A/N: Well I've been reading a lot of stories before going to bed and I kind of been inspired to write one of my own. I am warning you guys now, I am doing something stupid by trying to write a story while attending college. I am sure I can manage...somehow. I will try to get a least a chapter or two out a month. Please bear with me. Also, sorry for the slow start. Its been a while since I have written anything. A long, long while.


Red VS Blue

Summary: Grimmjow transfers to Ichigo's school and takes an interest in a certain boy. At the same time, Renji is also interested in the aforementioned person. Who will Ichigo choose?

Chapter 1: The Transfer and the Exchange Student

The sky is a pitch black in color, but it is not dark. Stars littered the sky, each a different color, a strange phenomenon to see in a city. The moon, full and seemingly closer that it should be. Such a strange night. A gentle breeze drifted through the area. The leaves of the trees rustled, the swings of the park slightly swayed as well. Five figures stood in the park. Two in front of one, and two more slightly in the distance. Water streamed down from two honey-brown eyes.

"You have to choose Ichigo!" two voice shouted, each fierce in their own right, but one was a bit more malicious than the other.

"I...I," Ichigo's voice stuttered. Tears still streaming. Two pairs of eyes glared at him. One blue, the other red.

"Stop this!" another voice demanded. One of the distant figures ran towards the lone one. "This isn't right!"

"Stop," a gentle voice in the distance commanded to the figure that was leaving its side. "You should not get involved in this." The figure kept running, disregarding what the other have told him. He placed himself in front of the single figure. There Ichigo saw black hair that looked blue with the way the light was hitting on it. In addition, catching a glimpse of dark colored eyes. Were they purple?

"If you both cared for Ichigo," he started, voice a little weak, hinting at sorrow, "you wouldn't make him choose, not like this." The fierce eyes eased up a bit, but anger still showed. Water started to drip from the sky as clouds rolled in. The once illumines sky quickly became dark, consuming all light, even the moon. Somehow, the two sets of eyes still gleamed, and were perfectly visible.

"Sorry Ichigo," a voice coming from the red direction said.

"Yeah Kurosaki," the voice from the blue side concurred.

It was a normal day in Karakura Town. The sun was climbing out as beams of radiation started to spread along the city. Clouds scattered the sky, starting to change the color from a dull gray to a blue that is full of life. The leaves rustled with the breeze, signaling that the morning was going to be a chilly one. Browns eyes opened up and peered out the window, trying to gauge how the day was going to play out. The eyes blinked and glanced over to the clock that was on the other side of the room. 6:45 red numbers read.

"Time to get up," a male voice sighed. He wanted to sleep a little more, but he knew once he awoke, he was going to stay up. Crawling out of bed, the boy pulled off the sheets and put his feet in the slippers that were placed beside his bed the night before. He shuffled over to his dresser and pulled out a couple pieces of cloth. He would have turned on the lights, but he knew his was not fully awaken to withstand that, yet. He walked to the bathroom to begin his morning ritual. After showering for several minutes, Ichigo changed into his uniform and started to leave his room. Scenes from the dream he just had flashed before him, but he sighed, disregarding them. As he opened the door he saw that his younger, brown hair sister was about to knock.

"Oh, oni-chan," she gasped being surprised by her brother being up and ready. "Breakfast is ready."

"Ah, thanks Yuzu," he responded, a little put off by his sister's facial expression. How could she be so shocked to see that Ichigo was up this early? Or was it the fact that he was already prepared to head off to school. They both went down stairs. The orange hair teen joined his other sister at the table while Yuzu started to set out plates and began serving the food. "Where goat face?" Ichigo asked as he other sister came down the stairs.

"Ichigo, what are you doing up so early?" the other sister asked as she sat at the table.

"Father got called to the hospital for a medical emergency," Yuzu answered, "so he had to leave pretty early this morning."

"You know the spring term starts today," Ichigo responded to his other sister. He was not lying exactly. Although he was not ready to admit to her or himself that in fact it was the strange dream that woke him up. Albeit he was a little curious as to why all the voices were male.

"Here you go Ichigo, Karin," Yuzu smiled as she handed over two lunch boxes. "Its a special begging of the semester lunch!" She was so excited when she told them.

"Thank you Yuzu," Ichigo smirked, "I'm sure you worked really hard on it." A knock on the door interrupted the flow of the conversation. The three siblings looked over and saw the door opened. Dressed in a gray skirt, white polo, and red ribbon, a girl with long black hair walked in.

"Good morning Rukia," Yuzu called out.

"Morning Yuzu," she responded, "is Ichigo..." she stopped when she saw him in the kitchen. "What a surprise."

"Whatever," the orange hair teen sighed as he grabbed his backpack, "I got that a lot already." He walked towards the door and waved his free hand at his sisters. Rukia slightly bowed as she walked out the door with him.

The two teens walked to school in silence for a few minutes.

"What's on your mind Ichigo?" Rukia inquired. Normally he was quite, but somehow this felt different from the norm.

"Nothing," he responded. "Why?"

"Just wondering," she said. "Your quieter than normal, that's all." Before Ichigo could reply, they encountered more of their friends. This time there were two girl. One was a tall, busty woman, with hair just as orange as Ichigo, but was significantly longer. The other has short, semi-spiky jet black hair.

"Good morning Orihime and Tatsuki-chan," Rukia bowed.

"Good morning Kukhi-san," Tatsuki said in response. "Formal as always I see."

"At least she started using our first names," Orihime smiled.

"Where are the others?" Ichigo asked.

"Oh, I think they wanted to get to the school early to meet up with everyone else," the orange hair chick answered with a finger on her chin. Obliviously trying to think.

"Yeah so we better hurry up!" the jet-black hair girl added, with spunk. The group continued their journey to the school, chatting away like friends do. However, every now and then Rukia will glance over to Ichigo. Trying to figure out exactly what was and or is on his mind.

The gang arrived swiftly at the school and ran into the rest of their group. Since it was the start of a new semester, they all gathered at the auditorium for an assembly, where the principle of the school gave a speech. Everyone looked bored and tried their best to stay awake. After what seemed like hours, the student body was dismissed to go to their class for homeroom.

"I have a special treat for everyone!" the teacher announced as she slid the door open and walked into the class room. The class quickly got quite and and returned to their seats. Their teacher always had a way of catching them off guard and surprising them. The silence did not last long however as murmurs filled the room trying to figure out what the surprise entailed exactly. After taking attendance, the teacher spoke. "We have two new students that will be joining our room today." Gasps were heard throughout the class room. Its rare for students to transfer in the spring semester, especially two. What are the chances of that happening? "First we have an American students who came here on our Foreign Exchange Program." The room got quiet again as a stranger entered the room. He had short black hair, but extremely long bangs that covered his right eye. They were combed to the side, so it must have been intentional. He arrived in the middle of the room and pivoted to face the room. The sun coming from the window hit his head at an interesting angle. With the way the sunbeam made contact with his head, gave him a blue glow to his hair. His eyes were the next thing Ichigo noticed, they were a dark gray, almost like a gun metal color. However, there were specks of violet that gave his eyes a hint of life.

"'Sup," he said as his head did an upward jerking motion. Everyone just started as he looked over to the teacher before facing the class again. "Nice to meet everyone. My name is Trent Nocturne," he bowed. "My Japanese is basic so please help me learn. In addition, I am willing to help teach English." The class clapped, appreciating the effort it took to speak to natives in their language.

"Please take a seat next to Ichigo in the back," the teacher pointed. "He the one with orange hair," she added when she noticed that he had a confused look on his face. He slowly walked over and sat to the right of Ichigo. On the other side was a person with bright red hair and an bandana wrapped around his head. "Our next student transferred to our school due to his father work. Please welcome Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez (or Jaegerjaques since they are both correct.) Another male walked in, but this time it experience was quite different. He was quite tall, had bright blue hair, with matching blue eyes. His whole demeanor just screamed Type: Wild. Ichigo gasped, not loud enough for anyone to hear him though. The set of blue eyes from his dream flashed in his mind repeatedly. He felt like he has seen that man before.

"What's up?" he said to the class.

"Jaegerjaquez-san, is there anything that you'll like to say to the class?" the teacher asked.

"No," he bluntly answered.

"Okay," she responded in a defeated tone of voice, "please take a seat behind the orange hair boy in the back." Grimmjow took his seat swiftly. The moment he sat down, Ichigo tensed up as scenes from his dream flashed in his mind again. Could he be the same person from that dream?