A/N Sorry these are seeming to get shorter, I really struggled to write this one, but with it being holidays soon I promise to get a few more up! Enjoy! :)


It was never really a question of why Claire did all of this still, but here she was, running down a corridor where hordes of the infected were threatening to jump out on her at any given moment.

She was 'simply' playing the role of rescuer, but this time it wasn't behind a computer screen or dangerously tall towers of paperwork. No, Claire was doing what a rescuer should be doing, saving somebody from a situation they were in, not that she doesn't do that already, but this time she was there to know that they would be safe. Claire isn't hiding her face behind a computer now.

One lonesome B.O.W was shuffling it's way towards her. Claire could smell that horrific yet easily identified stench that came with them. As her flashlight, that as strapped to her shoulder, looked over at it Claire saw the grey monster, it's labrotory coat was torn and covered in blood, it's face was missing pieces of flesh in areas and it's hand looked like it was about to drop off. The person it was looked like a young scientist, probably a newbie.

She cursed herself sometimes for not being the fighter, maybe then she could have been the one to stop this outbreak and save these innocent lives. Well mostly innocent, she couldn't be certain what exactly would have been going on in the old Wilpharma facility but she knew ever since Harvardville all them months ago each of the facilities were slowly starting to be a potential hazard for an outbreak. It was almost like somebody was willing them on to go bankrupt.

This was obviously vital clues for the BSAA and the government. The person behind all of this were going out of their way to be found. Tricell was being pointed at a lot now but they had no proof and as bad as it sounds it didn't really have anything to do with Claire, which is why she's a little bit pissed with herself that she picked rescuer.

It's not like anything was bad with 'rescuer', she needed to be rescued many times, Claire just wanted to 'put something back in the pot'. Other people need rescuing just like she did. And that was why she was in Wilpharma. To rescue some guy who had got himself in a bit of trouble.

Claire took out her silenced pistol and blew the undead's head off in one. She admired how she could still use a gun like she could, even after all of this time. The last time she had used a gun was back when Leon tossed her his back in Harvardville. Claire had her own guns of course, she just never had to use them, much anyway. Maybe the odd shooting at bottles, but that's really nothing compared to shooting at what was once a living person, with a life, and maybe even a family. It was saddening to think how that is all taken away by some virus that was created by humans themselves.

Claire's traditional high pony tail bobbled as she paced down the corridor which rooms branched off, she looked in every room to see if the survivor was there.

About an hour and several zombies later she came to the last door right at the end of the corridor. If he wasn't here she'd have to call HQ, she wasn't getting anyway.

Breathing in she turned the knob on the door and ran in, gun pointed out. She lowered it to find a man strapped to a chair, his face was staring at the floor and his blonde messy hair was draped over it.

His head snapped up at the sound of her boots on the tiled floor. Claire looked in shock.

"Leon?" She whispered, his eyes widened at her. She ran up to him and ripped the tape off of his mouth.

"Jesus Claire, could have been a little more gentler?" He winced.

Claire chose to ignore his remark. "What the hell are you doing here?" She snapped, looking at a rather large cut from his cheek down to his jaw. She grabbed a tissue from her back pocket and immediately started to dap the blood away from the cut.

"Last time I checked Claire, I was an agent. I was sent to get the guy who's responsible for this, but he made his escape and got some of his men to put me in here for the infected to 'eat me alive'"

Claire could tell he was in his 'agent' mode. The Leon she meets for coffee always has an easily-read expression on his face, if anything she could read him like her favourite book. But not in a mission, his expressions are stone-cold, there was no way anybody would be able to tell what he was thinking. Claire admired that trick if she was honest, it would come in handy. She just hated the way he used it on her as well, even though they were extremely close, especially since Harvardville. Claire wanted to break this phase of non-emotional Leon during times he's ever with Claire.

"And how did Mr Secret Agent Man manage to get trapped up like this? Losing you're touch, ay, Mr Bond?"

Leon rolled her eyes at her and broke out a little boyish smile. "I'll have you know there were well over ten of them. I don't go down without a fight."

Claire raised her eye brow at him. "We'll see about that then… when we get out of here want to go for a drink?"

"I don't think now is the right time to be discussing this Claire, but yeah… If I can get away from Hunnigan ranting at me for being caught." His eyes looked up and down at Claire. "Why are you here anyway?" His voice was pure concern as it dawned on him Claire had come to be his saviour. He's never admit that to her of course, and he also wouldn't admit how much he does to protect her rather than land her in these situations. As much as he tried it never seemed to be just 'normal' when it came to his and Claire's relationship. Yet, fate never really stopped their paths from crossing. He was thankful of that of course. Claire would always be something special to him. Although he would never admit that to her either, he'd risk plenty of things; a minor would be being called a 'corny bastard' major being Claire angry with him as he's 'just another figure to tell her she's still a stupid teenager who cannot keep a watch on herself'. Leon strongly disagrees with this, He knows Claire is a strong person, and can hold her ground when she wants, he just doesn't like to think she's in danger. Especially on his account.

"I'm here to save your sorry-ass Kennedy. I'm a rescuer, remember? Now can we please get out of here before something bad happens, like it usually does?"

He winked at her. "C'mon then partner, you did say you'd buy me a drink after all"

"Wait, wait, wait! I said we should go out for a drink… not that I was going to buy you a drink!"

"Well since you feel sorry for me because I'm 'losing my touch' you should. Now don't you think we should go before something 'big, bad and scary' comes out to get us?"

"So not funny Kennedy, something could happen."

"Then let's get out of here…"

It was her turn to wink. "Right behind you partner"