"Junior Zabini I'm going to kill you" shouted a very red-faced Draco. "Get the fuck away from my daughter"

Rebecca and Junior had been dating for 4 years now, he was now 20 and she was 17. They were currently at Junior's flat, very, very naked and about to cum.

"Sir um, I um" Junior was a smart boy but Rebecca was Draco's only daughter. "Sir I asked Rebecca to marry me."

"Get the fuck away from my daughter." He repeated.

"Draco, Mate what's going on?" Blaise said coming though the bedroom door, where he froze. "oh"

"Draco did you find Becca?" Hermione called out coming into the bedroom. "Oh. Draco you know this was bound to happen they have dated for 4 years, she is his mate."

"Get the fuck away from my daughter." He repeated.

"Becca, honey why don't you get dressed and come home," Hermione said. "Your father will calm down when we are home."

"But mum"

"no buts young lady, come on"

"Draco, Blaise we need to go into the living room so we can allow them to get dressed."

Draco simply turned around, Hermione rolled her eyes and turned around also. Once Rebecca and Junior were dressed Draco grabbed her hand and pulled her through the floo with Hermione trailing behind them . They arrived in the living room where Scorpius and Rose were making out.

"Why don't you say something to Scorpius?" Rebecca argued semi knowing what the answer was going to be.

"They're married, they are not still in school, and Scorpius is not my only daughter." Draco shouted.

"Dad, what's going on?" Scorpius asked making his way over to his sister.

"I caught her and your best friend in the middle of having sex"

"What that little piece of shit!" Scorpius makes his way over to the floo but Rose and Hermione stopped him. "Let me throw I am going to kill him."

"Nooooo" Rebecca shouted as tears rolled down her face. "I love him and he loves me and we are getting married!. I will hate you if you touch him. Scor you didn't care that Rose was Adam's sister or Mr Weasley's daughter and Dad you didn't car that mum was granddad daughter."

"No but I married your mother before bonding with her"

"I married Rose before making love to her"

"So we got caught up in the excitement of the proposal, that was our first time and you ruined it."

"you are not seeing that boy again until you are married."

"Mum Help me please"

"Draco then they will marry tomorrow," Hermione said "I will write a letter to the minister."

"Mion you can be serious"

"As the pledge Baby"


Rebecca stood in front of the mirror wearing a 1930s inspired gown with a simple 1930s headpiece. As her mother promised her and Junior were getting married.

"Becca, sweetie are you ok?"

"Yeah mum, I just wish daddy wasnt sulking."

"Becca boo he will be here if not he will be sleeping on the sofa for the rest of his life, you know your dad can only last on the sofa few hours and he knows that."

"Baby girl, are you ready?" Draco said coming into the room.

"Daddy" Rebecca smile and began to cry.

"hey don't cry its your wedding day"

"I love you daddy."

"I love you too. I will aways protect you Rebecca, I'm a wolf remember"