I do not own DragonBallZ in any way shape or form. If you like this snippet or have any suggestions just review or message me. :)!


He could always count on her to put a smile on his face when the weight of the world seemed too much to bear sometimes.

Little Things

A hot meal, a clean house, and a peck on the lips, were things he looked forward to after a long day of training.


As much as she would constantly berate him for dragging their son into harm's way during the day, she would just as quickly massage his muscles and tell him with sweet kisses how proud she was of both of them.


Even though in public she showed as much skin as nun, he quickly learned that in the privacy of their own home is where she would grace him with her bountiful treasures and her curvy Amazonian like body.


She was his and his alone. No one dare let their eyes stray towards her for too long if they knew what was good for him...except Master Roshi..who just never seemed to learn..even with a black eye.


During the night, when it was nothing but a cool sheet and the gentle breeze of the night air, they would sometimes come up with potential baby names; thinking about a brighter future ignoring the darker impending days ahead.


As he looked down upon her, with her expanding belly, he could not help the tear that slid down his face and the smile that covered his lips as she patted her stomach, looked up into the Heavens and exclaimed, " He's got a pretty strong kick, looks like Gohan and I have our work cut out for us Goku. He's going to turn out just like you. I can feel it." She giggled.