Isabella's Happiest Day

It was a beautiful summer day. Phineas and Ferb were sitting in front of the television that morning eating breakfast just like every other day that summer. As they sat on the couch, Phineas was thinking, even more so than normal. Ferb looked over from his book and noticed Phineas. As often as he'd seen Phineas think, something seemed a little bit different. He looked over at him, and now Phineas knew he had to speak.

"Hey Ferb, something feels weird. I want to do something for Isabella today, but I can't think of anything." Ferb just continued to look at him. "What could we do? We've already built her a rainbow-inator, helped the Fireside girls get I can't even think how many patches, and took her to Paris when we went around the globe; what else is there to do for a girl?"

Ferb just gave him the same look he always did, but Ferb was thinking very heavily. What could they do for Isabella? There was the biosphere they built, the Paper Pelican, and the cruise they did for Baljeet and his friend. Then it hit him. None of that really mattered to Isabella, did it? Everyday she came over and said the exact same thing to Phineas. Everyday she was his right hand for nearly every last project they did. For crying out loud, she sang him a song in Paris with no discernable music source! He also remembered what she told him on that island, that Phineas basically ignored her in the most romantic city on earth, that he never noticed her every single day, and that all she wanted was for Phineas to sit down and enjoy the sunset with her. It was obvious.

"Phineas, I know what you're gonna do today!"

That felt weird.

"Okay, Ferb," Phineas said somewhat hesitantly, "whatcha got?"

"Well, I don't know much about girls, but I do know what Isabella wants more than anything."

"Great!" exclaimed Phineas. "What is it?"

Ferb went into thought again. "You know, for an architectural, musical, and social prodigy, he's oblivious. Of course."

"Well, we don't want to make things to easy do we?" he said with a grin, throwing Phineas for a loop.

"What gives, bro? You always give me your ideas."

"Today, I want you to see something you've never seen before that's been standing in front of you all summer."

"Well that sounds fun and somewhat easy to miss. Speaking of easy to miss, where's Perry?"