Disclaimer: All Characters belong to J.K Rowling. Except the ones I made up.


Set 21 years after the war. Harry and his friends are living peacefully. Little do they know certain people are alive and certain people have come back from the dead.



"I love you Marbella McKenzie my beloved wife", Sirius says kissing his new wife

"I love you too. With all my heart", Marbella replies

They were so happy little did they know the trouble that was headed their way…

April 1996

Marbella was humming softly to herself cooking dinner. Waiting for Sirius to get home with the others from rescuing Harry. She was so happy. She had just found out she was pregnant. She couldn't wait to tell Sirius. Suddenly she heard noise from the hallway. And Remus enters the kitchen looking like he had been crying.

"Remus what's wrong? Where is Siri?" Marbella asks

Remus looks at her with red eyes, "I'm so sorry"

"Where is Siri?" she repeats looking desperate

"He's gone. It was Bellatrix. She killed him", Remus replies

Marbella cries in pain and Remus catches her before she falls and hold her tight letting her cry all over him. She thought of her unborn baby who would never know his father. How could she do this alone?

November 2nd 1996

"What are you going to name them?" Harry asks looking at the twins Marbella just had.

There was quite a crowd in the room. Remus, Tonks, Arthur, Molly, Hermonie, Ginny, Ron, Fred and George were there.

"Orion Sirius Black and Lyra Marbella Black", Marbella says smiling at her children

"Who's their godparents?" Molly asks

"Harry as Godfather and Ginny as Godmother", Marbella says

"Really?" they both ask shocked

"Yes", she replies firmly, "Will you be?"

"Yes", Harry says

"We'll be honoured", Ginny replies


"Do you Samantha Cook take Severus Snape to be you lawful wedded husband?" the priest asks

"Yes", she replies close to tears

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride", he says

"I love you my wife", Severus says kissing her deeply

December 1997

"Severus I'm pregnant", Samantha says

"Your what?" Severus stutters

"I'm pregnant. You going to be a father", Samantha says grinning

Severus picks her up and spins her around kissing her deeply.

"I love you so much", he says

April 1998

"It's a boy", the healer announces

"I have a son", Remus says kissing Dora's head

The healer puts the baby in Dora's arms.

"What are we going to name him?" Remus asks

"How about Teddy Remus Lupin. After my dad and you", Dora says

"Prefect", Remus says kissing the baby's head

"Godparents?" Dora asks

"I would like Harry to be Godfather. He has done much for me", Remus says

"Ok. And how about Ginny as Godmother. Those two belong together", Dora says

"Done. I love you Dora", Remus says kissing her lips

"I love you too"

May 1998

Harry walked the great hall he couldn't believe Remus and Tonks were dead. He couldn't believe Fred was dead either. And Snape died protecting him. He saw Snape's wife crying over his body.

"I am sorry for your lose", Harry says gently to her

"Thanks Harry. He thought highly of you. I think you should know that", Samantha says

"Thank you. When are you due?" Harry asks

"August", she replies

"Good luck", Harry says starting to walk away

"Harry. Please be there when I have the baby", Samantha says through her tears

"I will be honoured"

August 23rd 1998

"So what did you have?" Harry asks coming into Samantha's room with everyone behind him

"I had twins", Samantha says smiling at the two

"Names?" Ginny asks Teddy in her arms

"Santiago Severus Snape and Sandy Shannon Snape", Samantha replies

"Such lovely names", Marbella cooed

"Who are the godparents?", Molly asks

"For Santiago it will be Harry and Ginny", Samantha says grinning

Both were shocked but agreed.

"And for Sandy. Draco and his wife whoever she may be", Samantha says

"Really?" Draco asks


"But I am a deatheater", Draco replies

"You're not anymore and that is what counts. Now would both of you like to hold your godchildren?" Samantha asks


"Lily", James says coughing up he looking around to find him lying on the ground in the middle of no where.

"James", Lily whimperers

"Oh Lily thank god your alright", James says taking her into his arms

"Where is Harry?" Lily asks

"He is not here", James replies with tears in his eyes

"He must be gone then. Oh my poor baby", Lily cries

James holds Lily as she cries and as his own tears spill. He knew together they could get through this…


The past 19 years had been rough for James and Lily but they had moved on and had move children. They now lived in America. They couldn't stand living in London after Harry. They had 2 children. Richard Potter and Charlotte Potter who are 14. They had made a life for themselves. They learnt that there friends Sirius and Remus were dead. They tried to find them after they came back but only to find that they had died. James was out back playing with his children when there is a sharp crack. James quickly draws his wand and motions for his children to get behind him.

"Who's there?" James calls out

"Prongs?" a voice asks

There standing in front of him was Sirius Black.

"Padfoot. But how your dead?" James asks

"So are you", Sirius replies

"No I am not", James retorts

"What year is it then?" Sirius asks

"2019", James replies

"Crap. 23 years. How has Marbella coped without me", Sirius mutters but James hears

"Who's Marbella?" James asks

"My wife. I married after you died", Sirius replies

"For the last time I am not dead and neither is Lily", James says

"Who's not dead?' Lily asks coming out and then she spots Sirius, "How?"

"Not sure", James replies then they hear another crack, "Not another one"

Coming out of the trees stood Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape and Fred Weasley.

"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise", Albus says cheerfully

"Do you know what is going on?" James asks

"I do believe those who wrongfully died are coming back to life", he answers just as there is another crack

"Who else?" James mutters

"Prongs?" a voice calls

"Moony", Sirius says

Out of the trees comes Remus and Dora. Both looking very confused.

"What is going on?" Remus asks

Author's Note: What do you think please review and i'll update as soon as possible:)