Hey readers, Ice here. I've been following another fanfiction here on FanFic and liked it enough to make a fanfic of it. This is based off of the fanfic "Dreamcatcher" by A Glimpse of Ethereal Blue. She's a wonderful author and keeps us hooked on her great stories.


Fanfiction won't let me link you guys to the original story properly. Put fanfiction dot net before the first forward slash.

This story is based in the events of Advent Children IF Sephiroth were to go back to his old ways and fight Cloud (this doesn't happen as far as I know in the original story) plus another character that hopefully I fit in well to the story.

Chapter 1 ~ Memories and a Best Friend

There she goes again, just standing there staring at nothing. I hate it when she does that…but what can I do. I cannot bring him back to her he died and went back to the lifestream with that last battle. Out of everything a human can be I am not a goddess. The planet does not want him back and for good reason. I never turned him in when she told me she lived with the maniac; I just couldn't. Even after all he had done, there was still a soft spot in me that just would not turn him in. Plus, she loved him. He was the best thing to ever happen to her…I could not be the one to take that away.

Her deep brown eyes dimmed in memory. It was probably of their first kiss or some romantic scene like that. All the tales she told me about her and the General, living up in that secluded house in the higher regions of the mountain forests, it sounded wonderful. Sora had told me of the garden right outside the house and the little bunny that had enough guts to come up and sniff her hand, even let the woman pet it! With every new story, I wish I was there with her to experience these things with her. Especially when she and the General would argue. She definitely needed a shoulder to cry on at those moments.

I knew the General well, he and I used to work together. Sephiroth was definitely the better SOLDIER than any of us. Personally, I still think I was the second best, but because of my lack of experience in Shinra, I was seen as a lesser amongst the four of us, that is including Genisis and Angeal. It does not help that I am a woman. Even still, my skill is better than most and I can only be thankful that I made it to SOLDIER.

Sora on the other hand I met while she cleaned the reactors. For some reason, I decided to check up on the reactors and sure enough, I bumped into the brunette. I am thankful too; she ended up being my best friend here. It helped my situation of being far away from home…and never being able to go back. Sometimes it still hurts thinking about it, but I've learned one thing here: you need to embrace what you have, had, and learn to accept what comes your way. I had a wonderful life where I was before, I have a potential here, and I can have an even better life here.

There was a day that came that I explained to her, before she disappeared, where I originally came from. I was terrified, but she needed to know. I was relieved to find that she actually found interest in my story. My whole experiment side had no effect because Shinra always was doing something to people. I think from there, we really became best of friends.

She scared me so bad when suddenly no one could find her. Sora's boss called me one morning asking if I had seen her. Things went downhill. No matter where I searched, the girl I had accepted as my best friend here just would not show up. I never gave up hope that she would turn up one day. It was almost a year later that she returned, hurt and in a total mess. To this day I beat myself up for not taking up her offer to spend the night at her place a week before she disappeared…

It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what in the world was wrong with her. Cloud had just fought Sephiroth and the former General was dead, struck down by his own admirer. Sora cried long and hard. It took her months just to go a day without crying. I cried with her, our friendship still as strong as ever. Sometimes I wonder if she ever thought about me during her time up in the mountains. If she did not, I do not care. She still considers me a friend and I am sure there were more important things to think about other than what was happening down here in Midgar.

I sauntered over to her and rested my hand on her shoulder. Her head snapped towards me in surprise, being hurled back down to earth. It took her a few moments to realize that it was me and the look on my face must have been enough. Sora suddenly took me into an embrace, happy to have a stronghold. I hugged her back, reassuring her that I was going to be there for her.

"Sora…" my eyes met hers, cyan against chestnut brown. She had grown much stronger with the General, the gleam in her eyes told me that. This Sora was still the person I loved as a friend and could recognize, but someone who learned to embrace everything. Her love for Sephiroth was there too, and I am more than proud of her for not ending her life when his ended.

"I'm fine Ari…I was just," I did not allow her to finish her sentence. "You were thinking about Sephiroth. I know, I understand." I let her go and she settled down on the fluffy light mako green couch. She sighed and her long brown locks came loose of the main body, and dangled there dancing around until the settled. Sora never did cut her hair since she had come back, probably just to remind herself of her love. I settled down in the chair next to the couch. The springs creaked under my weight and finally adjusted to the work load.

"Anything you want to get off your chest hun?" Sora grew disturbingly quiet, the ticking of the manual clock echoed through our apartment. Her eyes grew distant once more as she pondered over the memories that stirred around in that noggin of hers. After a few tense moments she shifted in her seat. I looked at her expectantly, eager to hear what she had to say.

"I was thinking of the first time Sephiroth went insane around me. He was saying there were these noises that wouldn't leave him alone and here's the thing, only he could hear them." There was more to the story, I could tell, but I would not push her if she did not want to tell me. Her stillness lasted for some time before she continued again. "He left me at the house screaming and cursing whoever was torturing him. That's when I saw his wing." I was far too confused from her problem. Before she could continue I asked her a question.

"How you're saying it sounds like you could hardly believe and accept it…but you didn't have a problem with me…what's the difference?" Sora looked me in the eye with a determined but broken face.

"You are from somewhere else and had reason to distrust me and everyone else. Sephiroth had made love to me and yet didn't find it necessary to tell me about these details." Okay, that I had to agree to. But the main question now is why he never told her. When I asked her, she said it was complicated. I nodded and let her continue on. She told me more of the time she spent up in the mountain. What makes me the happiest is when Sephiroth killed her ex. The man, if that is what you want to call him, had totally lost it years ago. "I kinda envy you Sora."

She stopped and looked at me. I only smiled and explained myself. She got to experience something far beyond anyone could imagine, and eve was able to tame the most evil…well not evil…misguided man in all of the planet. Sora blushed and said it was nothing, it could have happened to anyone.

"But it didn't Sora, it happened to you." What Sora said next surprised me beyond my wits. "Well…actually Jenova convinced me." What in the…

"Jenova…you mean the Jenova that fell from space thousands of years ago and nearly wiped out the planet?" She nodded and told me that Jenova had convinced her by using her subconscious against her. "How in all of the beasts of this planet did she know about that?" Sora looked at me confused. "Sorry…I'm not sure what phrases you guys use to show great exclamation," she nodded and continued.

Sora hypothesized that Jenova can enter anyone's mind and use it against them. She then explained one of her dreams that Jenova helped start her late period. We continued with idle talk until it was time to go to bed. We bid each other good night and went our respective rooms.

I had breakfast going when Sora stumbled out of her room. She seemed to be in a better mood now, which relieved me so much. I had her sit and wait for breakfast, which she was beginning to get impatient for. Homemade pancakes with blueberries, I knew it was something she rather enjoyed, especially since she was not cooking it. Warm fresh pancakes filled up her plate as I loaded it with three pieces along with butter and syrup. For a final touch, I dabbed on a bit of whipped cream.

This is the first time I have seen her look so happy. It made me wonder what Sephiroth really did to her up there…did he ever cook for her? A giggle accidently came out and Sora looked to me curiously. The wave of my hand let her finish her plate. Honestly, the great General cooking? Man I was stupid sometimes.

I sat down with her after all the batter was gone and took my fill. We conversed of clothes, shopping, and anything else girls would talk about…besides boys. No matter what happened or will happen, I would never talk about boys with her. The subject would just make her think of Sephiroth again. I started to beat myself up again. If only I could bring him back…

"Hey, Sora," she stopped cutting her pancake and turned her attention to me. "I want to take you somewhere today. It's a place I go to when I really just want to get away from the city. I kinda feel like that today. Plus, we need to get you out of this apartment!" Her dark brown eyes scrutinized every fiber of my being. I smiled softly at her.

"Alright. We can go." I jumped up excited. A loud cheer resonated through the complex and Sora just chuckled. Good, we're making plenty of progress. I hugged her while picking up the dishes, determined to get out of there as soon as possible.

"Go ahead and get ready Sora. When I'm done here, I'll get changed and we'll head out!" I stood there washing the dishes humming a note to an old song back from my home when suddenly that sharp pain came. A gruff grunt came from me and Sora stopped. I could feel her eyes on my back as the expected answer came. "Are you alright Ari?"

I nodded and stretched my right arm up to get into the cabinet. The back of my shirt lifted with me, showing my pale skin, just as pale as Sora's. My skin grew paler when I heard Sora gasp.

"Ari…what is that?" My hand retracted quickly to let my shirt cover my back. "It's nothing Sora, just a bruise." She shook her head,

"'A bruise' my foot! You have it don't you?" Goose bumps crawled across my skin as she asked that question. This is what happens when you get careless. I could not answer her…she already knew. The only thing I could think of was to hang my head in shame. "Why didn't you tell me?" Her hand felt warm and welcome on my shoulder.

I turned to look her in the eye, most literally since we are the same height, but I just could not find the words to answer her. Her hand squeezed gently and it gave me just enough assurance to tell her.

"You already have enough to think about. I don't want to add onto those." The deepest look of admiration and gratefulness crossed her face, as well as a hint of scorn.

"Ari, I'm really touched that you're thinking of me like that, but like me, you also have problems. I've done nothing but cry on your shoulder. You should be able to do the same." This time, I took her in an embrace. She whole-heartedly returned the hug, just happy to have a friend in all this mess. "How long have you had it?"

I took a step back and thought for a few seconds. "I believe about two months. I've noticed a lot of the children have it, but not many adults…I wonder what the problem is?" Sora shrugged. "I've heard that the planet is angry. But wouldn't the planet just attack us with the lifestream?" I shrugged this time. "I've not a clue Sora." With that we went to our rooms, changed and headed out the door.

My bike sat in the street, waiting for its master to come and ignite its power. I put in the key and turned it, revving the bike to hear its inner strength. Sora just laughed and shook her head. A smile stretched across my face, this was going to be an interesting day. By the Ancients, how right I was going to be.