Brother, where art thou?


The characters, places, and events are creations of J.R.R. Tolkien. No profit was or will be made from this story. It was written solely for entertainment.

Author's note:

Many thanks to my beta, Erulisse.


While doing a simple errand, Elladan vanishes without a trace.



Chapter 1: Images and Fears

Elrohir jerked upright from his bed with a cry and looked around, panting rapidly. In the dimness he slowly registered the familiar surroundings of his room in Imladris and tried to get the trembling of his body under control. It was already past midnight and the full moon cast a pale light through the open window. The candles on his nightstand had long since burned down.

What had disturbed his rest? Trying to remember and collect his fraying thoughts he begun again to shiver, as the images of his dream crept slowly back in his mind. Shaking his head to clear the cobwebs he tried to remember.

He sat bolt upright as he recalled his brother's voice calling out to him in panic and fear. After reviewing what had awakened him, he wasn't so sure anymore that he had been dreaming. The images stood so clear and sharp before his mind's eye that he shivered even more, despite the warm summer night. He could still see his brother's face contorted in pain and pale with fear.

Taking a deep and steadying breath, Elrohir closed his eyes and searched the bond that connected him with Elladan; a routine that was second nature to him. At first he couldn't feel Elladan's presence, causing him to nearly cry out again. His heart now thudding wildly in his chest, he tried to still his agitated nerves and concentrated harder. Now he could detect a faint glimmer, but nothing compared to the strong and sparkling thread they normally shared.

He let out a small sigh of relief. Elladan was at least alive, but that was it. Something terrible must have happened to him to reduce the light of the other elf to this faint flicker. With all his might he tried to reach his twin, to reassure himself that Elladan was still clinging to life and to send comfort but he failed miserably. He could not establish a real connection and, worst of all, he got no response.

Not able to stay in bed any longer, much less find sleep again, he quickly scrambled out of his large bed, picked up his night robe and rushed through the large room. Carefully he opened the door that connected his bedroom with that of his brother to look if he had only a bad dream or if Elladan was still not back home. The bed was empty. Elladan was still out there and his faint hope that his dream would mean nothing was crushed.

Elladan had been overdue for two days. He had calmed himself by telling himself that this could have happened because of bad weather, blocked paths, or something similar that could cause a delay. But he now knew that something had happened to his brother and that his brother had tried to reach him. He must take action quickly.

While opening the door to the corridor he listened briefly. All was quiet and the long walkway was empty. His cry had not alerted anyone. Closing the door silently behind him, he turned to the right and hurried down the dimly lit corridor toward his father's chambers. He forcefully suppressed the urge to run to the stables and hurry into the night. As he hastened past his father's study he stopped, not surprised to see light there.

Obviously he wasn't the only one, who could not find rest. Peering through the slightly ajar door, he saw his father standing on the balcony beyond the open door of his study gazing into the night. Fully knowing that his presence had been already noticed the younger twin entered the room and stopped beside his father. For some while they simply stood there, savouring in silence the other's welcome presence.

Still agitated over the disturbing images whirling through his mind Elrohir could stand the silence no longer. Not sure how to voice his fears he finally whispered: "Something is wrong," knowing that his father would know who he referred to.

Elrond didn't look up. "He's only two days late," he said evenly never breaking his concentration. His stiff shoulders and worried face, however, betrayed his calm voice.

Elrohir sighed. "Ada, Elladan has cried out for help to me in a…dream and now I can barely feel him." After saying the words he wasn't so sure anymore, but the disturbing silence coming from Elladan was still screaming at him to act.

Shocked the Elf-Lord turned and looked at the younger twin searching not only the young elf's eyes. He had also felt a disturbance in the bond he shared with his oldest son, but not with this intensity and his link wasn't as strong as what the twins shared.

Seeing the open worry now on his father's face, Elrohir tried to tell his father all he had experienced and felt a few moments earlier and the frown on the Elf-Lord's face deepened.

Seeing Elrohir shiver he opened his arms and Elrohir moved only too willingly into the comfort offered. He would never be too old for this he decided in this instant and felt no shame. "We will wait until the morning and then we will search for him," the Elf-Lord said eventually having made up his mind already.

Drawing back from his father's arms, Elrohir opened his mouth to protest, but closed it quickly knowing that his father was right. Stumbling in the dark not knowing where to start would achieve them nothing. Besides he could not really help in this matter. His visions were always very vague and confusing.

He could neither point out a place to start the search, nor could he even tell what had befallen his brother. But one thing he knew with certainty: Elladan was in danger and needed their help – his help.

In spite of being unconvinced that waiting was the correct decision, he consented to his father's suggestion. A bad feeling was spreading in his abdomen; a feeling that they were losing precious time by waiting. He hated this uncertainty, but most of all he hated waiting and doing nothing. Terrible thoughts were crossing his mind. Rolling these thoughts over and over would drive him mad.

Sensing his inner turmoil, Elrond laid a hand on his son's shoulder. "In the morrow we will look after your brother and we will find him," he tried to reassure the younger twin, with more confidence in his voice than he actually felt himself. Elrohir nodded and also looked into the night trying again to get a better connection with his brother. Seeing the first sparks of dawn he sighed. Soon they would be on their way to look for Elladan.

*Hold on, brother, we will find you and bring you home*, he thought but failed again to send this message across their bond.

He could not have known how wrong he was.


As Elrohir joined his father in the dining room a few hours later he looked pale and tired. He hadn't slept a minute, his thoughts whirling around what could possibly have happened to Elladan. He had wished for the daylight to come much faster. Countless times he had tried to reach his brother but only silence had greeted his efforts. His anxiety had grown with every minute. The same thought tortured him over and over: that they had waited too long; that there was no longer any chance to help; if they had only arrived a bit earlier….

Walking across the room toward his seat he only perched on the edge of the chair and looked at his father. "Ada, we cannot wait any longer, something is completely wrong."

Sighing, the Elf-Lord looked up. "Elrohir, please sit down and eat something, you ….," he held up his hand to stop the younger twin's protest. "I have already spoken with Glorfindel and Erestor. We can leave shortly."

Elrohir nodded relieved and sprung up. He felt sick at the thought of eating one bite. No, he couldn't. He hastened down the corridor toward his chamber to grab the bag he had packed earlier. Finally they could leave and discover what had befallen his brother.*Elladan, hold on, we are coming*, he sent along the bond, but was again rewarded with silence.

The Elf-Lord looked after his youngest. He was as anxious to leave as Elrohir, but he wanted to be prepared. Running heedless into an unknown situation would achieve nothing; nonetheless he also could barely wait to depart.

After Elrohir had left his study the night before, he had summoned Glorfindel and Erestor to help plan the search. Both of his Councillors were immediately focused on the preparations necessary to begin searching for the older twin.

Elrond quickly inventoried the healing supplies he would bring with him. He had the bad feeling that he would sorely need them, although he hoped that feeling was in error. He prayed that this time he would not learn that his worst nightmare had come to pass.

To be continued…