A/N: Don't generally write for this, but here's my contribution. I've written a few, but this is the shortest. Hopefully you'll like it ^.^

Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS: LA.

LA Night

Callen pulled himself up, blue eyes looking to the array of journals still spread out around him. Pages were loose from folders and the handwriting seemed foreign and still incredibly familiar.

He rubbed the sleep out of one eye and looked to the curtain-less window where the violet hues of dawn were just blooming into the blackened sky. Callen looked to the papers for a few moments longer before shuffling them all away.

He'd fallen asleep reading them. Again. It was careless, really, which made him hate the habit even more, but it was like falling asleep to a lullaby. The words of his family, maybe not in their pen, maybe not in their language, but this was family.

G stacked them all neatly enough for his liking before putting them in their stash again to be read again that night. Another silent lullaby.

She cleaned her gun.

Well, it wasn't her gun. It was his. Her father's. She still cleaned it. For him. Because maybe she'd need it that night, just maybe.

It was the routine. It was the motion. Being able to do something rhythmic, something simple. It was therapeutic. It settled Kensi's mind and reminded her that she was strong and that she was brave. It reminded her she was raised well.

His gun would go back in it's case, clean and beautiful as the day he left it. She would sleep knowing that he was still protecting her somehow.

"Goodnight, Daddy."

He switched off the light and retreated to his own bed, assured that his daughter was tucked away safely. It was the peace of mind that Sam Hanna got that allowed him to rest.

His own bed was warm. After slipping out of the day's clothes, Sam buried his head in the pillow. Another case solved. Another day saved. It was all in the job. And when his wife put her hand on his arm, he took it gladly. Because she was safe too.

"I love you."

Deeks patted the bed. "Monty, up." He smiled when the dog followed the command before curling up right at his master's side with the utmost loyalty.

He wanted to keep the dog close because there were still nightmares he couldn't overcome, fears that only the dark would evoke. So he had Monty.

Monty didn't make it better. The mutt didn't take away the memories, the nightmares, the scars, the fear. Monty just made it easier.

There were nights when that was all he needed. Easier.

A/N: Review?
