Badboy! Blaine.

Chapter one – the first meeting

It was Blaine Andersons' first day at McKinley. He planned on making an impression, just not a good one. He never stuck around in schools always being forced to transfer for unsatisfactory behaviour; punching people, back chatting teachers and basically for being himself. This school was going to be no different; he planned on being out of here by the end of the week. He knew what to expect and he'd expect to see couples making out by the lockers, football players roaming the halls and cheerleaders following swiftly behind them but one thing he didn't know he'd see was one fine piece of ass. Now there was something that could keep him in school.

After watching him walk through the front doors of McKinley he decided it was time to use his bad attitude to 'Get some' and with this thought followed him up the front steps.

"Hey sexy" Blaine called out. The boy just ignored him and carried on walking. Blaine followed him down the hallway hoping he'd catch up with him.

A couple of minutes later the boy with the perfect hair and wicked fashion sense (although nothing compared to Blaine's leather jacket and dark grey jeans) slowed down as he approached what Blaine assumed was his locker. This was Blaine's chance to win this guy over. It was obvious he was gay by the way he walked (not that Blaine usually stereotyped people) and the way he cared about his appearance even though it was just high school. This was one boy he wasn't going to let slip away.

"You got one fine ass there" Blaine said leaning back onto the lockers. However the other boy decided to mind his own business. "Hey, I'm talking to you" Blaine persisted.

"Yeah, I heard you. I just chose to ignore you"

"Well that is not very nice of you"

"Yeah, well everything about you isn't nice"

"Oh baby, don't talk like that you don't know me"

"Well I know you're type and I know where this is leading. I refuse to be one more notch on your bed post, that's not how I do things"

"Shish calm down, sexy boy has some sass I like it, so how do you do things"

"Just leave me alone" and with these words the boy left un-named moved swiftly down the corridor.

Blaine, left frustrated, decided he'd stick around here for a while. Well, at least until he'd left his mark on that boy. Blaine, with a smirk spreading across his face started to make a plan. Just then the bell rang and he made it to his first lesson.

According to his timetable he had French with Miss Lismer in room 203. How did he get there he didn't even know where he was and the corridors were already empty. Great!