Jetta: Last epilogue letter!

Princess Zora: This time, I write as Maggie and Jetta writes as Alfred Morbucks, Maggie's father.

Jetta: Will Alfred Morbucks ever learn to accept Maggie and Moblin Moe's love?

Princess Zora: (Gushes) OMG, I've always wanted to say this!

Jetta: Ready?

Princess Zora: (Nods eagerily) Yep!

Princess Zora&Jetta: Read on, if you DARE!

Dear Daddy,

I know you did not like Moe when I told you about him, but he has made me the happiest girl in all the Great Sea! He is the one who brought us out of poverty, he made my time in the Forsaken Fortress bearable. Why can't you see we were meant to be? I love him, and he loves me, and whether you approve or not, we are getting married on Northern Fairy Island. I wish for you to be there, but not if you will bring your snide remarks and disapproval with you. It will take place on the first of the month, and my little green rescuer said (albeit reluctantly) he would bring you if you chose to come. I have found true happiness in love, the way you described how you felt about mother. I hope you can be happy for me, and would be overjoyed if you could find it in your heart to come.

I remain your little girl,



I know deep within my heart that I absolutely loathe that Monster because I believe that you deserve so much better.

Who else would be worthy enough to provide for you than me, your father?

No other man will ever treat you the way I have always treated you, my little princess.

But day by passing day, I also realize that I am growing older and the day of me leaving the face of the Earth will come soon enough.

I grow afraid as I finally realize that there is no use fighting for your love anymore, you've already expanded your heart to someone else.

And hopefully one day in the far future, I have grown to accept this Monster as my new son in law.

Despite the fact that I have been so cruel to that Monster, he was the one who has blessed us with riches this whole time?

I find it extremely hard to believe, my little pumpkin but I have no other choice.


Because I solemnly trust you, my daughter with all of my heart.

If you speak this then it must be true.

In that case, any plan I had in the past about crashing the wedding will be no more.

I myself be there to deliver my daughter's hand to the Monster…er…I mean my new son in law.

I love you, my beautiful princess and I wish you the brightest and most loving future for you and your future husband.

Your loving father,

Alfred Morbucks

Jetta: Thank you so Princess Zora for writing these Epilogue letters that I'm sure the reader will love so much! They were written to perfection!

Princess Zora: Tehe, thanks and no problem!

Jetta: I would also like to personally thank BoredMan46, Needles of Rain, Firehose 2011, Sophie Synthetic, Ananymous Reviewer, The 37th Drummer, James Birdsong, LA Star Dust, SilverSockFox, Farore, Jaclyn, and Jazz for all of their awesome letters and reviews! This would have never been accomplished if it weren't for you, thank you so much for joining this humble author write Moblin Letters! I hope we shall meet again in the future.