Thanks to my reviewers for the continued support and I hope this last chapter is acceptable for all of you! This is Austin's final plan!

Ally's POV (three years later)

I sat down on my bed sliding on my high heels as I checked the clock on the nightstand. Austin had promised a romantic date at the restaurant we had our first date at, Angelo Alimentare, and he said he'd pick me up from our house. Austin was busy since his career took off a few months after Dez's and Trish's accident. Of course we were with him at all his concerts, and then we decided to come home to Miami, build a recording studio, move in together, and I work from time to time in Sonic Boom again with my dad. Austin couldn't be happier to be back here and we still use the old practice room when we need inspiration from our past experiences.

Trish and Dez, an odd couple, they live in a house together now too. They still fight, but that's just their personalities. Dez completely healed after the horrifying accident and still makes the music videos for Austin. Trish is still his manager, believe it or not, in fact that's the only job she never got fired from. My thoughts of the past years were interrupted by the sound of the door downstairs opening. "Ally, I'm home! Are you ready?" Austin's voice called from the bottom of the stairs. I grabbed my clutch next to my old journal on the dresser and headed out of the room down to greet Austin.

Austin gawked at me as I came down the stairs and he wrapped me in his arms as I stopped in front of him. "You look amazing." He murmured before briefly kissing me passionately and leading me to the door. I noticed Austin was dressed in a white button up rolled to his elbows, with a black button up vest, a solid blue tie, and dark jeans. He looked so handsome tonight and he seemed eager to get to the restaurant for some reason. I slid in the limo he had parked outside as he locked the door and slid in by me. "Austin, you look handsome in your dress clothes. What took you so long to get home though?" I stared at him in wonderment. "Nothing, just work and Dez." He laughed. I laughed too because I knew Dez could hold you up for hours with his ideas and taping.

I watched as he opened a bottle of wine and poured us a little. I smiled taking the glass "This reminds me of our first date. I enjoyed it so much." Austin grinned "I was hoping it would. Ally, I wanted tonight to be perfect for us so why not a trip down memory lane." He took a sip from the glass after we clanked them gently together. I set the glass aside not sipping it, he looked at me confused, but shrugged, and then a moment later we were at the restaurant.

Austin's POV

I helped Ally out of the car. Tonight had to be perfect and I was so nervous. I don't get nervous ever so this was a big thing for me. Ally I had to say was looking gorgeous in her long, strapless, red dress and strappy black heels with a matching black clutch. She turned as the paparazzi took pictures waiting for me to join her at her side after I shut the limo door. I put my hand on the small of her back walking her inside. I could see Dez and with Trish in one booth, his parents in another, Trish's family was at a table, Ally's dad was sitting with my family in a booth across the room, Dallas was at another booth with his girlfriend and family, and other familiar faces from the mall all were scattered across the restaurant for what I had planned. I wondered if Ally had noticed, but I was sue she hadn't because the refrained from looking at us as if they didn't know us.

Ally and I got to our table near the little stage they had for the musicians who were playing soft music as we walked up. Ally had been looking around the room noticing a few people, but shook her head as she sat in her seat. I pushed her seat in for her and sat down across from her, my heart pounding a mile a minute, but with effort my expression was relaxed. "Austin, is it me or does it seem like everyone we know is here tonight?" she said softly. I laughed "Ally that's nuts, how could everyone we know be here?" I was apparently convincing enough that she agreed that she was being crazy. We ordered what we had gotten on our first date and sat silently admiring one another. I grasped the box in my pocket, I had planned this without Ally's knowledge and hoped tonight would end the way I imagined it. I had even talked to Ally's dad for his approval before doing so. Tonight would be a night to remember no matter how it turned out for us.

Ally's POV

I was sure I saw some of the people we knew in here tonight, but Austin had denied it. I was going to play along because I had figured it was just a coincidence until I glimpsed a man that looked a lot like my father at a table with a group of familiar people, but Austin got my attention again bringing my gaze back on him. "Ally, what are you staring at?" he laughed as if I was being paranoid. "I just thought I saw my dad, but that is crazy." I laughed as a waiter walked up and set our food down in front of us. We made small talk about work and scheduling as we ate and then Austin asked to have our empty plates removed.

I became aware that Austin seemed jittery now as he looked at me. "Ally, I have something I want to talk to you about." he became serious. I nervously eyed him; I wondered if he had guessed that I had been keeping something from him and spoke up "I have something to talk to you about too." He briefly looked at me puzzled before smiling at me "Do you want to tell me what you want to say first?" I shook my head "Please, go first since you spoke up first." Austin stood and I became confused. He walked on the stage as the band cleared it and he pick up a guitar that I hadn't noticed sitting there before. He smiled and spoke into the microphone on its stand. "Ally, I know I'm not much of a writer, but I wrote a song for you and I hope you like it." he began to strum the strings.

Austin's POV

I was on stage now, I had announced that I had written her a song, and there was no backing out now. I strummed the strings of the guitar as I prepared to sing. The only thing that worried me is what Ally wanted to tell me after I was done. I cleared and started to sing:

Sittin here

Tryin to write down what I feel for you

But only four words to me are clear

And you're the only one I wanna sing them to

So here it goes

Will you marry me

I hope this feeling of mine shows

Will you marry me

Everyone wants to know

Will you marry me

Please just tell me so


I finished my short song and set the guitar down on the stand. I stepped off the stage over to Ally who was tearing up and smiling as everyone watched. I knelt on one knee pulling the little square black box from my pocket and opening it. "Ally Dawson, will you marry me?" I smiled as she sat crying in shock and with joy clear on her face. "Yes, of course Austin, there's nothing I would love more in the world!" she hugged me excitedly and then she realized that all are friends were indeed there and now surrounding us taking pictures. I put the ring on her finger and she kissed me again before I stood.

Ally's POV

Austin had written me a song and asked me to marry him. He had planned tonight with everyone I realized seeing our friends and family surrounding us catching everything with pictures and on video thanks to Dez. I was overjoyed and crying happily and Austin had stood calling out "Champagne for everyone in celebration!" Waiters brought over bottles of Champagne filling a glass for everyone. My dad held his glass up "Congratulations, on your engagement, to the happy lovebirds!" Everyone was clanking glasses together and sipping on their wine except me. I set my glass on the table and Austin stared at me.

"Ally, is there something wrong with the Champagne? I thought you enjoyed Champagne." Austin looked confused. "Austin, I still need to tell you something." I smiled at him and everyone got quiet. "I almost forgot, I was so excited that you said yes." He laughed. "There's a reason I'm not drinking." Murmurs filled the room and Austin looked at me confused. "Austin, you still don't realize?" I grinned giggling "I found out a few days ago, I'm pregnant!" Austin looked shocked and then excited "Whoa, I'm gonna be a father! I can't wait to teach them to play guitar and the piano!" I stood as he came toward me and everyone was cheering and congratulating us again.

"Ally, you just made me the happiest guy alive! Not only are you marrying me, but having my kid!" he kissed me and the crowd around us whistled and teased us. My dad hugged me as Austin stepped to the side to talk to others eagerly in order to let us talk privately. "I'm proud of you, not only do you have a successful career, you are starting a family." My dad kissed my forehead his eyes misty and then walked over to Austin's parents who waved at me and congratulated me from afar so that they wouldn't be caught in the mess of people bombarding us. I pulled on Austin as Dez and Trish followed and I hugged Austin's parents before turning to my friends. "Dez, Trish, I don't know how you kept this a secret from me, but you two are the best." I hugged them before slipping into Austin's arms. "I caught it all on tape! The media would die if they saw this! I'm the only guy with this footage!" Dez grinned and wrapped an arm around Trish. "Yeah, fair warning this will be all over the news tomorrow!" Trish flash an evil smile before the two disappeared into the crowd of people behind us. We left as everyone ushered us out to our limo congratulating us one last time and paparazzi swarmed everyone confused.

Of course, like Trish said, it was all over the news the next day so the paparazzi had their story and were swarming outside our house, but we didn't care. We stayed inside watching the TV and listening to the news pop up the "anonymously given" video clips on the screen. The anchor woman announced: "To all you Austin Moon fans, sorry girls, but he's engaged. That's right we have footage here and we'll show you a clip. (He a clip appeared of Austin singing.) Last night he sang to his girlfriend/ songwriter and then proposed on one knee. As they rejoiced with family, Ally Dawson, seen here accepting the proposal, told everyone exciting news. (They cut to me announcing my big secret.) Sorry girls, it's true she is pregnant with his child! Congratulations to the happy couple and we can't wait for little baby Moon to be born!" I blushed and Austin kissed me "A wedding, a baby, and then forever." I nodded as we curled up watching them show everything again.

What do you think of my last chapter! I hope you enjoyed it to the end! I never wanted to stop writing this story, but like all stories it must come to an end so I again I hope everyone enjoyed this story and I didn't disappoint you!