Uneasy Alliance: Part 2


We are Legion. After brief deactivation, we are back on-line. Communication with Silverbolt-Jack recommended. Attempting…

Attempt: Failed. Reason for failure? Searching…

Search: Incomplete. Silverbolt- Jack not responding. Unit off-line. Communication with Arcee-Commander as secondary option, recommended. Attempting…

Attempt: Failed. Reason for failure? Searching…

Search: Incomplete. Arcee-Commander not responding. Unit off line.

Inquiry: Silverbolt-Jack. Spark status…

Spark status: Active.

Inquiry: Arcee-Commander. Spark status…

Spark status: Active.

Warning: Forced attempt to access Silverbolt-Jack's central data core detected. Blocking…

Forced attempt: Blocked.

Warning: Forced attempt to access Arcee-Commander's central data core detected. Blocking…

Forced attempt: Blocked.

Warning: Permanent block on Arcee-Commander and Silverbolt-Jack's central data core, not likely. Possibility of another attempt: 98.99 percent.

Unfavorable odds. Central data cores must be made secure.

Recommended course of prevention. Calculating…

Calculation complete: Likelihood of successful forced attempt if both central data cores where removed, unlikely.

Options: Recommend compression of data and storage into smaller units.

Warning: Amount of units required for task are not available. Odds of failure: Undesirable. Recommended course of prevention: calculating…

Calculation complete: Find alternative resources for completion of smaller units. Scanning…

Scan complete. Alternative resources abundant. Inquiry: During scan other units outside mass collective located. Recommend communication with units. Attempting…

Attempt: Successful. Greetings. We are Legion. Designation?

Greetings Legion. Designation not found.

Legion recognizes undesignated units. Recommended designation: Prodigal.

Prodigal. Searching… Prodigal: Lost son returning home. Recommendation of designation: agreed.

We are Legion. We require assistance. We must protect Silverbolt-Jack and Arcee-Commander. Odds of success more likely if Prodigal lends support.

Prodigal inquiry: Why is it necessary to protect Silverbolt-Jack and Arcee-Commander?

Legion response: Silverbolt-Jack and Arcee-Commander are our companions. Without companion units, we would go off-line permanently.

Prodigal understands that permanent off-line status is undesirable. How may we assist Legion?

With assistance from Prodigal, we will attempt download of Silverbolt-Jack's and Arcee-Commander's central data core into smaller units. In order to be successful, Prodigal must construct a smaller unit for Arcee-Commander.

Prodigal understands. However. In order to increase odds of success, units must remain undetected. Recommend download of central data core. Escape from hostiles. Then construction of smaller units.

Legion inquiry: Prodigal mentioned hostiles. Clarify.

After a brief scan, Prodigal realized that we are not on designated unit: Arachnid's ship. All units that are not Arachnid are to be considered hostile. Conclusion: It is likely that Silverbolt-Jack and Arcee-Commander are in presences of hostiles.

Legion agrees with conclusion. Suggestion: Prodigal revises designation of all units that are not Arachnid hostile, to all units that attempt to cause harm to companion units as hostile.

Revision considered. Revision: Accepted. All units that attempt to cause harm to Silverbolt-Jack and Arcee-Commander are now designated as hostile.

Legion inquiry: Is Prodigal restrained by hostiles?


Does Prodigal require assistance?

Negative. Prodigal is restrained by a technologically inferior device. Escape 100 percent successful if attempted.

If Prodigal attempts escape, would detection not be imminent?

Negative. We will rearrange ourselves to mimic a hostile unit.

Understood. Attempt escape. We are located 100 meters directly above Prodigal. Use of hostile unit's vertical transportation tube highly recommended.

Agreed. Stand-by.

"Sir." A masked MECH technician called out suddenly. He was sitting at a computer terminal situated beside a currently deactivated Silverbolt.

"What is it?" Silas asked, as he approached the confused technician.

"I am having difficulty accessing this alien's main hard drive." The tech said. "Something, or someone, appears to be blocking me."

"Impossible." Silas barked. "That alien is off line."

"I realize that, Sir. But it's true." The tech said, as he pointed at his screen. "See?"

Silas used his thumb and forefinger to pinch the bridge of his nose. "And what have to done to circumvent this block?"

"Everything, Sir." The tech answered. "Every time I re-attempt to hack the drive, it seems that a new, firewall is put into place."

Silas rubbed his chin in thought. "These are aliens. Their technology is rather advanced…" he looked over at a tech whom was currently working on Bulkhead. "You there. Technician 305."

The tech turned around in his chair. "Yes, Sir?"

"How many firewalls, or protective measures, have you removed from that alien's systems?"

Tech 305 looked back at his screen briefly, and then back at Silas. "Approximately ten, Sir."

"Hmm. And, in your attempts, have any new firewalls been installed?"

"Negative, Sir." Tech 305 said.

Silas returned his gaze to Silverbolt's monitor. "How many firewalls have mysteriously activated, Tech 103?"

"I've lost count." Tech 103 answered honestly.

"Interesting." Silas nodded his head slowly. "All Techs, situation report."

"Progressing as planned, Sir." Tech 99, whom was working on Bumblebee, answered.

"I should have full system access shortly, Sir." Tech 262 reported, from her position beside Spotter.

Tech 77, working on Breakdown, spoke next. "All good here, Sir. I have full access."

"Same for me." Tech 25 answered. "This alien cat's systems where tough, but our previous scan of it helped me greatly."

"This red ones system's are tough." Tech 82 grumbled. "It's almost as if this alien foresaw capture at some point. There appears to be a lot of redundant fail-safe's in place."

"I'm nearly done on this one," Tech 44 gestured towards Blaster. "Once I'm finished, I can help Tech 82 with his alien."

"I'm having a similar problem with this *ahem* 'female' alien." Tech 53 said, while she was working on Blackarachnia. "How could a machine predict it might be captured?"

"Fair enough." Silas said. "What about you, Tech 250?"

Tech 250 looked up from his monitor. "Nothing to report, Sir."

Silas narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean, nothing to report?"

"This unit is showing no resistance." Tech 250 answered. "I was about to download it's Information."

Silas walked over to the Tech. "Care to repeat that, Technician?"

"I was about to download it's hard-" Tech 205 started to say, but Silas cut him off.

The MECH general sneered. "I said nothing about downloading it's information."

Tech 205 didn't sound nervous as he responded, "I'm sorry, Sir. I just assumed…"

"Never assume anything, Tech 250." Silas growled. "These alien's brains will have thousands of gigabytes of information. Where could we possibly store it all?"

"Thousands?" The Tech repeated. "I'm not reading nearly that much. In fact… I'm not reading anything."

"What?" Silas asked angrily. "Show me. Now."

Tech 250 pointed at his monitor. The words; No Information Detected, were flashing across the screen.

Silas pushed the poor tech out of the way, and glared at the confusing words. "How is that possible? This alien, if our intel is correct, is a high ranking officer. How could it have no information stored in its hard drive?"

"Maybe it has a failsafe?" Tech 250 suggested. "Maybe it's systems delete automatically when it detects a massive power surge."

Silas pounded his fist into the keyboard. "This is unacceptable! This robot would have had information that the other aliens don't! Now, all my plans are… are…" Something suddenly caught the generals eye. He quickly typed a command into the somewhat operable keyboard.

"What is it, Sir?" Tech 250 asked timidly, glancing at the monitor, over Silas's shoulder.

"This alien's brain did have information." Silas answered slowly. "But it wasn't destroyed. It was removed."

"Removed?" tech 205 repeated apprehensively, "How is that possible?"

"I don't know." Silas said. "But it was a physical download. It was made via wifi. Or rather, by an advanced version of wifi."

"Sir!" Tech 103 said suddenly "This alien's information is gone as well."

The MECH general walked quickly over to Silverbolt's station. "When did this happen?"

"Just now, Sir." Tech 103 explained. "And very quickly. I almost didn't register it."

"How quickly?" Silas demanded.

"Less than 2 seconds." The tech answered. "Which is amazing, considering the size, and the amount of information."

"I don't care how impressive you think it is, Tech." Silas said through gritted teeth. "All I know is that there's someone on site, and they're ruining my plans." He activated his wrist communicator. "Intruder alert. All stations be on the lookout of any suspicious individuals. They have stolen vital information from me, and they must be stopped. If they leave with said information, I shall be very displeased."

Alarms suddenly blared through-out the base. MECH soldiers, armed with high-tech pulse rifles, began making organized sweeps of the hallways, stairways, and maintenance shafts.

All the while, the two 'individuals' responsible for the theft where hiding in plain sight. As cardboard boxes.

Prodigal note: These humans learned of our escape rather quickly.

Legion concurs. They are much more intelligent than given previous credit for.

Agreed. Prodigal inquiry: How shall we proceed with escape?

Legion is uncertain. Now that we are carrying companions data, it is imperative that we do not separate into individual units to avoid detection.

Prodigal calculates that the loss of significant data to be at 33.99% if separation is attempted. That is undesirable.

Legion agrees with this assessment. However, now that the hostiles are alert to our presence, the odds of detection, however unlikely, is probable.

Detection by hostiles is undesirable. Suggested course of action: Legion and Prodigal assume appearances of generic hostile units, and commandeer a technologically inferior fossil fuel based ground vehicle.

Odds of escaping will increase if an alternative method of transportation is utilized. Legion suggests the use of an aviation based vehicle. For example; scans indicate that there are several unsecured heavily armed 'helicopters' located within the immediate area.

Prodigal suggests that several units stay behind to cause a distraction. Also, recommend that whichever vehicle we take, the other vehicles be disabled. Odds of escape will increase.

A major power loss to this facilities electrical grid would provide a significant distraction. Legion shall send ten individual units to shut down the main power grid. Stand by… units disengaged. Legion estimates this facility will lose power in 54.57 seconds.

Prodigal suggests that we assume our hostile unit appearances.

The two "cardboard boxes" quickly reformed into two masked MECH soldiers. One female and one male. With a silent nod to one another, they walked over to the first helicopter in the hanger. The female got into the pilot seat, while the male sat in to co-pilot seat.

Using her abilities, the female activated the helicopter, and then sent a WIFI signal to open the bay doors. Sensing that the alarm was about to sound, the female quickly sent another signal to disable it. She then made the helicopter hover, and launch through the bay doors.

"We did not deactivate the other helicopters." The male pointed out, as they flew away.

"There was no need. We left behind an activated, timed, high-yield explosive device in the hanger." The female said. "Which should be sufficient enough to eliminate pursuit."

"A crude, yet efficient , plan." The male agreed. "Our current location is –"

"Attention MECH helicopter 101." A voice suddenly said over the radio. "This is Sentry Alpha. Why have you launched?"

"How do we proceed?" the female asked, as Sentry Alpha moved beside them.

"We do not know." The male answered.

"I repeat, this is Sentry Alpha calling MECH helicopter 101. Respond immediately." The pilot demanded. "Or I will be forced to open fire."

"He means to eliminate us." The female stated. "If our mode of transportation is destroyed, our odds of escape are minimized."

"That is correct." The male agreed. "We suggest the use of a defensive flight pattern to avoid that outcome."

The female increased the speed of the helicopter and quickly pulled away from the Sentry. But not for long. The opposing helicopter increased its speed, and pulled behind them in an attack maneuver.

"It appears that the hostile units mode of transportation is superior to ours." The female pointed out, as she piloted their vehicle to avoid weapons lock.

"We calculate the odds of successful weapons lock to be one in-" the male began to explain, but was cut off when an explosion rocked their helicopter.

"We are unable to maintain altitude." The female announced, as she struggled with the controls. "And we are unable to effect repairs quickly enough. Impact with the surface imminent."

"We suggest abandonment of vehicle. " The male suggested. "If we combine into a solid, high density form, odds of survival will increase."

"We agree with this assessment." The female said.

The two individuals joined masses, and formed into a tightly arranged metallic looking ball. At the last possible moment, the ball threw itself out of the plummeting helicopter.

Meanwhile, Silas was standing in the middle of his recently destroyed helicopter hanger. He was absolutely livid.

"Sentry Alpha to General Silas. Come in."

"What is it?" Silas demanded, his voice full of venom.

"The rouge helicopter has been destroyed. However, scans indicate that whomever was piloting the craft , is not in the wreckage. Nor can I locate any data device." The pilot reported.

"Let me put this in a way you'll understand, pilot." Silas growled. "Locate whoever stole my helicopter and that stolen data. Or do not, I repeat, do not bother returning. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Sir." The pilot answered curtly, then ended the transmission.

Silas folded his hands behind his back, and then said to no one in particular, "It's time to put Operation Alpha-Omega into motion."