OK! Another update! Enjoy.

Cammie's POV:

The minute that Bex, Macey, and Liz pull me in, I knew this wasn't going to be some ordinary interrogation. I mean, would your best friends set up your living room like one of those old movies with only a table and 4 chairs? And don't get me started on the hanging light bulb. Honestly? I don't even know how they put it there!

But, before I could do anything, I was strapped in a very uncomfortable plastic chair with ropes, and in front of me sat my three best friends. Then, it began.

"Where did you go?" Bex asked.

"To my secret hideout," I replied quickly.

"Where's your secret hideout?" Macey asked.

"Somewhere over the rainbow," I replied sarcastically.

There was a long pause before Bex screamed out, "DON'T USE SARCASTIC REMARKS!"

A bit annoyed and startled, I pouted and replied with a fine.

"What did you do there?" Liz asked softly.

"Cry and think," I replied honestly, already tired.

"Was anyone there?" Bex asked.

"Yes," I replied giving up on trying on getting out of this interrogation.

"Who was there?" Macey asked.

"Zach Goode," I replied, already predicting their reactions.

"Cammie I hope you realize; I am going to bloody kill him now," Bex calmly replied while abruptly standing up.

Seeing Macey and Liz's expressions while they stood up, made me think that they were going to kill him, too. And, in order to stop that from happening, (Even though I wouldn't mind it), I quickly stood up, to defend him.

"There's no need, Bex! He was the one who comforted me," I screamed because I knew that was the only way I could get her attention.

There was another long pause before Liz squeaked out, "What?"

"Cammie, you better explain, and you better explain well," Macey replied while threatening me.

"Alright… Fine," I replied, knowing that my friends wouldn't give up until they knew what happened. And slowly, all three faces leaned closer to mine to hear my story.

The Next Day

Walking through the doors of Roseville High is like walking through the doors of a crazy and demented zoo. And it didn't help my tiredness from explaining to Macey, Liz, and Bex all night. In fact, everything is in chaos in the morning. Girls are at their lockers, either taking out books, applying make-up, gossiping, or flirting with boys. Guys are rarely at their locker, seeing as how they're playing football in the hallways or trying to use pick-up lines on girls who actually give them the time of day. And today was no different. But, lucky for me, my locker was away from that disgusting scene.

My locker is right next to the teachers' doors, which keeps away most of the craziness that occurs in some other hallways.

I was walking over to my locker when I realize that there was stuff written all over it. Even though I was dreading to see what it said, I picked up my nerves and went over. Quickly I realized that it was just a really immense card taped over my locker.

Instantly, I ripped the card off, and begin reading it. On the front it said in big bold letters, I'M SORRY! And in the inside it said, Look Behind You.

Curious as to what will happen I did look behind me, only to see Josh Abrams. But, it wasn't his perfection that made me gasp. It was the things that caused him to look imperfect that made me gasp, in horror.

Josh had two black-eyes, an arm in a cast, and cuts and bruises all over his body. The only thing that made it seem not so bad was the teddy bear he was holding out to me with his good arm.

"Josh! What happened to you?" I screamed out loud while running toward him to get the bear, knowing that I'll probably be screamed at by one of the teachers. Luckily, no one came out to the hallway to "SHUSH!" me.

"First and foremost, I am so sorry for bailing out on you Cammie. All of this happened the day I walked to your house to pick you up." Josh replied to my panic. "I was walking to your house because I wanted us to have a town date, when I saw these two guys trying to steal a woman's bag. And, to make it worse, the woman had her daughter with her. Instantly, I decided to call the police and leave it to them; when suddenly one of the guys pushed the little girl on the ground while her mother screamed out her name. I knew I couldn't just leave then. I knew I had to do something, so I went up to the guys and defended the woman and her child. And then, we started fighting, but they were stronger since I was outnumbered. Suddenly, one of them had a knife with them, but before they could stab me, the police came in and arrested them. I was taken into the hospital and I had to stay there all this time. I tried getting in contact with you, but my phone was broken from the fighting. I also tried to get someone to go to your house but, everyone was busy. Seriously, Cammie, I am so sorry again for bailing out on you."

By that point, all I could do was stare at Josh. Here I was, thinking all this time that Josh bailed out on me for a silly reason, when really he was doing something far more important, while thinking of me. Ever so slowly, I began to realize that Josh wasn't the bad guy and that Josh really did care.

And, before I knew it, I went right up to Josh, hugged him, and whispered in his ear, "I'm just glad you're alright."

Because, I seriously was glad Josh was alright.

Okay! How was it? Bad? Good? I'm open to criticism so please don't be afraid! And thank-you you again for reading!
