a/n: okay so here's the derek pov i mentioned. sorry it took so long to get up! please comment if you want more. otherwise i think this was a really good three-shot. if you're interested in au, "what ireland taught me" is another one of the stories. and i never finished a series called "phases". jsyk.

disclaimer: this story is a complete work of fiction and is in no way based on true events or the true sexuality of the actors mentioned. copyright of mtv and mtv networks.

"Derek!" an angry little voice called out to me. I quickly appeared to my pack mate at the door of my charred home—or at least the remnants of it. It was Scott and he looked in distress, I felt a pang of something, maybe guilt, over it but I ignored the feeling. I was suddenly overcome with relief he wasn't sharp enough to smell the concern on me or sense the distress I felt for my beta. He was pacing the porch when I arrived and he seemed relieved to see me, his heart fluttering a moment. He smiled a crooked grin before walking to me. He tilted his head a bit. I was his Alpha and in a way the smallest twist of the neck like that was a sign of his submissive nature towards my status in the pack. I silently took a step closer in approval. Scott had no way of knowing of these silent gestures of pack dynamics but it was fine with me.

"Yes, Scott?" I asked sounding more annoyed than I usually intended.

"I… I saw Jackson yesterday. Why did you bite him?" He asked a hint of hurt in his voice—though the emotion was written all over his face. Scott was a complete open book.

"Because he earned it. He was one of the ways I ensured becoming the alpha and that your ass would be saved." I leaned against the railing of my ruins as a finger traced the wood where I once played as a child. I looked back to Scott, once again nervously pacing. "Stop pacing. I know you're worried about competing for beta position but I think that you and Jackson can be co-betas. I think you have an interesting relationship. The animosity between you will soon grow tired and you guys will eventually get along. Besides, Stiles should calm the competition down—" his head snapped at the mention of his best friend. "Stiles won't be turned. I wouldn't sink my teeth into the brat if he were the last Omega on earth. But he has a place in the pack. It's just as the Omega, the lowest rank, but he does belong." I admitted to the other who's posture visibly relaxed with the explanation.

"I think Jackson is stronger and I'm worried. I… The other day when he was driving home he picked me up in his car and took me home. I thought it was nice so I wanted to return the favor…" He hesitated and a deep feeling of embarrassment came over him. My interest was piqued. "I did what you do for me when I'm hurt, I healed him. With my mouth."

My eyes visibly widened at the thought of what that meant. But suddenly Scott shook his hands in front of him.

"No, no, no! Not like… ew! I just… licked him. You know like you lick my wounds." He shrugged afterwards, though his face was still burning red like the first time I'd told him about the tongue-ritual. I was about to tell Scott he probably should have gotten on better terms with Jackson first—seeing as it was a more intimate action to clean the wounds of a pack member, but I was sure this would just freak him out.

"Oh. That's all?" I tried to play it off as nothing. But part of me was a bit jealous. By default as Alpha my wounds healed much faster than Scott's but it had taken a lot of coaxing to get him to heal even one of my chest wounds. Yet here he was telling me he'd gladly taken his high school bully's wound into his lips without a second thought. His silhouette gently crumpled a bit as his inner wolf sensed my jealousy and anger. I shook my head. "If that's all Scott you should leave."

Scott nodded before mounting his bike to leave. I went back inside and lie down on the remnants of my couch, closing my eyes as I remembered the first time I healed Scott.

It was after we had a particularly nasty run in with a group of Kate's renegade hunters. They were wielding a lightning rod like she had and a couple had guns. They managed to graze my shoulder and scald some of the flesh off my back but Scott was much worse. He had thee burns on his chest and a bullet had gone through his calf. After I'd slipped into my Alpha state I shredded most of them and carried Scott back to my basement and laid him down on a clean set of blue sheets. He had passed out but when he came to I had water for him and explained to him how werewolf healing could be accelerated by a pack members' saliva. He tentatively agreed to let me heal him.

He was apprehensive but his guard was let down as soon as my saliva worked on his burns. I worked on the three burns on his chest first, and watched as the singed flesh healed over pink and new as I worked. Next was his calf that I worked on for a quite a while until I myself was getting tired. Scott was sore but for the most part very cooperative. After I was done I wrapped his calf in a bandage and laid down.

I was quiet for a bit and is silently swished my saliva around in my mouth, the taste of Scott still on my tongue. It would be embarrassing but wrong to omit that I actually enjoyed the tangy flavor of Scott. His taste was completely unique and different, sweet but tangy, a little sour but entirely addicting. I'd found myself working much longer on his calf injury than was strictly necessary. I was wrenched out of these thoughts by a twitching nerve in my shoulder.

"Hey Scott…"

"Yeah Derek?" He asked looking over to me as he rolled over to lie on his stomach. He smiled over at me and I knew from that moment that just asking him to heal me would not be easy. My Alpha wolf yearned to claim him as more than just my beta. I resisted and smiled back.

"I healed you could you maybe heal my shoulder?" Scott immediately sat up and his face flushed. I was prepared to just let him leave if he didn't want to but he sat and thought about it a few minutes—waging an internal war over me. I smiled as the emotions passed by his features before he crawled over to the other side of me and began working on my shoulder. I have to admit it entranced me to watch him work on the wound, gently healing it in a matter of minutes. I also convinced him to heal the burn on my back. When he was done I could smell conflicting emotions on him.

He was confused and scared yet excited and hopeful. I couldn't tell which were stronger or towards me. All I know is that after all was said and done he spent the night sleeping in the basement next to me.

It was late afternoon when I finally came back to consciousness and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I could smell Scott and walked out on the porch to see the distressed teen sitting on my front steps. He snapped his head around to see me as I leaned against the front door frame. "Hey."

Scott wiped away what could only be tears before sniffling. "H-Hey." He turned back to look at the woods and I went to sit next to him on the stairs.

"You okay?" I asked but the waves of confusion and distress rolled off him like waves in the ocean.

"No." Was his answer before looking at me. I urged him to continue his explanation. "I went over to Jackson's today to study," My heart felt like something had squeezed it when he mentioned my second beta. "I… We… He burnt his hand and split open his lip when he was cooking for me. So. I thought maybe I should heal it. But it turned into a kiss and even though I'm not with Allison anymore, I don't know I kind of felt like I was cheating." I felt even more envy over the brunette girl's name passing his perfect lips. I wanted to comfort my pack member, I felt Scott's head lean against my shoulder and I didn't push him off. He was confused.

"Did you like it?" I asked and I heart the thrum of Scott's heart momentarily pause as if he was suddenly scared.

"Well, yeah." He tried to make the answer seem causal but I could hear the strain in it.

"Did you like it when you healed me?" I asked trying to determine if maybe he was discovering his affinity for the male gender or maybe… it was just Jackson? My own heart erratically beat at the thought of my first pack member finding a mate so soon. Part of me was just really attached to Scott.

"That's not the same Derek," He peeled away from my shoulder and looked at me in a wounded stare. "I think I like Jackson as more than just my co-captain. I'm afraid." He so honestly admitted to me that I could barely stand to think about my own heartbreak over this news. The moment was so tragic—here Scott was telling a man who loved him that he might have feelings for someone else.

"Oh." It was the only word I could articulate. I could sense he would nervously pacing and my own Alpha struggled to either claim him or help him with Jackson. It was leaning strongly towards claiming him for myself but I restrained my urges and leaned in to kiss Scott's forehead in an act of comfort. "Maybe you're finding your mate."

Scott cleared his throat but his face was so obviously imploring what a mate was.

"A mate isn't necessarily for life, Scott. But it usually denotes a long relationship shared with another werewolf. Most—like 99% of werewolves that find a mate don't leave them unless they're killed and even then they don't usually remarry or mate, but it's not impossible. I'd imagine that if Allison was turned you would have formed a much stronger bond with her. Anyways, the fact that you've got feelings for Jackson over his physical presence and when you heal him are probably signs that you've found a potential mate in him. We'll have to wait until mating season to determine how deep the connection is."

"Mating season?"

"You're a relatively new wolf Scott. I don't expect you to know everything, but like most animals, we do have a few weeks where we release pheromones to other werewolves in hopes of attracting mates. During this time you spend a lot of time… getting to know potential mates in the area in both human and wolf form. Usually it's a bit intimate—"

"More 'intimate' than licking him?" Scott asked a look of shock over his face.

"Yes. Sometimes wolves will…how do I put this delicately? Have sexual intercourse to figure out if they're compatible."

Scott looked about ready to pass out and all I could do was laugh at my beta's response to the news. His serious face seemed to pout as he realized I was laughing at his situation before he broke out into laughter as well. We spent a moment or two laughing before things went silent, just the sound of the woods playing around us. I admired his calm features a moment as he mulled over his situation.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to."

Scott smiled up at me before shaking his head. "Thanks for the advice." He began to stand up when I heard the familiar crunch of tire wheels on the dead leaves surrounding my house. It was a pristine silver Porsche pulling up and my stomach churned. What did he need?

a/n: thanks for reading! it only take a second to review and would mean a ton to me!