It was a peaceful night. Somewhere in apparently Helgakinia, where no mere human can reach, somewhere no man can cross, lies a vast mansion filled with lights and different kinds of people. Powerful people.

And the mansion, paradoxically, was bigger inside than outside, and located inside the mansion was a secret passage, leading to the nations of Helgekinia, like it was a way to meet Helgakinia. There were a lot of house maids that constantly keep the manor clean except for one that serves not the cleanliness of the household but its safety from intruders. There was also a room intended for a combat boy whose hobby is archery, and hunting. Hunting persons. It also has one bright throne room intended only for one person: Their young and delicate queen.

On that windy yet quiet night, sits the queen. Thinking deeply about something that she cannot tell anyone.

"How is Tristain Academy? Moreover, how are they?" asked a girl, slacking on a throne couch, with her head leaning on her right hand lazily, with her wavy cottony hair resting on her chest.

She was talking to a girl, probably her servant based on the way she spoke to her, the girl was wearing a long black dress that extended all the way down to the floor and which completely covered her shoulder and arms, with frills and puffy sleeves, she has a white apron in front of her dress. Her hair was plain simple, a bob cut.

She was kneeling down with respect to the girl who asked her earlier.

"Yes my queen, Saito Chevalier de Hiraga has returned in Tristain, the other students, Kirche, Tabitha, Guiche, Montmorency-"

"I see. They're all there, huh? They're all together…" she pretended to purposely interrupted. There was sadness with the girl's tone, like disappointed. She turned right to look at the window, where the moon's brightness was peeking. The exact moons who were the witnesses of her love for someone.

The servant carefully stood up and bowed to leave. Her smooth move barely even made a sound. And in nanoseconds, she disappeared, which only left a white sweet-smelling mist as her trace.

They're all together . . . Saito. She thought.

"So what, do you wanna go back now?" a boy asked in the dark. Only his eyes were seen in the room's dark part, they were glowing dim yellow, like a light bulb. Slowly, the figure walked into the light, showing a raven-black haired boy wearing a green jacket paired with black pants and a hood that covered his eyes like he didn't want to be recognized. Behind him was an extremely large bow and arrow, bigger than his size.

The girl's face turned supremely serious and solid, she stood in one foot and crossed her arms, her hair tumbling with her every move, her eyes feverishly narrowed. She was wearing a white floor-length dress with gold trimmings, an elegant yet comfortable ritual gown with long pointed hood and finger holes, fastened with pearlescent shell toggle; she was wearing a beaded headdress. Her composure was obviously like one from a noble, or an aristocrat, perhaps, a duke. Her height was average, normal for a teenage girl.

She looked at the two moons intimately, showing her eager eyes.

"No. Not until I get my revenge," she said, still gazing at the moons. Her thoughts about returning to her friends scarcely made a scratch on her urges.

"But I can see in your eyes that you really want to see that Sai-"

"I SAID NO! WHAT PART OF NO CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND? STOP COMMENTING NONSENSE!" she scowled. She accidentally shoved the vase on the table near the window, breaking it into pieces.

"Your eyes are actually saying the opposite," he said.

"Stop it with the eye thing, Rain, I assure you, I will get my revenge no matter what," she hangs her head down dangling, with her hand bleeding because of the vase's shards. Small drops of tears dropped on the floor, sparkling.

She walked away angrily from him, but stopped halfway out the door.

"I will get my revenge," she muttered to herself and continued out again.

"Sure thing," Rain calmly responded.

Then the door shut with a slam.

"She's completely different than the girl I met before," the boy sadly said, heading to the part where the girl stood a while ago and tried noticing the brightness of the two moons. "She's so different… It's their entire fault… They made her like this… They've made her worse"

"But isn't it just puzzling, she had fun with them, we saw it, we watched her everyday life," There was a cute, sharp voice behind his back. He felt his bow and arrow was gone. Or not particularly gone, it transformed into a small girl, just knee-length.

"Angelique, go back," he commanded.

Angelique pouted. "Why, so puny, I could get some fresh air some time, you know it's hard to be wood all the time,"

The girl glowed bright green with her short wavy hair curling inwards her face.

"Someone might see you,"

"Nah. No one would. Besides, this is the queen's room, one will always knock," she excitedly said.

The boy only sighed in defeat and continued thinking again.

She looked around, amazed by the bright fluorescent light that lit up the room. It's sweet fragrance spreading all over. The throne's couch and throne's chair was decorated with jewels and gold, what would you expect if a queen stays there?

"The queen really is fortunate" she nodded. She looked at the boy with worried eyes. "About her…" she mumbled. "Is she under Lord Demetori's power? Did she lose her consciousness? This isn't like her at all…" she said, trying to lighten him up.

"I doubt it. She's completely conscious about what she's doing." He crossed his arms and looked down, his hair scattering on his face.

"Brainwashed, I think…" the girl said, jumping all over the room, naked.

"She? Brainwashed? Probably. I don't know why she wants to get revenge on the students anyway,"

"I know why!" she hungrily said and jumped and hugged on top of the boy's head. "They had fun together, but at the same time, made her suffer,"


"Especially that boy, he gave her so much heartaches," she said in monotone, but not caring at all. "And all those girls? They won't just stop giving her headaches,"

The boy smiled.

"I don't know about that,"

"Well, you should, the queen's coronation is near, you know…" she scolded.

His eyes widened in realization and sighed. "Can't get enough, eh? She wants to be crowned in that place…" he smirked.

"She's really desperate you know, but I still believe that she'll change her mind in the middle of the ceremony," she answered, shaking his head.

"I seriously doubt it,"


"We've searched every towns and cities in Helgakinia," Saito reassured. He was arguing with Kirche and Tabitha earlier and he finally ended it. There was a map of Helgakinia in front of them, almost crumpled for how many times they had opened and returned it back.

Kirche slammed her hand on the table. "Are you sure? There has to be a town we hadn't searched yet," Kirche nearly started an argument again.

They were researching for other places, remote or a metropolitan, to continue searching for Louise, but it seemed that they had repeated to the same place again and again. Helgakinia is wide enough to hide Louise from them, that's what Saito's point of view while Tabitha insisted that Louise is a high-class Void mage and she can manage to break through any kidnappers alone. Kirche stated that Louise might have gone camping alone. She received a cold shoulder after saying that.

"There is no more places to go to, Saito," Tabitha demanded roughly.

"We'll just have to search the places we have gone to then," he remarked.

"Are you insane? You knew what happened to you when you went, right?" Kirche worriedly said.

Saito gritted his teeth, "This is all for Louise, I can bare it all," Saying that gave him the thought of worry also.

The two were astounded. Tabitha was unnoticing hurtfully stabbed with his words. His love for Louise was real after all. Even though he flirted with other girls, the only girl he ever thought was Louise.

She made all her efforts, even taking Louise's disappearance as an opportunity to have Saito for herself, but her conscience can't take it.

"Hey. Guys," a blonde girl with tight curly hair went inside with also a blonde-haired boy holding a red rose.

Kirche turned to them "Montmorency, what brings you here?"

"Well, Osmond-sama said he wants to visit you three so I think I should come also," And to keep Guiche away from those pesky girls, said on top of her voice.

"Osmond-sama?" Kirche wondered. She was alarmed with his voice.

"Hi students…" an old man walked inside, whose enjoying his pipe. An old man went inside with long white mustache and beard. Walking hunched towards them.

"Old Osmond!" Kirche and Saito shouted in unison.

"So, how's your research?"

"I bet they didn't find out anywhere to go," Guiche stated, waving his rose around.

Osmond beckoned him to keep quiet, Guiche's face turned stiff in embarrassment. Montmorency pulled his ear downward to whisper.

"Just shut up!" she said.

"Well, I was just helping,"

"That didn't help at all!"

Osmond gestured the two of them to shut the fuck up.


"Guiche's right apparently," Tabitha responded quickly. She arranged her glasses and pointed at the crumpled map wholly filled with circle marks, showing the places they had went.

"But we just have to search again," Saito countered, shoving his arm.

Tabitha did not answer. It was useless to change Saito's mind anymore.

The old man covered the map with his old wrinkled hand and burned it with his pipe. The paper turned into blak ashes and a small wind blew it off.


"You will not see her anywhere somehow," he chuckled.

Saito punched his fist on the table. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING OLD MAN? THAT WAS OUR ONLY HOPE!"

"Hope won't get you to Louise, my boy," he interrupted. "Let me tell you something,"

All of them stopped their train of thoughts and concentrated carefully on Old Osmond's word, noting all the details with it. Tabitha turned away from them, looking at the bright blue sky which they had always soar during missions where Louise and Saito would come and ride also.

"Louise is not in Helgakinia," he stated. Everyone was surprised in confusion.

"What do you mean? Not in Helgakinia? Then what, in Japan? How ridiculous is that?" Saito exclaimed but the thought of Louise's World door cut off his words.

"No. Not in Helgakinia nor in your country," he assumed. "She is a void bearer, and has the world door,"

Tabitha snapped, like she had remembered something, her face said 'Is she there?'. "Don't tell me-"

Osmond nodded. "Yes. She is between our world and Saito's world. The Central world, Anusha."

Everyone was like 'Anusha'? What in the world is that? Their faces were all engraved with such wonder and curiosity yet still focusing in listening to the old man.

"It's only a legend, Old Osmond," Tabitha said.

"It is not, Tabitha, there is a dimension between Helgakinia and His world, the world also known as 'the beautiful sky', Anusha, the world door is only limited to open a door to another world once. And it would take five years to open a door again, if she is not in our world, she wouldn't possibly be in your world, Saito, it had only been a year, she's probably in Anusha" he finished.

What is with this world of the beautiful sky or Anusha? Does it have something to do with Louise? Moreover, why would Louise be inside that world? Is she impelled? Or did she just personally went there?