Author's Note: Holy cow this is a mess, well I started this a year ago and now I'm going to make it good and finsh it, one chapter a week at least.

The time this takes place

Before jiraya dies (no wars ect).Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, Hinata, etc is 18 in this and Itachi is about 22 I guess.


I walked along the beach letting the water hit my feet as I carried my journal. The waves rolled in the dry sand, making it wet, and dragged away, slowly it came back. A seagull walked around picking at the pieces of bread I threw a minute ago. I took a deep breath and relaxed. There was only on thing missing and this would be heaven. The sun felt warm on my skin and the wind blew tranquilly. I sat in the grass by the beach and it was soundless. The sun was slowly setting and I slowly thumbed through my journal to a blank page. A slight smirk on my face grew because I knew they would be looking for me. I took out the pen from my pocket and began to put pen to paper:

They say the universe works in mysterious ways, throwing you astonishing moments and shattering moments. I believe this on my life, five years ago I under no circumstances in a lifetime would believe this is how I would end up. I thought I would end where I once planned, but an angel saved me. She will be looking for me soon but-

"BABE!" she called. I closed the journal and stood up, my angel came jumping in my arms and it was finally heaven.

Chapter One "So this is how it started?"

Sakura at last came back from her month long mission in the sand. There was a group of ninjas attacking the sand, and fortunately it was not the akatsuki. She closed the door behind her, "I'm home!" her mother, greeted her and took her bag. The house smelled of cherry blossoms and a few windows where open. Sakura smelled of blood and sweat, and was a menace to the lovely smell. Sakura knew the routine and headed for the bathroom. She fought with her clothes to get them off and she slipped in the shower. When she got out she combed her hair out that was longer then it ever was before and now had some waviness to it. She pulled out her lazy outfit which is a light green dress with straps that cover the shoulders, was tight until the waist and then loose to the end which was the knees. She completed it with a pair of light brown comfy flats.

"We missed you, but we do have something to talk to you about…" her father appeared in the living room. Sakura looked at her mom and then her dad, and then again. She felt like she was in trouble, but that was not the tone they where giving her. It was a tone you would tell your adopted child they are adopted. Sakura would rather be in trouble when it came to her parents saying things like this.

"Sakura, we are not from the leaf village. We are from the hidden rain" her mother blurted out.

"You're lying." Sakura said unbelieving and she turned and went to her room.

"Wait Sakura...!" her father called.

She slammed the door shut and a click of the door locking followed after. Her mother and father looked at each other and sighed. Sakura dove on to her bed, maybe being a little overdramatic, but hey who finds out there the people who are the enemies of nearly everyone they care about and is still proud of it. She put her arms on her pillow and put her head face down on the pillow.

The village of the hidden rain was an enemy to konoha. There was know way that I could come from there, there just messing with me… she thought.

She closed her eyes, and wished this was a dream, and soon she was within a dream.

"Sakura." A voice called out to her.

Sakura was surrounded in darkness and she looked around, there was no point of keeping her eyes open because there was nothing to see. She wrapped her arms around her.

"Who are you?" she yelled back.

"Don't be afraid. I have something important advice for you" it answered.

"Go away! I don't know you!" she screamed.

"That's not very nice is it, we will meet again." Light began to come in and she slowly opened her eyes. She was in her room laying on her bed.

It was now dark outside and she opened her door quietly, she tip toed in to the kitchen. There was a note on the counter. She picked it up and began to read it.


Your father and I have gone back to our village, we where trying to get you to come with us. But since you don't want anything to do with your original village we left you here. We are trying to solve problems in the hidden rain and we have been called on as ninjas. We aren't attacking anyone, but we are defending our village from intruders. We love you, and don't you ever forget it.

Sakura held her hand over her mouth, they where not lying and no matter how much she convinced herself earlier, they are gone and they are not coming back, so she went to the home phone and she quickly dialled Naruto's phone number.

"Sakurra-chan? It's late?" croaked Naruto, who must have been dead to the world, but he would always answer if Sakura called.

"Lets get a few drinks!" sakura said.

"Ok I'll meet you at the bar" Naruto was entirely up and about now.

Sakura walked to the bar, she felt as someone was inspecting her, but right now she did not give a damn. She heard swift movements of feet jumping from roof to roof and towards the hokages building.

"Sakura! Over here!" Naruto waved. Sakura smiled and hugged him. They sat at the bar and order a few drinks. Kakashi came over when he notice them and sat with them. He order a drink.

"What are you to up too?" he asked. Sakura was already drunk and she crawled on to his lap and said, "Oh, Kakashi sensei! Let's leave stupid Naruto and make out outside," Kakashi could smell the alcohol on her breath.

"Aye, Sakura-Chan, you don't mean that do you?" Naruto shouted.

One hour later, and Sakura is on the floor dancing with Naruto as drunken idiots with other people dancing and drinking. Sakura bumped into Kakashi and Kakashi laughed at the drunken Sakura.

"Oh Kakashi-sempai!" she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"It's time for you guys to go home." Kakashi dragged them home.

"I'm fine! Let me drink some more! I'm not drunk!" Naruto begged.

"oh, Kakashi-sempai. Lets leave Naruto and go drink some more!" Sakura whispered into his ear.

Kakashi tucked them in their beds. He sighed as he read the note that Sakura's parents left Sakura. They did not even tell her half of it. They where another part of Konoha's dirty secrets.

"Sakura?" shizune called from outside the apartment door. It was 10:00 am and this has been the latest Sakura slept in for a long time.

Sakura jolted awake. She was still dressed for the bar from last night; she ran to the door and opened it. She leaned against the door frame.

"Yes? Come on in"

"Lady Tsunade has another mission for you." Shizune sat on her couch.

Sakura nodded, and ran to her room. She got out her ANBU uniform and slipped it on and put on her mask. She looked in the mirror. She had finally gotten boobs, not gigantic but a c cup.

A lot had changed, Sakura Haruno was 18 years old, in the ANBU, she is over Sasuke, and is not as bad as a cry-baby she once was. (even though I already made her seem like one… but imagine your parents suddenly leaving to go help out the enemy and finding out you are part of your home's enemy.)

Shizune and Sakura transported to Tsunade's office. The was another ANBU in there. It was a guy.

"You wanted to see me?"

"yes" Tsunade got up and locked the door and Shizune covered the windows. "Take off your masks." She sat down at her desk and folded her hands underneath her chin.

Sakura pulled off her mask and the man next to her did the same.

"Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Itachi, two of Konoha's dirty secrets. Sakura meet your new partner in crime" sakura was speechless. The usually menacing aura you would expect from a certain Uchiha was even more terrifying up close. He could kill her any second.

"Uchiha you have done an amazing job with your s-class mission. Sakura will be joining you, so you can give more information and stand a better chance if attacked by them. Uchiha you may introduce her in anyway you think they would take her. That is all."

Tsunade took a deep breath.

"Sakura, I'm giving you this mission because I trust you with my life and your reliable. I wish you the best of luck, and you can refuse if you wish"

I'm not the hidden rain… I am not loyal them. For the hidden leaf village, and I can prove my self not to be that… she thought.

"I will do it"

Tsunade was relived; she thought Sakura would certainly not agree. Particularly with Itachi here.

"You have until tonight. You should get to be on familiar terms with Itachi and figure out what you two will do"

They slipped on there masks, and went to Sakura's apartment.

"help yourself to the fridge, I have something to do first"

She changed into her lazy clothes and headed out after she wrote a letter for Naruto. She found Kakashi, and told him to give it to Naruto. She hugged him before she went back to the apartment. She would not be able to say goodbye to Naruto in person this time since it would be one of the hardest things she would have to do.

"You know you sexually harassed me last night." Kakashi whispered in her ear before she left.

"How drunk was I?"

"Really drunk… did you not get a hangover!"

Sakura flashed her fingers and smiled.

When she got home, Itachi sat on her couch, his mask was off, and he was reading a book. His pony tail was over one shoulder and his arm rested on the side of the couch. He looked up at sakura. Sakura slowly walked over and sat on the couch. Instantly he was on top of her and she was lying on the couch. Her eyes widened.

"You know you're very reckless for someone like me to be in your home." He trailed his finger down her neck, "any moment I could twist this pretty little neck" he smirked looking down at her neck which he was still trailing his finger around.

"You wouldn't do it." She said. His finger stopped and he looked at her now calm eyes.

"You wouldn't know." He got off of her, "I already planned what I'm going to do. You're going to pretend to be my lover."

"what do you mean, your lover?!" she yelled. I thought we where going too figure this out together… damn Uchiha… she thought.

He placed his finger to her mouth, "it would explain my absences, and they are suspicious of me." She glared at him and he smirked.

It was at last night time, and it was time for them to depart. They escaped from the village and into the gloomy woods. It was incredibly dark this night and a few wolves where howling. Sakura had never been in this part of the forest and she was with Itachi, who could leave her or kill her here. They where already fifty miles away and there was no way she could figure her way out. He smirked as Sakura stood close to him. They arrived to the lair; the hideout had a small concealed door in the ground. When she got inside, above everything was crystal clear. She remembered she couldn't see through the top. There were three hallways. The right one looked like there were 15 rooms. The left one had a kitchen from what she could see, and the one Straight ahead looked like the place she fought Sasori. She and Itachi headed that way and Itachi hit a small button in the hallway. He whispered to her, "hold on to my arm." Sakura held tightly on to his arm as ordered. They went into the room and the whole Akatsuki was there.

"DEIDARA-SAMAAAA" some weird voice said in a singing voice.

"Shut up Tobi, I know" Said a familiar voice. She remembered the man who sat on top of the lifeless Gaara. Then Naruto took off after him. So that's the guy...

A man with an orange mask danced around Deidara and Deidara had his eyes closed and was about to detonate when Tobi suddenly stopped.

Sakura held tighter on Itachi's arm and Itachi smirked.

"So that's where you been, Itachi." Konan smiled, "so tell us how long have you two been going out?"

"I liked her before I joined the akatsuki, and today I decided to bring her with me." Itachi said effortlessly.

"What is your name?" Konan asked.

"Sakura. Haruno Sakura." Sakura told her.

"Itachi has a girlfriend! Itachi has a girlfriend!" Tobi shouted.

"She can join us. You needed a partner since Sasori is back and I've heard things about her" Pein announced.

"You are dismissed. Itachi, give her a tour"

Itachi nodded and Sakura, he picked her stuff up for her, and Sakura still held on to his arm.

They went to the start of the hideout and turned left from the meeting room's hallway. They went down past 14 doors. They arrived to the 15th door.

"This is our room," he told her with a smirk. "The 14th door is our bathroom, the rest is none of our business. On the other side of this place, is the kitchen, sparring room, living room, and dungeon."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome."

He picked her up as Kisame was walking down the hall to his room, and Itachi brought her into their room. The room was painted a light blue, and there was dark wood. A queen sized bed with two night stands was the first thing you saw, to the right was a fire place, and on the far side was a desk, a bookshelf, and a love seat. Between the night stand and office area was a door to a closet. Itachi put her bag on the bed. Sakura unpacked it while Itachi left for a minute. He came back with 3 akatsuki robes. And he placed it in the closet. Sakura picked up the last thing in the bag, it was a sakura blossom necklace. When she was a little kid her mother use to wear it all the time. But what was it doing here? She placed it on the nightstand. She took a look around the room

"for s-class villains, you guys live very well" she said. Itachi smirked. he thing she needed right now would be a nice warm bath. She grabbed an robe and went to room 14. The bathroom, she marvelled at, in the middle was a nice big tub, there was a Granite counter top sink, and of course there was porcelain throne, but it was tucked away by a little wall. The walls where a simple but calming sky blue. And once again She could see stars in the night sky. She stripped her clothes off and started the water; the steam hit her face as she hopped in the tub. She looked up into the Sky, and nearly forgotten everything. She closed her eyes slightly. She tried to stay awake but she fell asleep. Ten minutes afterwards there was a knock at the door of the bathroom. She didn't reply so Itachi came parading in. he wrapped her with a towel in a "sakura roll" and carried her to their room. He slipped a robe on her and put away the towel. He placed her under the sheets in their bed. She looked like a cute little child that wanted to be cuddled with.

Author's Note: Did I do a good job? :D