I know haven't been on in while nor have I uploaded any chapters to my current stories but my laptop's harddrive died so I had to get that replaced. And Unfortunately some of my stuff didn't copy onto my new one, so I lost all my stories. ): So I decided to write a new one and I would really, really appreciate it if you could read it and review it! I'll try to work on my other stories but for now this is my main story I'm going to be writing. :) So please, please read and review!

True Beauty

Sitting at the tip of the hospital bed, Lilly scampered through a magazine. She'd been staying in the hospital for months, due to her leukemia relapse she had just a year ago. Leukemia had caused her and her family much grief for so many years. It all began when Lilly was only seven years old. She had come down with a bad case of the flu, or so that's what they thought, and her mother took her to the doctor's office. Though after a thorough examination, the doctor found a small bruise on the young girl's back. She told the mother, who looked at it with horror, and made them an appointment with an oncologist whom diagnosed her with leukemia. Ever since then their life has revolved around numerous hospital visits; they've stayed there so much that the doctors and nurses consider them family.

"Lilly," An older woman with blonde hair walked in the room, stroking the girl's forehead, "Your father and I have got a surprise for you."

The blonde sat her magazine down, looking up to her mother with a gentle smile. She loved her parents more than anything; they'd been so loving and supportive towards her ever since she'd been diagnosed with her cancer. "What's the surprise, mum?" She asked, excited to hear the news.

Her mother looked at her then to her husband, who nodded his head encouraging her to tell their daughter. She sat down beside her daughter, softly stroking the small amount of hair she had left on her head. "Well we know how much you admire that singer…Miley Stewart…I believe is her name. So your father and I have arranged for her to come and meet you."

The younger girl looked at her parents with disbelief. She couldn't even imagine how difficult it must have been for her parents to arrange that. Miley Stewart had been a world famous singer; everyone had known about her and had been dying to meet her. Especially Lilly, ever since she started listening to her music, it helped her to forget about her disease and even start enjoying life more.

"You guys didn't have to do that, I mean I appreciate it more than anything in the world and I would love to meet her but it must have been extremely difficult to do that!" Her parents held her close, knowing that the only reason she had been able to meet her in the first place was because her cancer had been killing her.

Leanne, her mother, gently caressed her daughter's cheek; feeling bad that her daughter hadn't known how badly her prognosis was. "Lilly, you're our precious angel; we'd do anything for you no matter what. Especially when we know it'll make you happy." She spoke soothingly to her daughter, holding her close.

A few days passed on as the family waited for the day to come where Lilly would get to meet her favorite singer. The blonde sat in a chair near her bed, working on a crossword puzzle when a knock was heard. "Come in." She softly said, trying not to strain her throat.

The door opened revealing her younger sister, Rose, and her parents with her laptop. The younger sister ran over to her, engulfing her in a tight hug. "Are you feeling better, Lilly?" She asked, as her older sister held her tight.

Lilly smiled gently at her younger sister; she loved how sweet and caring she was. "I'm fine, Rosie; a lot better than I have been. How's school going?" She stroked her sister's hair while putting her crossword aside and replacing it with her laptop. The girl opened her laptop, as she continued to talk with her younger sister, and logged in to do some schoolwork.

"Mom told me that you get to meet Miley Stewart! Are you excited? I told my friends that and they're all jealous. I told them I'd take a picture of her just to make them even more jealous." The light browned hair, eleven year old said with an envious smile.

Smiling at the joyous memory, Lilly nodded as she continued working on her essay for English class. Even though she'd been stuck in the hospital, she had told her parents to ask for her assignments from school so she could work on them and not be so behind when she finally would be able to return to school. Unfortunately her parents knew she'd probably never return out of the hospital alive and had felt horrible for keeping such a secret from their daughter.

Another week went by and her parents knew that, that would be the week their daughter would get to meet the world famous singer. Both were so excited to see how happy it would make their daughter and as they walked down the hallway with the singer beside, they could not help but smile.

They told the young singer how much her music inspired their daughter to overcome her disease and live a fulfilling life which touched the girl so deeply to know that. And they made sure that she wouldn't mention to the girl that she was dying since she didn't know that yet.

Leanne gently knocked on the door to her daughter's room, but no one answered. She grew a bit worried, but figured the girl may have probably been sleeping so she quietly opened the door. As she had predicted her daughter was sprawled out in the bed sleeping soundly, the blankets loosely wrapped around her.

Any other time she would have just allowed her daughter to sleep but knowing Miley had a tight schedule she decided to try and wake her up. Just as she slowly made her way over to the young girl, the singer shook her head not wanting the mother to have to wake the poor thing up, especially since she looked so comfortable.

The mother looked at her with confusion. "We don't want to hold you up, since you've got a lot to do today. And I don't want Lilly to miss her chance to meet you. She's been talking about ever since we told her. I'd hate to crush her spirit."

Miley gave her a soft smile as she looked at the sleeping girl, who she noticed looked a deathly pale. "She looks so relaxed like that; I don't want you to have to wake her up. Besides my other plans can wait. Fulfilling this girls' dream is much more important to me. Especially if she doesn't have much time left." She said sincerely as she smiled gently at the sleeping girl.

A half an hour later the blonde started to move around as she moaned in pain when she turned her neck. She slowly sat herself up in the bed and quickly grabbed her glass of water, not yet noticing the brunette pop star sitting across from her. Pouring the water slowly down her throat, the blonde girl squealed in pain.

The brunette sitting across from her felt herself cringe at the sound of her squeal; it sounded so painful. "Are you okay there Lilly?" She gently asked, concern showing in her voice.

Startled at the sound, Lilly jumped a good foot in the air. She looked around to see who had asked her that and had been shocked to see her favorite singer sitting only a few feet away from her with a gently, concerning smile on her face. "Y-you're M-M-M-Mi-Mil…" Too shocked to even finish her sentence, Lilly started to hyperventilate.

Automatically, the brunette haired singer hurried to the girl's side and gently patted her back to get her breathing normally again. "Calm down, sweetie." She whispered softly into her ear, hoping she'd calm down. Miraculously within a few minutes the young girl calmed down enough to actually form a sentence. "You're M-Miley S-Stewart…" She whispered in shock, looking up at her with big, blue eyes.

Miley smiled softly at the girl, wrapping the girl in a gentle hug, thankful that she was okay. "Yes, that would be me sweetie. And I'm assuming you're Lilly, right?" She asked gently, stroking soft circles around Lilly's back to help her breathe better.

"Y-y-yes." Was the blonde's meek reply, extremely happy to meet her favorite singer. "I c-can't believe I'm actually meeting you…I mean I don't understand how my parents could even arrange this. There are so many people who are dying to meet you every day, myself included, and I'm the lucky one. There are far worse sick people than I am, I mean I'm hardly even sick. I really appreciate that with you're busy life and schedule that you'd take the time to meet sick people or anyone for that matter. "

The brunette was over touched with what the girl said to her, and felt sympathetic towards her when she said she was hardly even sick; for she knew the poor thing was dying. She put on a soft smile for the girl and soothingly stroked her back more in small circles. "Awww, sweetie; I think I'm the lucky one meeting you." She spoke in soothing tone. "You seem as a very inspirational girl. Your mother and father told me a lot about you before you woke up."

Lilly looked down, her cheeks a rosy red. "Oh no…they didn't tell you about my posters did they?" She knew how embarrassing her parents could be and would hate it if they embarrassed her in front of her favorite singer.

Miley smiled gently at her, giving her a gentle squeeze. "They did tell me about your posters. I think it's so adorable and extremely touching, Lilly. You're such a sweetie." She softly stroked the girl's back, realizing how soothing it was for her and within a few minutes the girl had fallen asleep leaning against her shoulder.

A few hours later, Lilly's parents walked back in to see their daughter sprawled out again in the bed with Miley sitting beside her stroking her back. They smiled at the sight, so happy to see Lilly happy and very thankful to the singer for making her dream come true.

Leanne walked over to Miley, and softly spoke to her. "You can go if you need to. Lilly will be okay, sweetie." The mother gave her a gentle smile as she bent down to give her daughter a soothing kiss on the forehead.

"I don't need to go, I talked with my manager and my father, deciding to cancel the rest of my plans for today." Miley whispered, continuing her soothing circles on the blonde's back. "I've enjoyed sitting and talking with Lilly. She seems so sweet and I really think she'd make a wonderful friend."

Lilly's mother gave her a touching smile, feeling blessed for her daughter to have met someone so incredible. "Lilly, I know, would surely be more than honored to call you her friend. Plus her father and I think you'd be a great inspiration for our little angel." She looked down at her little girl with tears of joy and praised God for giving them this beautiful gift.

The singer smiled sweetly, blessed herself to have met Lilly. She sensed that having a friendship with her had been exactly what she needed. The blonde had been a good inspiration for her, fighting so hard to survive her disease and what she needed most was a reality check and Lilly could give her that. Besides having a real friendship would be an amazing experience for her. And she had hoped that the girl was strong enough to not let the cancer kill her and if she needed extra help, Miley knew she'd definitely be there to help her.

Miley gently stroked the girl's arm, hoping she'd wake up before she had to leave for the day. Fortunately within a few minutes the blonde was stretching and slowly sat up, smiling shyly at the brunette who'd been smiling right back at her. "How was your nap, sweetie?" The blonde smiled gently as she grabbed the water, gulping it down.

"Refreshing. I feel so much better now." She said, letting out a yawn.

The other girl smiled at her, rubbing her shoulders soothingly. "I'm so glad you're feeling better, Lilly. You look much better as well, guess you just needed some rest." She wrapped the girl in a soft hug. "Well I better get going sweetie, but I will definitely come back and visit you. How about on Saturday? Is that fine with you, Lilly?"

Lilly gave her a meaningful smile as she gave her a hug back. "Anything is fine with me. Whenever you're able to come back, then that's great. I really appreciate it. You're a kind person with such a big heart. I feel so honored that I got to meet you." She said sincerely, meeting her had been the biggest dream she ever had.

"Lilly, you are way too sweet." The singer said softly, stroking her back with a soft smile. "You take care of yourself, sweetie, I'll see you Saturday." And with that, the girl was out the door.