Disclaimer-If I owned DBZ, I'd be filthy stinking rich. Right now, I've got 5 bucks in pennies. Do the math. I also don't own the song 'Durme, Durme', though I wish I did.

Summary-This time, the Sayains are captured with technology and ki collars. They are sent to Earth as slaves. Sure, you've seen human slaves, but what if it the other way around?

"Blah" indicates speech

'Blah' indicates thoughts

~Blah~ indicates telepathy through a bond

Blah indicates a Saiyan/Japanese word

BLAH indicates emphasis

Sold Again

"Durme, durme, sin ansia i do lor. Durme, durme. Durme!" Celipa finished the lullaby to her twin sons, Kakarot and Radditz. They were only six years old today, November 26th.

"Celipa-chan," her husband, Bardock, said to her, entering the room. "Are they asleep?"

"Hai, finally," Celipa said, smiling. She gently kissed both her sons' foreheads before putting them in their respective beds.

"Come, love, I'm tired," Celipa said, entering into her bedroom. She changed into her nightgown and got into bed, Bardock following her.

~Good night~ they thought together, before drifting off to sleep.

That was the last time Kakarot saw either of his parents.

Later that night, Earthling traders had broken into their home. They had kidnapped the entire family and separated him from them. Those traders, how dare they divide a family like that? Leave a 6-year-old alone on a strange planet while taking off with his family?

Kakarot only had a handful of memories left, due to a nasty bash on the head when he first arrived on Earth. He remembered play-fights with his brother and father and lots of good food every day. But his mother was translucent to him, without a solid memory of her. All he remembered was that song, that beautiful foreign song. He knew only a handful of words that the song translated into, and he held on to them for dear life: Sleep, sleep, mother's little boy, free from worry or pain. Listen with joy to your mother's words, at the beauty of Sh'ma Yisrael. So now he was here. Living with some monks in a secluded temple in the far-off mountains. The head monks were Gohan and Orinji, and while Gohan was kind, Orinji not only beat Kakarot, but his youngest son Krillin. Heaven only knew what Orinji did to his wife.

"Goku!" Krillin called from about twenty feet away. "Come on! You promised you'd teach me to fly today!"

Goku. The name the monks had given to him. It was easier and quicker for them to say than 'Kakarot', so everyone called him 'Goku'. He took it as a nickname.

"Coming, Krillin!" Kakarot called back, jumping down from the rafters he had been relaxing on and running to join his best friend.

"Now, the Saiyans learned how to fly by contacting their genkai ki, or spirit energy. Genkai ki is what you feel inside of you when you are using your full power. All you need to do is bring it out and push it down, and you're flying. Here, I'll show you."

The 8-year-old sat Indian-style in the pasture. He cupped his hands in front of him and concentrated, seeming to meditate. Little sparks shot in front of him, until a small circle of light shone inbetween his cupped hands. "And THAT is genkai ki, Krillin-kun."

"Wow," Krillin said, staring intently at Kakarot's ki. "And I can do THAT?"

"Hai," Kakarot replied. "Now, you try it."

Krillin copied Kakarot's posture and tried. He glared intensely at his cupped hands, his whole body shaking.

"Ie, ie, ie!" Kakarot scolded. "You've got to relax, Krillin. You're never gonna fly if you have a seizure!"

Krillin laughed at that and relaxed a little.

Slowly but surely, a tiny ball of ki formed in front of him.

"That's it, Krillin!" Kakarot cheered. "Now, push it down!"

Krillin gathered all his strength and pushed his ki down.

He felt a strange sensation underneath him as the grass slipped away from his crossed legs and he levitated into the air. Krillin unfolded his short legs to find that they couldn't touch the ground.

That, frankly, made him nervous.

"Oof!" Krillin moaned as he landed on the ground with a thud. "How'd I do, Goku? How'd I do?"

"You did great, Krillin!" Kakarot exclaimed. "Not even most Saiyans can levitate on their first day!"

"All right!" Krillin applauded himself. "You know what, Goku? Once I master this, we could fly out of here and never come back!"

"No, we couldn't," Kakarot said glumly.

"Why not?" Krillin asked disappointedly.

Kakarot traced a finger around the brace-like collar around his neck. "This. If we DO escape, they'll just press the button. I get an electric charge, and they find out where we are."

"That sucks," Krillin said with a pout.

Kakarot nodded in agreement.

"Krillin! Goku!" they heard Orinji shout for them.

"Coming, Master!" they both called, running into the building.

Orinji was standing in his orange temple robes with his hands behind his back, looking serious. This wasn't good. If it wasn't Sunday and Orinji wore his robes, it only meant trouble.

"Boys, this is Roshi Uranai," Orinji said, gesturing to an aging man in a black business suit, complete with a black hat!

"Greetings, sir," both boys chorused as one, bowing respectively.

"I see they are respective as well as industrious," Roshi commented to Orinji.

Gohan stepped forward. "Boys, no matter what happens, I want you to keep yourselves out of trouble and respect Mr. Uranai."

"Why?" Kakarot asked.

"As I said," Orinji cut in. "This is Roshi Uranai. Your new master."

Well, what do you think? I got this fic from another story, though I can't remember the name/author of it. I have added lots of my own twists in it, though. For instance: the other author didn't put Krillin or Master Roshi in. You will see how my story differs from hers/his (if you ever read hers/his) if you read the upcoming chapters. Remember, REVIEW nicely and FLAME gently. ^-^