Hi. Me again. I wrote this story a while ago. My friend told me I should put it on here. So just tell me what you think. Thanks for reading.


The Vargas brothers were the most dangerous pair in the entire Mafia. In all of the assignments they had been given, never once had they failed. They where also the grandsons of the Mafia leader, Rome.

They had just returned from a mission when one of the men approached them. His name was Cino. He had joined their section about two years previously. It was his job to hand out assignments.

"Lovino, Feliciano," Cino said, nodding a greeting. "I know you just got back, but I have one more assignment for you today. It's simple. Just need you to go collect money owed to us."

"Where?" Lovino asked, tiredly. He just wanted to go take a siesta, and he knew Feliciano did to.

"Just outside of Rome at an old barn. How soon can you get there?"

"We'll leave now. Come on Feli." Lovino turned and walked away, pulling his twin behind him.

As Cino watched them leave he craked a smile. "Got you."


Lovino pulled up in front of the barn.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Veh~. Yup!" Feliciano chirped. They got out and stepped into the building. There was a man in a Fedora standing behind a table with a briefcase.

"You the Vargas twins?" His voice was deep and unfamiliar. Lovino decided he didn't trust him at all.

"Yeah. Heard from Cino you had something for us," Lovino said walking to stand a few feet in front of the table, Feliciano slightly ahead of him.

"I do." The man clicked his tongue and rows of lights flashed on. There where over a hundred men surrounding them, guns ready.

"What a shame. I was under the impression you two would be harder to take out. Oh well. Less work for me. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"Shit," Lovino muttered, pulling out his gun. Feliciano copied his brother and drew his gun as well. Before either could let off a single shot, the leader fired, his bullet slamming into Feliciano's chest so hard it sent him stumbling backward into Lovino. With a tiny 'Veh' of shock he fell.

"FELICIANO!" Lovino screamed. He fired off rapid shots, killing 20 men. He picked his twin up bridal style and sprinted outside. Knowing it would take to long to put Feliciano in the car, he continued to run back towards the city.

"V...veh...Lovi...it hurts..." Feliciano said weakly.

"I know! I know! Just hold on Feli!" Lovino could hear them chasing him. He made it into the city, the mob hot on his heels.

He dodged into an alley. He managed to get half-way through when mobsters appeared at the other end. He spun to go back, but they where behind him to, cutting off his path.

"Fuck. Fuck," He felt the blood running down his brother's chest coating his arms, making it difficult to hold him. " This isn't fair," he whispered, clutching Feliciano closer.

He sat down heavily besides a dumpster. "Lovi?" Feliciano managed to squeak. Lovino gently rocked him back and forth.

"It's alright fratello," Lovino said. As the men closed in from either side, Lovino began to sing to his dieing brother. "Tu sei il mio luce del sole, il mio unico luce del sole Tu mi fai felice quando i cieli sono grigi. Non saprai mai cara, quanto ti amo. Si prega di non prendere il mio sole di distanza." As the last note left his lips, Feliciano shuttered and was still.

The Mafia men had drawn closer as he sang. They laughed wickedly when they saw Feliciano's still form.

Now the leader again stood before the Italian and asked, "Any last words?"

Lovino felt the tears dripping hot and fast down his face. He held Feliciano's head to his heart and for the last time, sang. "T eres mi sol, mi nica luz del sol. Me haces feliz cuando el cielo est gris. Nunca sabr s querida, cu nto Te amo. Por favor no te lleves mi sol."

The man raised the gun, pointing it directly at Lovino's forehead, and pulled the trigger. The shot sounded and Lovino's body slumped forward onto his twins.

Yeah...I might have been depressed when I wrote this. Their is more to this story, but only if you wanna hear it. I don't want to waste time on it if no ones gonna read it. So review and tell me if you wanna know what happens.