The Truth Shall Set You Free.

Disclaimer: Same old thing I only own this story, not the chacters or location, Newline owns all that.

Summary: The explorers learn about the laws of another tribe.

Dedicated to Carolyn, and I gave Malone a bit strength.

"Recognize them?" George Challenger asked his hunting compainion John Roxton, the two men along with Ned Malone, where out hunting while the two women of the small family group 'held down the fort', the three men were now crouched down on a hill watching a village that appeared to be made up of mostly men.

"No, I don't," Roxton responded standing up, "let's go find out, shall we," he said and headed down the grassy slope. The two other men shared a look and followed the hunter down.

"Chartack!" a member of the tribe yells, "We have visitors," the man says to another man, (presumbly Chartack) both dressed quite like slave traders though they obiviously bath more often, and points towards the one of the surrounding slopes.

Chartack nods, "Yes, thank you Donick, I will see to there......... safe arrival," Donick nods and bows then leaves.

"It seems we get a welcoming party," Malone mutters nevrously clicking open his breach just to be sure.

Roxton, more at ease then his young friend slings his rifle over his shoulder, "Relax Neddy boy," he whispers as Chartack approaches.

"Can I help you?" Chartack asks the men.

Challenger takes a step foward, "My name is George Challenger, and these are my friends John Roxton and Ned Malone," Challenger says gesturing to each man as he names them.

Chartack acknowledges with a nod, "You still did not answer my question,".

Roxton clears his throat and steps up, "Yes well we aren't sure of who are,".

Chartack cocks his head as if not understanding something, "We are the Tonque," (pronounced, tan'cue") he finally replies, "Please we are just about eat, join us," Chartack says smiling warmly.


Marguerite stamped her foot as she watched the raptor roast incinerate, "Um, Veronica!?" she called to the huntress who was reading in a chair her feet propped up awaiting dinner.

"What?" Veronica asked the hieress turning to look at her, "Marguerite! not another one!" she exclaimed when she saw the flaming roast the older woman was carefully pulling out.

Marguerite grinned sheepishly, "Wellll," she whined.

Veronica threw up arms and slowly stood up out of the chair, "Move, maybe it's only burnt on the outside," she said walking into the kitchen.

"Fine by me," the woman who could not cook said moving aside and letting her defacto sister look upon the still flaming roast.

"Marguerite, what did you season this with?" Veronica asked poking the flaming wanna be meal with a fork and sniffing it.

Marguerite tapped her chin thoughtfully, as Veronica jumped back to avoid a eager flame, "Well some carrots, ummm oh yeah potatoes and some pepper," Marguerite finally responded, just as Veronica finally doused the roast with a cup of water.

Veronica frowned as the roast almost imedditally burst back into flames, suddenly Veronica's eyes widened, "Marguerite where did you get the pepper?" she asked picking the small jar pepper up.
Marguerite frowned, "Thats the pepper? I thought that was the pepper," she pointed towards an almost identicle jar accross the counter.

Veronica squeezed her eyes shut and slapped her forehead, "That Marguerite is not pepper, it's gun powder!". Marguerite's eye's doubled in size and she hit the floor, "What's the matter with you?" Veronica asked her.

Marguerite opened her mouth to explain but before get the words out the roast exploded, leaving Veronica covered bits of meat but otherwise unharmed. "Let me guess, you stuffed it," Veronica calmly asked.

Marguerite shrugged and stood up. "YOU DON'T STUFF A ROAST, MARGUERITE! And you don't stuff anything with PEPPER!" Veronica exclaimed, wiping a chunk of meat from her forehead and throwing it over the edge of the railing.

"I keep saying, "how long will it take you to realize that, I CAN'T COOK!" Marguerite replied reaching and wiping a piece of meat from Veronica's abdomen.

Veronica slapped her hand away, "I'm going to the pond, come stand guard," Veronica said tossing Marguerite her rifle before stepping into the elavator.


Roxton sat the large drumstick down, "I can't eat anymore," he groaned.

Challenger and Malone agreed setting there respective pieces of bird down, "The meal meets your approaval?" Chartack asks standing.

"Very much so," Malone replies, his unease long forgotten.

"Good," Chartack replies, Roxton stands sensing something is up, "Donick!" Chartack yells, instantly the 3 men are surrounded by spear/knife/crossbow weilding guards.

"What is this?!" Challenger demands.

"You are our prisoners," Chartack replied as if it where the most normal thing in the world, "Take them to the cells," Chartack told his guards he stood and left.

Roxton, Challenger and Malone were led toward a large hanging cage, the cell. Roxton suddenly made a mad dash, if he could just make it to the tree line, a few feet from the safe zone pain shot through his right leg he hit the ground with a cry of pain, an arrow had implanted it's self in his leg. He was hauled to his feet and brought to face Chartack.

"For your insurbordination, you will die, tomorrow and dawn," Chartack gestured to the men holding Roxton and Roxton was literally tossed into the cage with Challenger and Malone.


Marguerite sat on a rock and watched Veronica wade in, 'If only Malone could see her now,' Marguerite wickedly thought as Veronica's nude form descended into the water.

"The men are do back soon," Veronica bringing Marguerite out of her thoughts.

"Yeah so," Marguerite said toying with Veronica's arm band that lay beside her.

"If we aren't there when we get back they will be worried," Veronica replied turning to look at Marguerite.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to blow up dinner," Marguerite replied fingering the seams of Veronica's top that lay drying beside her.

"I didn't mean it that way Marguerite," Veronica gulitly said swimming for the shore.

Marguerite stood as Veronica walked out of the water, "Your clothes are still wet," she informed the jungle girl.

Veronica shrugged, "It's just us right now I can dress when we get closer to the treehouse," Veronica picked her clothing up off the rock as Marguerite starred at her.

"You can't be serious, walk through the jungle naked?" Marguerite questioned shocked.

Veronica laughed, "It's just us Marguerite, and it wouldn't be the first time I've done it,".

"But.....but...what if we run into a Zanga hunting party?" Marguerite finally said.

Veronica grinned, "I doubt they'd mind," she said with a shrug and headed off into the jungle.

"Veronica!" Marguerite exclaimed but with a grin none the less, she followed.

"The Zanga don't hunt in this area, I'm safe," Veronica finally informed her.

"Veronica?" a voice suddenly said from behind them.

Veronica whirled she recognized that voice, "Jarl!?" her voice came out a bit high.

"Is that you Veronica?" he called.

She breathed a sigh of relief he couldn't see her, yet. But he was getting closer. "Marguerite give me your shirt," she hissed.

"I beg your pardon!" Marguerite indignantly replied.

"I can't get into my clothes before he see's me, but I can pull your shirt on, please Marguerite?" Veronica pleaded.

"But what do I do?" Marguerite asked and it was her blue one to! Her favorite.

"You have your camosile," Veronica informed her reaching for the front of the sought after covering.

Marguerite slapped her hand away, "I think I can get myself, thank you very much," Marguerite quickly unbuttoned her blouse and handed it to Veronica who tugged it on and held it closed, thankfully Marguerite was a bit taller then her, so she was amply covered.

"Veronica? Marguerite?" Jarl said stepping into view, he was quite suprised to find Veronica clothed in apparently only Marguerite's shirt, and holding her regular clothing, which she quickly hid behind her back. And Marguerite in her skirt, nothing strange there, but she wore only her frilly under garment thingy, for the life of him Jarl couldn't remeber what she called it.

Veronica laughed neverously, "Jarl, what are doing out here? Where's Assai?" she asked figeting.

"Assai is in the village, I was hunting two days journey from here when I saw Lord Roxton, Professor Challenger and the reporter Ned," Jarl replied.

Marguerite glanced at Veronica who glanced back, "Sooooo?" Marguerite prodded.

Jarl's face took on a grim look, "They were on the hillside watching a village of Tonque, they headed down the hill before I could reach them,".

Veronica gasped, "Jarl, are you sure it was Tonque?" she asked despertly hoping for some hope that it wasn't it.

Jarl nodded grimly. Marguerite glanced back and forth between Jarl and Veronica, "Alright what or who the heck is a Tonque?" she asked hands on hips.

Veronica swallowed, "The Tonque, are a savage people, the leader of a village has uncontested power over the people of his village. The only way a new leader is brought into power is by assanation. They take prisoners usually without cause, claiming trespass. The prisoners are....." Veronica hesitated, "They are....... if any attempt to escape is made, or any small offense, they are executed, by beheading,".

Marguerite grimaced, "Your kidding, right?" she asked hopefully, sitting heavily on a nearby rock.

Jarl sadly shook his head, "I am afraid not Marguerite, I should be getting back to Assai," with that he set out the way he had come.

Veronica sat next to Marguerite and placed a comforting hand on her back, "We need to get back to the treehouse, pack some supplies, blankets, ammunition......." Veronica rubbed Marguerite's back, "The Tonque, they aren't that bad,".

Marguerite up at her, "Yes they are, you wouldn't have said what you did if they weren't," Marguerite stood, rubbing her arms to ward off the sudden chill.

Veronica slipped out of the shirt she still wore and handed it Marguerite, "You once said 'You never liked me and I never liked you'" Marguerite nodded in rememberence, as Veronica quickly slipped into her outfit, "I can't say what you think, but I do like you. I've even learned to love you as a sister," dressed Veronica lead the way back to the treehouse.


Roxton flinched as Challenger ripped the arrow from his flesh, "How bad is it?" Roxton asked through gritted teeth.

Challenger probbed the area around the wound, "It dosen't seem to serious, you'll be in pain for a few days. But should recover fully," with that Challenger wrapped Roxton's leg with John's own shirt, using Malone's as gauss.

Roxton grimaced as Challenger yanked a knot tighter, "You heard Chartcak, I die tomorrow," Roxton reminded Challenger and Malone.

"Not if I can help it," Malone said standing, determined to break the 'little helpless boy' persona he seemed to have damningly aquired.


Marguerite followed Veronica around the treehouse holding open Veronica's pack as Veronica tossed in different herbs. Tossing a final pouch of herbs into the pack Veronica took it from Marguerite, "Better get my cloak it's cooling rapidly," she muttered to herself.

When Veronica had retreated to her room, Marguerite went to pack the blankets, matches and extra ammuntion for her rifle and pistol, she then threw in ammo for the men's weapons. She quickly grabbed the knife she rarely wore and headed back into the main area wear Veronica was already waiting Pack in place, cloak drapped over her arm, she eyed the knife Marguerite was attaching to her regular gun belt.

"What's the occassion?" she asked.

Marguerite finished and pulled on her pack then slung her rifle over her head, "Might need it," she replied simply gesturing for Veronica to lead the way into the elavator. Veronica did and they were on there way.


Malone paced their cell, he studied the guards, their movements, shift changes, even their eating habits. "Malone sit down, your rocking the hole cage," Roxton finally said.

Malone slid down still watching the guards, he sat still keeping up his vigil.

Challenger, who had awoke when Roxton told Malone to sit, sat up, "Any sign of the women?" he asked hopfully.

Roxton shook his head, "They didn't expect us back untill tonight George, they'll wait a few hours before mounting a search," with that said Roxton went back to resting and waiting.

"It's only 3 hours till dawn you know," Challenger somberly said.


Veronica slunk up the hill, while Marguerite followed but not quite as easily. "Are we about there?" Marguerite questioned.

Veronica suddenly dove at Marguerite clamping a hand over he mouth, she then rolled them both under some nearby bushes just as to warriors heads peaked over the hill. "Guards," Veronica whispered to Margueite removing her hand.

"Really you didn't have to be so rough," Marguerite complained in a hushed whisper.

Veronica rolled her eyes, then turned her attention back to the guards. "Come on, there gone," with that she rolled out and stalked up the hill, Marguerite right behind her.

At the top they stood overlooking a encampment of Tonque, "It's nearly dawn," Veronica noted, as the sun began to peak through fog.

"There!" Marguerite exclaimed pointing towards a hanging cage that held 3 people.

"We can't be sure that's them, and be quiet," Veronica whispered.

Just then an armed group approached the cage and halted parting to allow one man access to the cage. He opened it and pulled out one of the people, now recognizable as a man. The man limped as he was dragged towards the chopping block, litterally. "Your right I recognize the limp, that's Roxton," Veronica commented.

"Roxton! Am I right or wrong, about that being a beheading block?" Marguerite hissed.

Veronica watched as he was dragged ever closer. "Right. There's to many we can't take them," she sadly informed her friend.

"There must be someway?" Marguerite pleaded.

Suddenly a light bulb lit, of course! "Marguerite they have a law, about any male to be excueted. If he is to be bore an heir soon. His life must spared untill the birth!" Veronica remebered her voice growing louder.

"Veronica are thinking what I'm thinking?" Marguerite asked slyly.

Veronica grinned back, this could fun, "Yep," she responded.

Then, "You pretend to be pregant," they both stated at once.

Then, "You,", "No you,".

"Marguerite, I'll have to keep an open eye, I can't concetrate on something else," Veronica nearly pleaded.

Marguerite sighed, if it would save John........, "Oh alright, but we have to hurry," she finally conceaded.

Veronica glanced downwards, Roxton was not 5 steps from the block. She pulled Marguerite away from the edge, ripped the pack from her back and yanked out two blankets and some rope. She wrapped the blankets around Marguerite front and then tied them on. She then handed over the fur cape that she had brought and got it securly on Marguerite. "You ready?" she asked, then not waiting for an responses pulled Marguerite back to the top of the hill. Roxton was kneeling at the block.


Roxton kneeled, this was it it was over, he thought. He was offered a blind fold, he refused. He lay his head accross the block, if had to go this way, he would at least be brave about it.

The sterotypically dressed executionist, drew up the massive axe. Roxton prepared himself for the fatal blow, when. "WAIT!" all motion stopped. "THIS MAN IS TO BE BORE AN HEIR!" the familar voice yelled again.

Murmers of disbelief sounded all around him, "SHOW US THE PROOF!" someone yelled.

Roxton recognized the first voice, Veronica! But what heir, then a thought struck him, surely not, they wouldn't, would they? He straightend and looked towards the hill, there stood Veronica.
She reached past the bushes and pulled out, Marguerite.


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