Baby Mine

Chapter 2

Sam remembered the next day why he hated being the new kid. The fact that you don't know anyone could really suck ass. Especially during lunch. He wandered around the outdoors portion of the cafeteria with a tray, hoping to score a seat, or maybe even a step, that he could eat on.

The first two days of school were interesting. After spending the past two years at an all boys school, it was really refreshing to have a little estrogen in the air. Too many franks and beans before and now there were short skirts, and it had nothing to do with stupid dorm room pranks. His classes were alright. He knew English was going to be a problem, History as well with the amount of reading and writing those classes required. His dyslexia wasn't as bad as it used to be, but he still found the letters swirling on the page pretty often. He was totally into his art class though, and found out that they were starting off with drawing- a fine skill of his.

Then there was football. God, he was itching to get on the team. His old school didn't really have a varsity team- just a bunch of guys would sneak out onto the soccer team after curfew and toss the pig skin around. He was pretty decent, if he said so himself. He knew that the McKinley Titans were a pretty sorry excuse for a team- but perhaps that would mean he would have a shot at quarter back and he already started making nice with the Beiste.

After wandering aimlessly for about five minutes, Sam found a seat near the steps. It was a little cramped- but he didn't need a lot of room for his sandwich and vitamin water. He parked himself on the edge of the bench, next to what he guessed was the wrestling team considering there was a rather large girl totally beating a guy at arm wrestling. Or maybe it was a power lifting team? But either way, just as he took a bite into his tuna salad, he heard the school speakers crack and whine before a familiar beat started playing over them. He looked up and saw a bunch of kids running down the stairs, singing. They were all dressed in black with New York t-shirts.

"Oh hell, not these tools again..." One of the guys near him groaned. Sam looked over.

"What do you mean?" he asked, wiping his mouth before glancing back up to the group.

"That's our Glee Club...or more like the Freak club. Damn show choir that has this thing for showing up and showing off."

Sam watched the glee club singing New York. He recognized a couple guys from the football team, a few cheerleaders. They couldn't be so bad if they had High School Royalty in the group, and they all sounded pretty good too. "Looks pretty cool."

The table errupted in laughter, as the girl who had now taken out all of the guys with her guns looked over to him and snorted, "You must be new."

Sam ignored her and kept watching. He kinda really liked music. He had a guitar, and liked to think he had a decent voice. Not that many people heard it- except his siblings and the occasional old lady from church with a wicked hearing aid. He didn't really understand why the Glee Club was deemed uncool here, but it might be something he would want to look into as long as football didn't get in the way.

During the bridge of the song, the guys were dancing in the aisles between tables and the girls managed to jump up on top of the tables, dropping flyers as the danced. Sam laughed as a petite blonde danced upon his table. It took him a moment to recognize her, with her face hidden by a baseball cap and her hair flying around. But he smiled even wider when he saw Quinn Fabray dancing past him.

It didn't take long before Sam had heard about Quinn Fabray's sophomore year. He had been caught staring at her as she ran down the hallway, cell phone pressed to her ear as she muttered something about diapers and naps or whatever. He watched her run right to the mo-hawked football player (who he had discovered is also in Glee) and some random kid with a mic and a reddish afro snuck up behind him.

"Don't bother chasing after the dazzling Miss Fabray." he had said, "Girl's got baggage that no amount of beauty can make up for."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Sam said flatly, turning to the kid that he would later learn was named Jacob Ben Israel- the school gossip monger.

"Sure you don't, Bieberlicious. I've seen that look before. I usually have it on my own face. She's hot, but she's trouble. She had a baby with my fellow Jew and McKinley's Resident Badass, Noah Puckerman. And he's in love with her, and hopes that because they have a baby together he can win her over. If he catches you staring at her with those inhumanely large lips parted with lust like you just had, you'll never stand a chance in this school. Go after any girl in this school that you want- and I would suggest starting with the Celibacy Club since Quinn is rumored to not be the only one in that group who sleeps around- but don't go after her. She's off limits."

Sam had a hard time heeding advice like that when Quinn was dancing in front of him. Especially when the next thing out of Israel's mouth was about the poll going around about which Cheerio was most 'spankable.' But besides that, besides her past, Quinn Fabray was nothing short of intriguing to him. She was beautiful, and had a smile that lit up a room, and clearly she had moves.

The song ended and the Glee club disappeared just as quickly as they had shown up and Sam picked up the flyer that had fallen on top of his sandwich. Join the New Directions! Headed for New York City to win the National Show Choir Competition in April 2011! it read. Show choir, huh?

The New Directions piled into the choir room again after lunch. Adrenaline pumping following their performance, they were all laughing and goofing around. Quinn was carried in on Puck's back giggling until he let her drop into her chair. They felt that their little impromptu lunch-time serenade may have gotten them a few new members. At least one or two. Rachel was rattling on about how she saw the new exchange student tapping her foot to the beat, and Finn said he saw that new kids, Sam show some interest.

"That was great guys!" Shue said, following the crowd into the room. It took a few moment for him to really get them to calm down and listen. "As always you really put on a good show! Now we just have to wait and see who comes around and joins our team."

"And what happens if they don't?" Santana's voice asked from the back a room, as usual putting a damper on the crowd. No one really had considered the fact that they might not get their extra members needed to qualify for competition.

"We will!" Finn said optimistically, Rachel nodding her head in agreement. "I know that we can find people. I'm going to talk to that Sam kid..."

"And I'm going to talk to Sunshine!" Rachel chirped.

"It's not like we haven't been able to drum up interest before," Quinn added, "I mean look at me. I joined after some convincing..."

"Convincing that I was out to steal your boyfriend!" Rachel said sharply, turning her head to look at Quinn.

"That's not the point..." she countered, rolling her eyes. That could have started a different argument and they needed to stay focused, "The point is that this isn't impossible."

"Wow, Quinn. I'm really liking the spirit you have right now!" Shue complimented her, leaving Quinn shrugging. Puck nudged her shoulder with his and she shook her head in amusement. "Now if everyone can just keep up with the positive attitude we'll have no problem taking Nationals this year!"

As the group once again broke into the chattering discussion of agreement, Quinn smiled glancing over at Puck as he gave her an approving nod.

It was going to be a good year.

Football later that day was brutal. Sam heard from his potential teammates that the last coach, Ken Tanaka, was such a pushover on the field most of them had never experienced a real work out until Shannon Beiste blew into town. He believed it. Sam was in pretty good shape, if he did say so himself, and if he was getting winded the other guys must have been dying.

"Alright men, hit the showers!" Beiste yelled at about five o'clock. There was a mutual groan of appreciation as the group started making their way back to the school building. So far it was pretty clear who was going to make the cut for the team, and who wasn't. Surprisingly enough, the Glee guys were on that list.

His main competition for quarterback was Finn Hudson though. Sam took in the tall guy and though it over a bit. He was a decent runner, but that may only be because of his long legs. His throwing wasn't too shabby either. But the real thing he lacked was coordination. You would think with all the dancing he did in Glee, that wouldn't be a problem- but based on the cracks the other guys made, this was not so.

"Hey Sam!" the teenaged giant himself called out as Sam started wiping his face with a sports towel, about to make the trek to the locker rooms. He turned as Finn jogged up next to him to catch up. "Hey."

"Hey..." Sam replied awkwardly. He had also heard plenty of stories about this guy too. "Uh...What's up?"

"Not much." Finn shrugged before taking a swig of his gatorade. "Looking pretty good on the field there. You played at your old school?"

"Yeah. Not on an organized team or anything, but you know. Goofing off with the guys, Thanksgiving games with the family...stuff like that..."

"Cool." Finn nodded, acting if he was actually interested in what the blond was saying. Sam could tell when he was being humored. "So, I wanted to ask you about something."


"I saw you watching the Glee performance during fifth period today."

"It was kind of hard to ignore..." Sam laughed taking some of his own water. "But yeah. You guys were pretty good." Finn smiled as if he had already won some sort of small victory. "What about it?"

"Funny you should ask!" Finn replied as if Sam was the one to ask about it first. He was starting to think this guy was a little weird. "You see, we're looking for members. Our ranks are a little low because one of our guys moved. We have 11 people, we need 12 to qualify for competition. And obviously, we'd like to get more than just 12, but we're going to need some people too...not to mention we're pretty outnumbered by the girls..." Finn stammered on as Sam's eyebrows rose questioningly.

"You asking me to join?" Sam asked. Sure he had been thinking about it after seeing the flyer...or rather Quinn, but his head was still kind of draining after practice. He was going to save thinking more on it once he got home, and maybe napped for about six hours.

"Yeah, actually!" Finn exclaimed but quickly threw his hands up defensively, "Now, I know you've probably heard about us already, and maybe not the greatest things...but really, you don't even have to sing if you don't want to. We just kind of need a swaying body...and it's really not as gay as it sounds. I promise...Most of the guys in the club are straight..." Finn stuttered some more, " Plus a lot of the girls are pretty smokin' Rachel...but you can't look at her like that. She's kind of my girlfriend."

Sam waited until Finn was done, though listening to him babble on was both amusing and kind of annoying. "Sounds cool." He said, causing Finn to look at him with some surprise.

"You mean it?"

"Yeah, I mean...I play guitar. I don't sing too much outside the shower or church, but you know...could be fun..." Sam shrugged just before they finally made it to the locker room. Finn looked pretty elated now, securing a member for the club.

"Great! Awesome! You won't regret this." Finn said excitedly, clapping Sam on the shoulder. "Just come around tomorrow for free period and we'll get you set up." And with that Finn disappeared into the showers, leaving Sam to ponder what he just got himself into.

A.N: I know this is a bit of a late chapter, but I got a little busy. Next Chapter Sam and Quinn will officially meet! Hope you enjoyed!