eve down, Tom and Hal having done their share of the baby rota for the day, and Tom didn't suppose either of them would appreciate his breaking out the whetstone. Though the thought of winding Hal up was tempting...

Riling the vampire was always entertaining and with the recent changes in their dynamic, Tom wondered if it might be worth interrupting the crappy programming with a good fight. He glanced sideways at Hal. Every time they had kissed since the first time had been a new experience for Tom. Mostly they hadn't changed at all and Tom was glad to avoid informing Annie of the development. He wasn't entirely sure how she would react but, considering the recent charade she had forced on them for the benefit of the visiting GP, it would probably involve fits of laughter and crediting herself with the odd match.

He wasn't even sure himself what they were doing, he didn't have any actual experience of 'relationships'. From what he had gathered people generally went out in public together and held hands. Public wasn't really an option considering their living situation but Hal seemingly enjoyed their brief touches and kisses.

Without preamble, Tom reached over and took Hal's hand from his lap and held it in his own. Hal's perfect posture stiffened immediately. He glanced down at their joined hands resting on the ratty sofa between them and then back up at his program without a word. There was a long moment of silence in which Hal gave every indication of being absorbed in his documentary.

"Do you enjoy holding my hand?" He asked finally.

Tom thought about it for a moment, head cocked to the side. He thought of the pictures on his bedroom wall. The people were always touching and smiling happily.

"Yeah, I think I do."

"You think you do?"

"Yeah I do. It's nice and that."

Hal gave a dignified cough. "Right, that's good then. I suppose. Cup of tea?"

He was already standing and hurrying off to the kitchen but Tom called after him. "That'd be real nice."

Tom tucked his legs up on the sofa and eyed the remote. He debated changing the channel and then hiding it just to annoy Hal but there were more explosions being shown. Besides Hal did make a lovely cup of tea, even if he liked to take his sweet time about it.

When Hal finally returned they sat side by side, listening to the TV drone on about some more 'fascinating' and 'incredible' rock formations and carefully not touching. Tom didn't think he was imagining how tense Hal seemed or the way his hands were clasped tightly around his mug as though to prevent a twitch. He wondered if the hand holding had been somehow unpleasant for Hal. The pair weren't exactly like the couples in his pictures. A few kisses, no matter how enjoyable, didn't make them normal, so perhaps they would have to give trying to be normal a miss?

It was Hal who broke the awkward silence. He took a bracing gulp of tea and transferred his mug to one hand lifting the other towards the back of the sofa. His arm hovered in midair over Tom's shoulder.

"Come here," he muttered, still staring resolutely at the telly.

"What?" said Tom, caught off guard by the odd gesture.

"Come here," Hal said in the same stuffy tone he always used when asked to repeat himself.

Tom nodded, still a little unsure of what was going on, and shuffled closer. He fit neatly against the vampire's side and rested his mug on his knees. Hal's arm settled as a pleasant weight across his shoulders. From here he could rest his head against the man's bicep and smell the soap he used. He'd never say it aloud but Tom quite liked how ridiculously clean and neat and proper the vampire was. Baristas were proper...

After a moment he ventured to ask. "What's with the cuddlin' then?"

"What do you mean?" asked Hal, ever ready to deflect a questioning.

"Doesn't really seem like your thing is all."

Hal gave another little cough. "It seemed like your 'thing' though. You have a lot of pictures of people... cuddling."

Tom sat up a little, turning to look properly at him. He frowned at the defiant stare he got.

"Don't mean I want you doin' it, if it makes you uncomfortable like. I'd rather go without if it costs you."

Hal turned slightly and looked at him in that intense way of his until Tom had to fight the urge to squirm. But he controlled himself and frowned at Hal until the vampire finally relented, his features softening minutely.

"It does not discomfort me, I am merely out of practice. I shall endeavour to readjust," he said in a formal voice.

"Right... So this's a'right then?"

"It is, yes."

"Good." Tom sank back against Hal's chest and snagged the remote from his other side. "Enough of this boring rubbish," he said firmly, flicking through the channels in search of something decent.

"I was watching that!" Hal protested, but with one hand trapped behind Tom's head and the other occupied with his tea he was helpless to prevent the channel hopping. "I didn't find it boring."

"I reckon that makes you as boring as them rocks they was on about."

Hal let out a sulky huff and muttered, "I am far from boring."

As the night drew in Hal voiced many complaints about Tom's programming choices but none of the comments were taken seriously because none of them were sincere.