Uneasy Alliance

Forced Options

With a hiss, the doors to the CR chamber opened, and Slipstream emerged to be greeted, not by the other Combaticons, but by the Autobot's medical officer.

"Good. You're awake." Ratchet greeted the engineer gruffly.

Slipstream hissed, and pointed her cannons at him. "What am I doing here? What happened to the General?"

Ratchet made no move to restrain her. In fact, he didn't move at all. Aside from crossing his arms, and giving her an exasperated look.

"I brought you here to recover." the med-bot explained. "We need all the help we can get."

The black and purple female narrowed her optics at him. "What do you me-"

A loud explosion, or what seemed like a loud explosion, rocked the Ark. Slipstream went sprawling, but was caught by Ratchet before she could fall.

"Unhand me, Autobot." Slipstream demanded, as she retched herself free from his grip. "And what was that?"

Ratchet shook his head. "That was Devastator. Your General, both Primes, Megatron, Starscream, and Soundwave have been battling it for the past 30 Earth minutes."

"What's a Devastator?" the female asked, finally converting her cannons back into her hands. "And where did it come from?"

Ratchet heaved a sigh. "That's a long story. Suffice to say, it's an 120 foot transformer, bent on destroying us. So, may I suggest you get out there, before it kills us all?"

She looked skeptical at him. "Why activate me though? What about your precious Autobots?"

Letting out a heavy sigh, again, Ratchet answered. "Aside from the ones I mentioned before, all the other members of our respected groups were taken by a group of, shall we say, technologically advanced humans."


"There's really no time-" Another explosion rocked the Ark again, cutting the medical officer off. Both he, and Slipstream manged to stay standing. "Just get out there and help, would you?"

Slipstream scowled at Ratchet. "Fine. But afterward, I'm coming back for you." At that, she left the med-bay. But not before she heard the Ratchet quip.

"If we're still alive, I'd be more than happy to entertain that challenge."


"What is taking the Nemesis so long?" Megatron demanded, as he strafed Devastator, in his flight mode. He scored several direct hits to the giants chest plate, but caused little damage. He then swerved as the colossus took a large swipe. "Blast it!"

"I do not know, my Lord." Starscream answered, as he too buzzed and shot at the large robot. Like Megatron, his attacks did little use. Other than to annoy him.

"I was being rhetorical, Idiot!" Megatron yelled, as he dodged another swipe from Devastator. "This is useless!"

Scorponok, in his tank mode, took shots at the giants legs, hoping to keep it off balance. "Curse the Void! What is this thing made of? Nothing is working!"

"A valid question." Sentinel stated, as he and Optimus assisted the Combaticon leader from the ground. "Not even the sturdiest cybertronians would be able to withstand this combined assault."

"Indeed." Optimus agreed. "I do-"

He was cut off, as Devastator brought a giant foot down towards him. He and Sentinel jumped, and rolled out of the way. Scorponok managed to convert to his jet mode just in time.

"Curses!" he yelled, as he joined Megatron and Starscream in the sky.

Two sudden high-yield blasts from the Arks auto-cannon blasted Devastator directly on his right foot. The giant yelled, and nearly toppled over. Unfortunately, it braced itself with it's other foot, and managed to stay up-right. In response, Devastator launched three missiles at the canon, and with a large explosion, reduced it to half of what it was.

"This just got more difficult." Optimus let out a frustrated sigh.

Soundwave, who had been otherwise silent during the battle, let out a single ping from his location just behind a rock directly behind the red titan. Optimus paused in his shooting, and looked at the spy.

"What did you just say?" the autobot leader asked.

Soundwave pinged again.

Optimus nodded his head. "Very well. Keep tracking that plane."

Soundwave pinged to show he understood, and fell silent again.


"Lord Megatron."

"What is it?" Megatron barked, as he continued his assault.

"The main fusion cannon is charged. Shall we target the giant, or the Autobot base?"

Megatron transformed, and then landed on Devastator's shoulder. He fired a powerful blast at it's head, and then transformed and took off before it could counter. "Stand by."

"My Lord?"

"I said stand by! Starscream, keep this thing distracted." Megatron ordered, then turned away from Devastator, and headed towards the ground

"Yes, Lord Megatron." Starscream acknowledged.

Megatron transformed landed beside Optimus. He gave his one-time friend and evil grin. "I have news, Optimus."

The autobot retracted his face mask, and looked the decepticon suspiciously. "What news?"

Megatron chuckled. "The Nemesis is ready to fire it's main fusion cannon. However, I can't decide whether to fire upon Devastator, your base, or... both."

Optimus kept his cool, but inside he felt... scared. "You would destroy our base so easily?"

"I would."

"Even for you, Megatron, that seems evil." Optimus admitted. "I would think such an act would be beneath you."

"You know nothing of me, Optimus." Megatron countered. "I assure you, I would have little difficultly ordering your base destroyed."

"Would you?" Optimus narrowed his optics. "Then why tell me this, Megatron?"

Slipstream ran out of the Ark, and down the exit ramp. She paused as her optics came to rest upon Devastator. Even though Ratchet had briefed her on it's size, she was still shocked on how tall it was.

"By the void..." she whispered. "How does it even move?" Then a thought occurred to her. "Wait a nanosecond..." She transformed into her jet mode and angled towards Scorponok.

"General!" she shouted, upon reaching him.

"What?" Scorponok yelled back, too busy attacking (and retreating from) Devastator to realize who it was.

"I have a pl- WHOA!" Slipstream began to explain, but stopped as she avoided a back-handed swipe from the colossus. "Watch it, Big boy!"

"What were you rambling about?" Scorponok demanded, as t the two angled out of Devastator's reach.

"I was saying I have a plan!" Slipstream said, as she pulled along side her leader. "A robot that size must have a weak spot, correct?"

Scorponok laughed. "If it does, we have been unable to find it. It is nigh invincible."

"Humph." Slipstream scoffed. "Typical warrior class. Have you tried attacking it's joints?"

"It's... WHAT?"

"The joints." Slipstream said. "This thing is built by humans, right?"


"Then they wouldn't have thought about re-enforcing it's joints," Slipstream pointed out. "Not in the same way we cybertronians do."

"That is conceivable, yes." Scorponok agreed. "Let us put that to the test."

The two combaticons angled towards Devastator. Luckily, it was being distracted by Sentinel and Starscream, to notice them. They both armed their missiles, and took aim. However, before they could fire, Devastator turned around at the last second.

"TARGET LOCK DETECTED." The monster said, and fired several missiles of it's own.

"Curse the Void!" Scorponok yelled, as he and Slipstream split apart in order to avoid the projectiles. They seemed to pass harmlessly between them... until they made a u-turn, and came right back at them.

"They're locked on to us!" Slipstream panicked, as she did her best to stay ahead of the deadly payloads.

Scorponok growled, as he too did his best to out-pace the missiles. "What trickery is this?"

The two jets twisted and turned, looped and barrel-rolled. They performed cork-screws, and helix's as well. But the missiles seemed determined to bring them down. Almost as though they were sentient.

"These aren't normal missiles!" Slipstream exclaimed, as she pulled along side Scorponok. "They're be-"

With a mighty explosion of twelve rockets, both Slipstream and Scorponok were sent crashing to the ground.

Optimus and Megatron ceased their arguing when they heard the two combaticons crash into the hard surface, and the resulting explosion.

"Do you see, Megatron?" Optimus gestured to the pillar of smoke. "Do you understand now? You could easily destroy this monstrosity. Yet, you would rather taunt me with the knowledge that you could destroy my base."

"I care little for those fools." Megatron laughed. "I would rather see you destroyed, more than anything."

Optimus replaced his faceplate. With a sudden, mighty, punch he sent Megatron sprawling several feet backwards. Soundwave tried to attack him from behind, but Optimus caught the spy around the neck easily.

"Do not attempt anything foolish, Soundwave." the titan suggested, while still holding the decepticon around the neck. "For I would not hesitate in extinguishing your spark."

Soundwave pinged his understanding. Optimus nodded and and let go. He then walked over to the still stunned Megatron, who was laying on his back. Without warning, he placed an armored foot on the decepticon's chest plate.

"Megatron. I give you a choice." Optimus said, while towering over him. "Destroy Devastator, and then help me rescue our troops. Or face the consequences of your foolish pride."

Megatron, despite his position, smiled evilly. "You won't kill me, Optimus. You don't have it in you."

Optimus converted his right hand into his cannon, and pointed it at Megatron's face. "Do not be so certain, Megatron."

Megatron's smile was replaced with a scowl. "You wouldn't..."

"When I comes to my crew, I will, and would, do anything." Optimus assured him.

Megatron looked directly into Optimus's optics. He tried to find some sign to see if the autobot leader was bluffing. He found none.

"Something has changed in you, Optimus." Megatron admitted. "Something primal drives your actions. Why not let the humans keep your troops? They were weak to let themselves get captured."

Optimus kept his optics locked with Megatron's. "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."

"Megatron to Nemesis. Target Devastator." Megatron ordered, "and fire."

"My Lord?"

"Do not question my orders! Do as I command!" Megatron said angrily.

"Yes, My Lord. Right away."

"Stand-by to fire main fusion cannon." The tactical drone of the Nemesis ordered. "Target: Devastator. Firing in 3, 2, 1... FIRE!"

"Firing!" A second drone said, as he pulled the trigger of the fusion cannon's controls.

A blinding, purple, light erupted from the front of the Nemesis. It traveled a short distance, and barely missing Starscream, struck Devastator square in the chest. The giant toppled over, and fell apart, as it's "chest" and "head" disintegrated.

Optimus removed his foot from Megatron's chest, and allowed him to stand. "It is finished. Now, let us tend to the wounded, and..."

The four remaining pieces reverted to their individual robot modes, and stood up. And even though they couldn't form Devastator anymore, or so Optimus hoped, they were still a threat. One that couldn't be taken lightly.

"By the Matrix." Sentinel said, as he joined Optimus and Megatron. "These machines will stop at nothing."

"So it would seem, Sentinel." Optimus agreed.

"How do they still function?" Megatron spat. "They should be slag."

"Ratchet to Optimus. Come in."

Optimus clicked his communicator. "Yes, Ratchet?"

"This is a private channel, so no one will over-hear this," Ratchet explained, before he answered. "But I just had a thougtht."

"Which is?" Optimus prompted his medic.

"It's impossible for these machines to have sparks, correct?" Ratchet asked, then continued, "So how are they functioning?"

"It would seem that they have an alternating power source." Optimus answered.

"That's right Optimus," Ratchet said. "One that can't possibly last as long as ours. They were, after-all, built by humans. Technologically advanced humans, yes. But still humans."

"What are you saying?" Optimus asked.

"Well, humans have their central thought processors located in their craniums," Ratchet explained. "What if MECH built those machines in a similar fashion?"

Optimus caught on. "Remove the heads, and the body will perish."

"Correct again, Optimus." the medical said. "And since energy weapons have little affect on them, might I suggest dissection?"

Optimus converted both of his hands into his swords. "Understood." He then clicked off his communicator, and looked at Sentinel, and then at Megatron. "We need to remove their heads."

Megatron drew his sword, and nodded his readiness to Prime. Sentinel removed his back-hoe arm from his back, and held it like a war-hammer, and nodded as well. Soundwave suddenly joined them, and readied his tentacles.

Prime narrowed his optics at the opposing robots.

"Let us end this."