A Girl in the Egyptian Army


This is the story of how I died.

No, I'm just kidding. And don't worry. This is actually a very fun story. And the truth is, it is not even mine. This is the story about a girl named Amarra. And it all starts with the universe.

Now, once upon a time there was a power called the Phoenix that was flying through the universe, looking for a kind and gentle soul to rest down in.

A view times it did really rest down a small part of its power in a soul but they were never the right ones and it would always lead to death, pain and destruction.

Centuries passed and the Phoenix kept looking for the right soul. It never found it. And then, on one day, it heard a cry for help.

You see, there was this young woman who was pregnant. She had just turned seventeen and the young man she had loved and who the father of her child was, he was killed in a war. But she had already been eight months pregnant when that had happened.

So the young woman was already heartbroken by the fact that she had lost the man she loved but her pain didn't stop there. Because a view weeks before the baby was supposed to be born, the doctors told her that her baby had no longer a heartbeat.

That completely torn her apart so she begged to every God and everything in the whole universe, to help her and just let her baby live, no matter what. And it was the Phoenix who heard her and responded, as she sensed that the still unborn baby was meant for great things and had a pure, brave and loving soul.

It told her that it could save her baby and give it a heartbeat again but if it would do that, there would be consequences.

But the woman didn't care and just wanted her baby to live. And so the Phoenix rested its complete power in the soul of the baby that had yet to be born.

Three weeks later a healthy baby girl was born with fire red hair and emerald green eyes. I will give you a hint, that girl is Amarra.

The woman was happy, even though she was still sad about the loss of the love of her life. But with her sweet baby girl at her side, she was slowly getting back the joy in life and she even found a new sweet man, who was willing to act like the father of her baby.

And for a view small moments, everything was perfect.

And then that moment ended. It was as the Phoenix had warned the woman about, giving her baby girl back live wouldn't come without consequences.

An evil woman called Sacmis ruined their happiness. She had the power to control shadows and she lived of human energy, killing those humans in progress. And she had already hunted the Hostesses of the Phoenix for millennia.

She sneaked into the house of the woman, killed her and her new man and tried to kill the baby too but failed.

Two days later, a noble couple passed the small house and heard the baby cry. When they entered the house they found the man and the woman dead in their bed and the baby crying in her small crib.

They took her with them and raised her as their own. But although they tried hard, she was different and they couldn't change everything about her…

Please let me know what you think about it.

XxX Emmtje