AN: Sorry it took me so long to update. Im on spring break so I wasent at my house for most of the week. Heres the second chapter. The next chapter is probably going to be the concluding chapter. And it's probably going to be really long, Since I still have a lot of ideas to fit into this story. If I can't fit it into the next chapter then I'll just have to make the story longer :P.

"Splendid Miss Crock! You are doing me a huge favor by taking my models place. Now, as you already know, the show is tomorrow. The show begins at six pm sharp so I'm going to need you to be at the building at… three pm. That will give us three hours to get you ready. You will look like a real model."

THREE hours? What could possibly take that long? I'm starting to regret this already…

"Also, since you are participating in the show you will be given eight free tickets along with back stage passes to give to whomever you chose."

"Ok, thanks Mr. Kay…" I replied. After about another five pointless minutes talking about the show we said our goodbyes and hung up.

So I had eight tickets and backstage passes to give to whomever I chose. Well, I'm going to definitely invite Megan since she seemed so excited about it. Since I'm inviting Megan, I might as well invite the whole team along with Zatanna. She's practically part of the team now. Im even inviting Wally. I'm not that cold hearted to invite everyone but him. As long as he keeps his big mouth shut we should get along fairly easily. But nothing is easy with him.

So that's six tickets down. That leaves me with two more. Well I'm definitely inviting my mom. I can't wait to see her face when I give her the ticket. She's going to be happy for me, I just know it. My last ticket will go to my "uncle" Oliver, otherwise known as Green Arrow. It would probably get suspicious if I didn't invite my own uncle. Well that settles the tickets then. After figuring everything out for tomorrow I walked out the door, making sure the coast was clear before I returned to the living room.

"Hey Arty." A voice called behind me. I nearly jumped out of my skin. I always have my guard up but I was not expecting that. Maybe from Robin but… Wally? What does he want anyway?

"Don't call me that! What do you want Wally?" I asked. I was not in the mood to deal with him right now. Although it seemed like I was never in mood.

"Hey! I see your holding that model guys card. So you tried to call? Was I right? The phone number was totally fake, right?" he smiled.

"No. it was real. In fact, I just got off the phone with him. He even gave me eight free tickets and back stage passes to the show. So… I'm inviting you. But if you don't want to come I understand." Why was I so nervous all of a sudden? It was just wally. Deep down, deep deep deep deep down, a piece of me was hoping he would show up.

I wanted to crush this little piece.

I shouldn't be feeling like this! He was WALLY. No way could I ever fall for a guy like him. Hes just so… UGH. I'm not even going to think about it.

"Arty… Artyyyyyyy… ARTEMIS" he suddenly appeared right in front of my face. Uh -oh. I must have dazed out. What was wrong with me today? Should I pretend I heard him and just nod my head like I see in the movies. But maybe he said something I don't want to agree with.

"Can you repeat that?" I tried not to sound as nervous as I really was on the inside.

"I said 'Of course I would come to your fashion show tomorrow'. Were team mates." He smiled. Something was up with him. I just know it. He suddenly wants to come to the show tomorrow even though he was the first person to say that it was probably a fake phone number, and that no one would ever want me as a model.

"Umm. Ok. Thanks… your passes will be given to you tomorrow when you enter the building. Your name is on a list so just say your name and the tickets are yours. You can walk in with the rest of the team." After saying this, he's eyes suddenly drooped a little.

"Oh. Of course. With the rest of the team. That's good… because I didn't want to go by myself or anything…" he said. He was hiding something, but I wasn't sure exactly what.

Finishing that awkward encounter, I turned to head towards the living room where I'm sure the rest of the team was. I was right, excluding Wally of course. When I walked in everyone was there either sitting on the couch or walking around the kitchen.

"Hey guys! Um, so I was asked to fill in for a model tomorrow for the Victoria's Secret Fashion show and because I'm participating I was given eight free tickets so I would like to invite you all." This was weird. Asking my friends to come watch me walk on a runway. I would have never thought I would be doing this right now. They all smiled at me, although Conner looked a little confused.

"We would all love to come Artemis! I can't wait! Were all so excited for you!" she squealed while jumping up and down. She seemed genuinely happy along with the rest of the team. This might not be so bad after all…

After everyone saying congrats, and telling Green Arrow, I finally left to go home. It was around seven o' clock so my mom would be expecting me soon. I walked through the front door and dropped my bag off at the door, like usual. I scanned the room, when not finding my mom I headed to the kitchen. As soon I stepped through the hallway I was greeted with a huge hug. I knelt down beside her and hugged her back.

"Mom! What are you doing? Did something happen?" I asked. Did someone break in. she wasn't usually this emotional as soon as I get home. Something must have happened.

"Oh Honey I'm so proud of you! Someone by the name of Geeaye called me and told me that you were asked to be a model at a fashion show tomorrow! How exciting! I'm so happy for you!" she was really excited about this. And I was glad. It was an amazing feeling to see my mom happy. Although she said someone named Geeaye called her. I have no idea who- wait! Geeaye… Gee –Aye… G.A… Green Arrow. He called my mom? Well add that to my list of surprises for the day. This day was getting to be a little too shocking for me. I'm not used to this whole happy festival.

After talking to my mom at dinner I decided to go to bed early. I have a big day tomorrow anyway. Im going to be walking down a runway tomorrow… modeling Victoria Secret merchandise. I've never been to the store or even looked inside the store but I do know it's expensive. The girls in my gym class at school always talk about how their wearing Victoria's Secret while changing in the locker room. So if they are all wearing it, then it must cost a fortune.

After taking a long hot, and needed, shower I changed into my pajamas and stepped into bed. I closed my eyes and tried to go to bed. Although it was extremely difficult with a certain red-haired speedster on my mind. Why did he seem so upset when I told him that I invited the whole team? Maybe he was hoping he was the only one invited… nah, that couldn't be it. He hated me. And I hated him back. That's how it was supposed to be. Us hating each other. Although lately I can't deny that I have been hating him less than usual recently. This was too much to think about before going to bed. And with that, I started to fall asleep.


Damn alarm clock. I need more sleep. I'm still tired… THE SHOW! I jumped out of bed and looked toward the alarm clock. Those clocks red glaring numbers said '2:00' which meant it was 2 PM! While leaping to my dresser I had two questions in mind. One, how could it be that i woke up at 2 pm even though I went to bed early last night! And two, how the hell did my alarm clock get set to two pm! Ugh. So not my day right now.

After getting dressed in a simple tank top and pants I rushed down the hallway to inform my mother that I had to leave to go to the building NOW. I was already going to be late. Turning toward the living room I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the scene that was currently in front of my eyes. There, in the living room, on the couch, sat my mom laughing, but my mom wasn't alone, she had someone sitting next to her. That someone was also laughing. And the laughing someone just happened to be none other than Wally West.

Why the hell was he in my living room? Even more important, how the hell did he find out my address? My mom must have seen me just standing there because she motioned me to come into the room.

"Artemis! Glad to see you're finally up. This nice young man here says he's a friend of yours." She said with the biggest smile on her face.

"Yeah. A friend… Wally, what are you doing here?" I asked suspiciously. Sure I was angry, but my curiosity was even greater. And I wasn't going to yell at him right in front of my mom. She would probably be disappointed. And even though I would never admit it, I kind of liked him being in my living room.

"Well, I know you need to be at the 'beauty building' in an hour so I came because I thought you might need a ride" he stated. Was he blushing? Wally West was blushing? My eyes must be mistaking me.

"It's ok. I can walk. It's not too far" I stated as I started to walk towards the front door. I didn't need his help. He probably thought I was too weak to walk a couple miles. I did this every day. Today is no different, except for the fact that I need to be at the building in under an hour. I forgot about that. Suddenly having Wally take me wasn't such a bad idea. He probably brought his motorcycle from the cave to take me. And that would get me to the building a lot quicker.

"Come on Artemis, you know you won't be able to get there fast enough. I can get you there on time. Can you put aside your stubbornness for just one second and let me help you?" he asked with slight annoyance. I hate to be proven wrong. But right now, it didn't seem like such a bad idea. I guess just this one I'll let him win. I sighed as I gave in.

"Ok. Fine. But only because I need to get there on time. I can't be late." I said as I approached him. I couldn't help but notice the little bit of hurt in his eyes. But as soon as it came, it was gone. I really need to get my eyes checked.

"Ok Arty. Hop on!" He said while smiling like the idiot he was. He has got to be kidding me. He wants me to get on him and allow him to carry me all the way to the building. He has completely lost his mind. I was about to argue with him but his face said he was all seriousness. And I had no time to argue anyways. Or at least I'll tell myself that.

With one graceful hop I was on his back piggy-back style.


"Yup. Just take it easy ok? I'm not use to this whole super speed thing."

"You got it babe" he said. And I could have sworn I heard a wink in his voice.

And with that, we left. Everything seemed to pass by like a blur. I have no idea how he does this every day and be able to keep track of where everything is. It must be fun to have super powers. After about 5 minutes I was already back on the ground. The ground seemed to sway under my feet. I tried to balance myself but failed miserably when I felt myself falling towards the ground. I shut my eyes waiting for the impact, but it never came. Instead, I felt two strong arms come snake around my waist and my shoulders. I looked up to see who my savior was even though I already had an idea on who it was.

I looked up to see TWO pairs of the most dazzling green eyes I've ever seen. Yup, two. I obviously still can't see straight. Everything around me was still moving even though I'm pretty sure I was still standing still. Or technically, laying still since Wally was still holding me. I wiggled my way out of his grip and found that the earth had stopped spinning. What a ride that was.

"Sorry Artemis. I didn't realize that I was going that fast to make you dizzy." He said with sincerity. I wasn't expecting sincerity. I was expecting a joke or an insult on how I get dizzy easy. I'm seeing another surprising day ahead of me.

"It's fine. I was just… surprised." I replied. I didn't want to make him feel bad.

The good news was that we were here. And about a half hour early, too. So I have thirty minutes to kill with Wally. This was going to be interesting.

"So what do you want to do Wally?"

"Anything you want. You're the model here. Maybe we should check in early?" He suggested.

"Sure. Or we could-" I wasn't able to finished my sentence before Wally started dragging me somewhere.

"Look Arty! A popcorn stand! Let's go!" he took a hold of my hand and pulled me along with him towards the popcorn stand. There was a popcorn stand… in a place for models? That seemed kind of odd. Although I was always told 'don't question a good thing' and right now this was a good thing. And I'll admit it. Wally here wasn't such bad company.

Once we hit the popcorn stand we asked the guy for a large popcorn. I'm sure Wally was going to eat most of it but I thought it was nice enough for him to ask me if I wanted some anyway.

"No thanks Wally. Since I'm a model I probably shouldn't be eating this anyway." I said jokingly.

The guy behind the counter must have not taken the hint that I was joking because he gave me a glare. Then that glare turned into a smirk. This guy was seriously giving me the creeps and I just wanted to walk away. Of course though, with my horrible luck, he started to speak.

"You? A model? Yeah right. You don't have the looks to be a model." He sneered. I can't believe this. Another person tearing me down?

"Excuse me but-" I couldn't finish because Wally interrupted me yet again.

"Well, she's not really a model. She's just a replacement for the-" he started. No way. He just called me a replacement. Again. So I wasn't just some replacement for Roy, but also a replacement model. I want to cry. But I won't. Artemis doesn't cry. Shes better than that. But a model can cry. They cry all the time when they gain weight. And I AM a model. Not just some replacement. There had to be some reason why Mr. Kay chose me.

Wally must have stopped his rant because I could feel his hand on my arm. My vision was blurring. I could feel tears coming on. I wasn't going to cry in front of Wally. Never. So I shook off his arm and started to run. Just run. I have no idea where I'm running but as long as it's away from Wally, I'm fine with it.

I'm pretty sure it's time for me to see Mr. Kay. Lucky for me, while I'm running I happen to come across a map of the place. I pick it up and scan it quickly. It hard to see with threatening tears in your eyes but I can still manage out the bright letters that say 'Mr. Michael Kay's Office'. I throw the map on the ground, knowing it would only slow me done. I must have crossed at least a dozen hallways and run up two flights of stairs when I finally see the small office. I open the door and run inside.

I must have looked pretty horrible from not only crying, but also running around like a maniac. A thought hits me right then. I was running. Wally can run faster than I can. He has super speed. Why didn't he come after me? Did he not care that he hurt me? That thought started to sink in. He didn't care. Just like everyone else in life. Except mom of course. She cared. Was she the only one I could count on?

No. The rest of the team cared. I wouldn't allow myself to become too attached to them but I can't help but feel like they care and love me. Just like I care about and love them too. A person's loud footstep's interrupts my thinking. Which is probably a good thing.

"Artemis. How lovely it is to see- Artemis! What happened?" Questioned a surprised Mr. Kay. Right now was not the time. I just looked at him. What was I going to say? That the popcorn guy called me a replacement –which I technically was- and that I over reacted? That showed like I cared. And caring is a sign of weakness.

"Nothing Mr. Kay. Nothing happened. Nothing important anyway. Now… onto making me look like a model."

AN: Also, Thank you guys for all the reviews. I am so shocked that I received 20 reviews! I was expecting like 5. I've made past fan fics but since I didn't get many reviews on past ones I deleted the story. Im hoping to finish this one haha. Please read and review