Looking Glass


Summary: Every girl has a Prince Charming, her one true love. He is her hero with a royal cape, has flowing gold hair, and rides a majestic horse. My Prince Charming wears a white, tiled scarf, has spiky pink hair, and rides on a flying blue cat. Drabbles.







Natsu yawned, and blinked blearily as the sunlight his eyes. Grumbling he turned sideways, trying to shelter his sensitive eyes, only to run into a face, Lucy's to be specific. She was still sleeping, curled up against him, and Natsu felt something he couldn't describe as he stared down at her. His wife was the most beautiful person in the world.

That was right, his wife.

He almost couldn't believe it, couldn't believe that the most perfect person in the world Lucy Heartfilia, had agreed to be his wife. She had said yes, said she wanted nothing more than to spend her entire life with him.

Natsu had never felt so lucky in his entire life, nothing, nothing could ever be compared to the enchantment he felt every morning when he got to wake up to her, with her. He closed his eyes with a blissful smile, and curled his arm tighter around her.

"Natsu?" A groggy voice called, though he still didn't open his eyes. Instead he just rested his face in her hair, and breathed in her scent, her lovable, lovable scent.

He could practically hear her smile, and as she shifted, her face came right in front of his, their noses touching.

"Good morning Natsu." Her eyes twinkled, and her lips curled upwards, teasing him.

He grinned the smile he only reserved for her, and closed the distance, murmuring against her lips.

"Morning Luce."




A/N: Ah, this was too mushy! Tell me if you liked it or not, the only reason I wrote this chapter was because all your reviews were all so kind and lovely! Plus my thanks last chapter was half-assed, and you guys deserve more than that! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! Seriously I thank each and every one of you, from all the alerts, favourites, follows, to reviews. Every time I saw the messages in my e-mail relating to the response this story had my entire day brightened up. I cannot thank you enough for all your kindness! THANK-YOU!

Hope I'll see all you guys again soon! :D

Edit-Lol! Thank you KidTantei for noticing that mistake, how could I miss that? xD