Disclaimer: *Sigh* No. We're not having this conversation again.

A, B, Skip a Few, Y, Z


Casey and I have two anniversaries. We have the anniversary of the day we met, December 31st, and we have the anniversary of our wedding, January 1st. We only just realized this when our first wedding anniversary was approaching, as was our 10th when-we-first-met anniversary.

Since our anniversaries were so close to each other, that meant double.

Double celebrating, double gifts, double the fun, and double the details for Marissa.

As the days drew near, both me and Casey became anxious. Sure, we acted the same, sort of. We kissed each other, talked to each other during work hours, and played around at night, but there was some sort of tension between us.

Now, it was December 31st, and Casey and I were exhausted. We agreed that neither of us wanted to dress up, or pay a fortune for a dinner that probably wouldn't even taste good, so instead, we decided we could stay home for our anniversary. That way, we could make something both of us liked, pay nothing, be in the privacy of our own home, and best of all, we could stay in our sweats.

"Casey?" I inquired, both of us lie in bed at 5:30PM together, waiting for one of us to say we were hungry. But considering the fact that both of us were comfortable, neither of us wanted to say anything. He turned his head away from the ceiling to show he was listening,

"Mhmm?" I rolled onto my side and cuddled up close against Casey,

"Instead of cooking, can we just order a pizza?" he smiled and wrapped his arms around me, then kissed my cheek lightly.

"You're so smart." Then rolled over, snatched his phone off the nightstand, and dialed up Pizzacatto. He ordered half veggie, half pepperoni, then we lie together and waited.

Both of us ended up being super excited for the night when we woke up that morning, which is why we didn't last too long before trading gifts, and traveling to our bedroom, who's bed was perfectly made for once. Casey gave me a really expensive necklace that had a key on it, engraved with diamonds. I gave him something that scared me, but excited him: a positive pregnancy test. Which is really what led us here in the first place.

The doorbell rang, and after glancing at each other for a second, Casey reached down, and found his boxers and a tshirt. He came back up with two cans of soda (with no caffeine) and a box of exactly what we'd ordered: half veggie, half pep.

We finished eating, then just lie together, curled up in each others figures. I giggled when I suddenly thought of something.

"What?" He inquired,

"We're so untraditional. No dressing up, or fancy dinners. We stayed home in sweats and ate pizza for dinner." I rolled on top of him. "I'm glad we did. I like this so much better." He smiled, and our lips met in a passionate frenzy.

I knew I was right, and I knew he agreed. We didn't need what everyone else did, we were perfectly content being ourselves on our anniversary.

And I loved every minute of it.

I really gotta go! Hope you guys liked, but review and tell me, huh?

Also, ideas for letter B?

