Authors Note: Hello all, Dee here. First and foremost, this story is going to contain heavy SPOILERS for the game, there will also be eventual shoujo-ai content, so you have been warned! Read at your own discretion. For now the rating will be T, it may go up later, we'll just see where this goes. Beta and edited by my sister: HalfAnAngel21. Characters belong to the masterminds of Square-Enix.

So after beating FFXIII-2 and being more than a little saddened by the ending I came up with this idea to dull the ache. The story will start at the end of the game, and will be my own vision of what I feel could happen after it all. It will probably start quite slow, so please be patient as I build it all up. Reviews are encouraged to further motivate me and help keep the chapters coming at a steady pace.

Also! I do want to point out that obviously my image of Valhalla is quite different to how Valhalla is perceived in mythology, and I ask that people PLEASE DO NOT try and compare the two, as I am making up the rules as I go and will continue to do so. This is, after all, my story, so please do not complain to me about how incorrect it might seem. If it bugs you I am sorry and you should turn your attention elsewhere.

Other than that, Enjoy! ^^

Ch. 1 Prologue

The future was saved, changed from a fate of no humanity, no future. It was supposed to be the perfect ending to a happy story. Everyone would be reunited and live in the new timeline, even Lightning would return to her sister. But fate had a twist in store, something no one had anticipated.

Serah was collapsing, her frail body could no longer support her as her life faded away. Noel caught and cradled her unmoving body, unable to stop what was happening. His mournful pleas would fall upon deaf ears. Hope looked on distraught and confused, nothing about the current situation made sense to him. The future had changed, and Serah suffered the brunt of the damage. She saw the change in the timeline, and her fate was unchangeable.

But fate had one more cruel surprise as Mog fell into Hopes arms. "The Goddess, she's gone." These were the poor creature's last words as the life was ripped from his tiny body.

It didn't take but a second for Noel to understand what had happened, or rather, what was happening. He may not have intentionally stabbed Caius, but ultimately that is what had happened. The goddess' heart, which was housed within that man's chest, had ceased beating. He had unwillingly killed the goddess with his own hands.

However, there was no time to mull over things, as the sky began to fill with ominous clouds. Valhalla's gate, a massive glowing portal, appeared in the air and darkness began to pour out of it. Corroding and destroying everything it touched. The fearful screams and cries of an entire populace could be heard for miles, as they too would see no mercy.

Chaos, that is what everything became as the worlds of both Bhunivelze and Gran Pulse were consumed and transformed into a new Valhalla. Everyone perished and nothing was spared. Or so that is what we are led to believe.

Valhalla is a place that exists beyond the reaches of time, and many odd things can happen there. There is no life to be found, only death and chaos reign. However, even against the odds, a tiny ray of hope still exists. The shimmering light is bright and growing in strength as it sends pulses of energy far and wide. A new beginning in this endless struggle of life and death.

Within the heart of Valhalla, a phenomenon is occurring. A contradiction perhaps, or merely the pure will and strength of a single individual to change everything. A blinding light is engulfing the whole of the open structured room, centralizing around the throne of the Goddess, or what was once called the Goddess' throne before her death anyway.

The empowering light is warm and filled with energy. It expands quickly to the farthest shores of Valhalla and then slowly ebbs, returning to the source. As the light withdraws and shrinks revealing the odd city structures, it also reveals something else, people. There were people everywhere throughout the city, past residents of the worlds that had disappeared during Chaos' rampage and destruction. More and more citizens were emerging, all looking as confused as the next as to why they are standing in this strange, colorless place.

As the light begins to give off a few final pulses, it seems everyone receives a memory not of their own, and everything becomes clear to all. They were revived, brought back from beyond death, but by whom or by what power, they did not yet know. The empowering light faded from sight.

Back within the heart of Valhalla, a lone, glowing figure was sitting atop the throne, the last shreds of light being absorbed into their chest. The figure, now clearly a woman, inhales a deep, steady breath. Stormy aqua eyes peer open slowly, their hues shifting in the light. Her gaze is icy and cuts through the air, seeing all and everything. Her faint pink hair shifting in a gentle breeze that blew through the open room.

Lightning, the Goddess reincarnated, gifted with immense powers sits upon the throne of what is now her kingdom, her world. Why she was given this power, this fate, she does not know. Perhaps it is a final act of Etro's blessings, or perhaps it is the will of something else. Either way it doesn't matter. What does matter is that she knows she will use this to her advantage and make things right.

Caius is alive, she feels it, and surely he will come to ruin everything that is just being gifted to humanity. Lightning, however, will be ready and she will see to it that everyone reaches a brighter future, together.

"Serah…." her soft voice echoes out from a whisper. She exhales a soft sigh, a miniscule smile gracing her lips.

She knows she must gather together those who will chose to fight for her, become her warriors, her Valkyrie, her elite. The sooner this task was done, the better. War will soon be upon them once again. Her thoughts reach out to every citizen, she can feel all of their emotions, fear, anger, sadness, hope. Few stand out from the many. Those who wish to rise and fight for the future will surely get her message and seek her out. It is now that she has to wait, that is all she can do, for now.

AN: I do hope everyone has enjoyed this prologue, I had fun creating the setting and finally getting this gnawing idea out of my head, well, getting it started at least. Comments/criticism, again, are welcome. Til' next time.~ ^-^